Congratulations to for winning the giveaway! Thanks so much to everyone who entered ~ I so wish I could give one to all of you and loved reading your birthday stories. 🙂
Y'all might just think I'm nuts, but yesterday I turned forty (O.U.C.H.) and decided to celebrate by walking 40,000 steps using my Fitbit.
To be clear, that's exactly 19.45 miles.
More than I moved the day that I ran a half marathon a few years ago.
I woke up yesterday at 4:50 AM (I've done that part for years ~ it's what I have to do to force myself to exercise because otherwise I'd be a jillion pounds . . .), and set off to do my normal 10,000 step walk/run bright and early. (Mostly so I could enjoy my birthday without worrying about calories!)
For a few months I've been trying to hit somewhere between 15,000 – 20,000 steps at least on weekdays, so that part wasn't all that new to me.
But as I was walking it occurred to me that I might just try being a little ridiculous and hitting a 40,000 mark goal to celebrate turning 40. Truthfully I've been a little sad about turning 40 ~ if I'm being honest, really a little more sad about turning 40 and still in the process of just getting to know people in Ohio so I didn't have folks to celebrate with besides my family.
(People have been so sweet to me here, but working from home full time and keeping up with my family makes it hard to really get to know people all that often, which I thinks is true for work-at-home folks no matter where they are!)
But it dawned on me that I could turn my wee bit of sad into glad. 🙂 I am glad because God has given me two strong (albeit pudgy!) legs to walk on every day. I can walk wherever I want, whenever I want, and for some that alone is an incredible gift.
So I did the math, and realized that if I walked 3,000 steps every hour throughout the day I'd be pretty close to my goal by nighttime.
Every hour on the hour, I hopped up from my computer, turned on my favorite podcasts (right now I'm listening to a lot of Michael Hyatt and Chalene Johnson), and “walk/jogged” up and down our hallway upstairs to reach those 3,000 steps.
I ended up averaging 3,000 steps in a little over twenty minutes each hour. Because I've had a huge bout with plantar fascitis since running my half a year and a half ago, I wore my favorite Adidas Adissage sandals throughout the day. (These sandals have helped my feet a ton ~ I highly recommend them if you struggle with constant heel pain!)
Then I asked my sweet husband and kids to head to the mall with me after dinner last night, and we walked until I hit my 40,000 steps ~ then celebrated with a Cinnabon. (I haven't had one in years and it sounded so good – honestly now though I think our homemade Cinnabons are way better, and my kids agree but it was still a fun treat!)
So, I made it! As a person who's glued way too closely to her computer throughout the day I've loved the motivation of my Fitbit (and especially Fitbit groups), to really encourage me to get up and move around a bit more throughout the day.
I'd love for one of you to have that motivation too, so decided to celebrate we should do a giveaway! I'm giving away one Fitbit HR (the same one I have which is also on sale right now at Ebay) to one lucky reader. Here's how to enter to win:
- REQUIRED ENTRY: Leave a comment sharing your favorite birthday memory
- Additional Entries: Join Passionate Penny Pincher on Facebook and leave a comment to let me know (or leave a comment if you’re already a Facebook fan.)
- Share this post on Facebook (leave an additional comment to let me know that as well)
- Join PPP on Pinterest and leave a comment to let me know (or leave a comment if you already like PPP.)
The giveaway will close 11/19/15 at 9:00 PM, so be sure to enter to win ~ good luck!
Just so you know, what made the day even sweeter was that I was so fortunate to have a ton of sweet phone calls, messages, and emails from friends all over the place who took time to just wish me a happy day. I am crazy (CRAZY) blessed.
So thankful for a crazy blessed life, no matter what the next forty bring! 🙂
(And seriously debating making this an annual tradition . . . 50K steps at 50? 60K steps at 60? And making my kids push me when I get to 90 just a mere 90K steps.) We'll see!) 🙂
This giveaway is not sponsored by Facebook ~ just a gift from me to thank y’all for reading. Thank you!
Happy birthday! 40’s aren’t so bad. I’m celebrating my 43rd on Saturday. WOuld love to join you in steps and the fitbit would make a great birthday gift.
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On my 10th birthday, we were visiting my grandparents. Grandpa had to load out hogs so my family all went out to help. The guys had the hardest time getting them on the truck. Once in the truck the hogs turned around & tried to get back out. Grandpa started laughing so hard he couldn’t hold the gate & down came those ornery critters. That birthday was different but it gave a treasured memory of Grandpa.
my favorite birthdays have been large dinners with friends
My favorite memory is a little over five years ago when I was on hospital bed rest with my twin boys. My husband couldn’t come because we lived two hours from the hospital and he had to work. But….the nurses made me a cake, card and even sang happy birthday. It was a blessing I was in the hospital because my boys were born five days later at thirty weeks.
I just celebrated my 40th too. It was so beautiful and special. My husband planned a surprise and all my friends shared a blessing over me!
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I actually met my husband on my 31st birthday. We had a lovely evening that ended watching the tide come in at the beach.
Each of my birthdays have been special in their own way! I think the birthday where I received my first DSL camera was a wonderful memory and started a new passion and career for me! Thanks!
My favorite bday was actually my 40th. My children, my husband and my Mom all successfully planned a 40 surprise with all my friends and family at one of my favorite restaurants. I had no idea and it was amazing seeing all the nice personal touches they did.
My favorite birthday was my 50th- I got a tattoo of “Believe” on my wrist! I took my 16th year old son with me – he didn’t think I would do it, since he sees me as extremely conservative, as do many others! I shocked my spouse of 25 years, my co-workers, my family and especially my two boys (16 & 23 at the time)! It’s been 4.5 years since I got it and I still love it! Every time I look at it, I say to myself that I believe I can be a great spouse, I believe I can be a great friend, I believe I can do anything I put my mind to and most important- I believe I can be healthy! I had a health scare just prior to turning 50 and wanted a reminder that I needed to believe in myself- and what better reminder than a tattoo that I can see everyday!
My 24th birthday. My husband and I took off work and went shopping, to the movies, and out to dinner. It was really fun.
For my 40th I decided to Sky Dive!! I absolutely loved it!! I would love to do it again for my 50th next year, but my boyfriend and daughter both say No! I guess that’s why I didn’t tell anyone I did it for my 40th until after I did it!!
Happy birthday! I turn 40 on my next birthday too!
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My favorite birthday memories are when I was in second grade and my birthday was on Easter and I had a sleepover and when I was 19 and my birthday fell on Easter again and my step mom made me a spice cake with peaches on it and sugar cubes were the candles.
Happy birthday! I have a birthday later this month. November is a wonderful month in which to be born!
My favorite birthday memory is from when I turned 25. I was a youth minister at the time, and a group of my adult volunteers as well as a bunch of the teens that I worked with, dressed up as pirates and kidnapped me! They blindfolded me, talked like pirates the whole time I was blindfolded, then drove me around for a while, so people could get to the restaurant they were taking me to. We laughed and really enjoyed ourselves and are yummy Mexican food.
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Happy belated birthday! My favorite birthday memory was when my parents told the 4 of us we were going to buy bushes and that I got to pick 1 out. We really went to Six Flags. Good times!
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turning 30 (again) and convincing my younger brother he was actually older than me, he went home after the party, woke up our mother after midnight to verify who was the oldest 🙂
Happy Birthday! One of my favorite birthday memories is ziplining in Costa Rica on my 40th. The forties are fun! : )
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My favorite birthday memory was when I was 16 & vacationing at Daytona Beach, FL. I spent the day parasailing and had a blast!
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Already a FB fan! Happy belated birthday to you! You seriously do not look 40! I need your beauty products and secrets.
I’m not big on celebrating my own birthday…I do love celebrating other people’s birthdays tho. There’s this one time that my friends pulled a surprise birthday party for me 🙂 That was a special memory!
My favorite birthday memory was going to Disneyland with my whole family when I was in high school. It was so much fun and a great family day!
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waking up to my coffee already made and brought to me….a simple breakfast already kids and hubby packed own lunches and got own breakfast, took care of animals and out the door without me saying or doing anything about it…meeting my one girlfriend for a chat and coffee…meeting another girlfriend for lunch…and then dinner with my parents and immediate family for dinner at fav seafood restaurant. it was a pretty awesome birthday this year..i am hoping to recreate it EVERY year.
my mom used to make me red velvet cake every year for my birthday! still love that cake!
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My favorite birthday is when we were in North Carolina (where it rarely snowed), my Dad took me to McDonalds for breakfast, and it started snowing. The employees started having a snowball fight inside!
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Last year was my 50th and I was pretty sick with pneumonia but my sweet husband brought home dinner and my girls loaded me up with presents. We sat in front of the fire cozy and warm and watched a Christmas movie together. My kind of birthday except for being sick. 🙂
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My favorite birthday memory was 4 years ago when my husband surprised me with a hot air balloon ride!
My favorite part of any birthday is sharing it with my family.
My 40th birthday surprise party was my best memory.
Most of the parties for my kids… always fun, food, and family!
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Birthday parties at my house)when I was younger. Lots of friends, pin the tail on the donkey, presents, ice cream and cake!
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I was having lunch with my husband, kids, aunt and uncle and my sister surprised me by showing up with a birthday cake for me!
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My favorite birthday memory is when I turned 16 and got my learner’s permit the same day! I was so eager to start driving!
Love this! This might not be a good memory, but when I was 6 my hair caught on fire in my birthday candles!! Just a little singe… but I never forgot! haha
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Spending my birthday in Mexico with my family a few years ago! 🙂
It was my 15th birthday. My sisters, brother in law,parents all got together to celebrate. And then all of a sudden, everyone starts leaving. Parents decide that go to grocery store, sister and her hubby went to the mall, and my mom told me that she told my aunt that i would work a park event for her. So meand my other sister get to the park and no one was there. So we decided to walk over to the swings, and turn the corner and all my friends and family were there for a surprise party for me ❤
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So I have been thinking about what birthday was my favorite. You know, I thought it would be my surprise 16th birthday party. I decided no it wasn’t. I then thought maybe it was when I was in 2nd grade and only invited two boys (my best friends) to my party and my mom was devastated that I would not invited girls. No I decided that was not it either. I think my favorite birthday was just last year. What did we do. Not a lot. I spent the entire day with my family. My husband and 5 kids. We watched movies, played games, went to dinner and just merely spent the entire day together. I love spending time with my family. My birthday also happens to fall over Christmas break, so we do get to spend the entire day together every year. I cherish these moments as my kids are growing up way to quickly!
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My favorite birthday memory was three years ago when we got to bring our youngest child home from the NICU after a 9 day stay. Nothing can top that feeling! It was an incredible day for me and our family.
Laurie I think you are a Rock Star! Happy Birthday! Thank you so much for making our lives better! I pray you have a wonderful year enjoying your lovely family!!!!
My favorite Birthday was when I turn 40. I wanted to have a big party, but not all the gifts that often come with it. So I requested that people buy toys and books and things it could go in the Samaritans purse shoeboxes. I got to open all these fun gifts and then donated it all.
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My 21st my cousin flew in from Arizona as a surprise to go out with me and some friends.
I was out of town when I turned 40. When I got home that night there was a huge sign on my roof announcing my age. Inside the house all was normal until I passed the bathroom….there was a sign stating it was harder to go to the bathroom when you were old. I met resistance when I tried to open the door and low and behold my sister and brother and their spouses had blown up enough balloons to completely fill my bathroom! They also filled most of the balloons with confetti so when I burst them confetti went all over the place. What a mess….what a delightful birthday!
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My best birthday would have been when God blessed me with my son. He was 3 months but that is the greatest thing in the world…to have your own baby!
When I turned 7 my mom baked a cake and decorated it to look like our cat. I loved it and wouldn’t let her cut it 🙂
Fave birthday memory. I too turned 40 this year and felt an I rational weirdness about it. In my logical mind I refused to let a number affect me, but I still felt that cloud following me. But guess what? I realized that the cloud was satan trying to ruin a beautiful time with my family and once I rebuked him in Jesus name, I was finally able to have the best day ever.
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My favorite birthday memory was a recent birthday. My husband and I have 3 children, one with severe autism, which means, we never get to go away. This was our first getaway together after having children! My in-laws were so wonderful to watch our girls, while we had friends and family members around clock to stay with our son, so we could truly get away! We visited San Diego (there was a great flight and hotel package) my husband found, did a tour (this was our first time riding in a boat tour!), and took in all the fun sights and sounds! We had so much fun, and I love that he put so much thought into planning it all out for me.
I follow you on facebook. My name is Sally Thomsen. I love your site and all you share, so much fun coupons and ideas to save money enjoy life and you are so loving it shows! Happy 40th Birthday Laurie! I’d like to share with all of the time I was with my family when my mom was still alive and well. Happy days, before her alzheirmer’s was even thought of. It was my 30th birthday and my husband threw me a party, they all came plus all the kids. Life was joyful and it was August, I felt I was getting older, little did I know, it would be the best of times. I now know to be glad for your blessings of having a mom & dad alive as long as possible! They were so important to me at birthday and holiday times
My favorite birthday memory was back when my grandma Ol-la use to let me invite my two girlfriends to come home to my house, then go to her house for my birthday dinner. We had fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, macroni and cheese and she always made from scratch a German Chocolate cake!!! This is in my heart forever…miss those days… My friends stayed all night at my house and they said u r so lucky to have a wonderful family! They always loved grandma ol-la’s cooking and especially made from scratch cake with three layers! Oh how I miss her and mom, Dadcand grandpa! Good birthday memories.
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My favorite birthday memory is turning 16 on Thanksgiving and being with my family!
My Favorite Birthday memory is my 30th. I refused to feel “old” and I planned a snow tubing adventure with my friends and felt like a kid again and then totally shocked that my now husband who I met that November and my sisters planned a surprise party for me. I had no idea and instead of meeting his friends at a restaurant we went to the private room where everyone jumped out to surprise me.
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My favorite birthday memories are times celebrating with my family!
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my favorite birthday memory is the ones I am making now that I finally have two beautiful healthy boys my husband and I both adore after so many losses and heartaches. Seeing their faces singing happy birthday to me and helping me blow out the candles is something I only dreamed I could experience. Thank you for this giveaway and Happy Birthday!
My favorite Birthday memory is when I was 12 my parents didn’t have much money so I wasn’t going to get a birthday cake. We went to visit my grandparents because my grandather’s birthday was the 2 days after mine. I knew we were g a BIG family ceebration for my grandfather but my grandmother and grandfather bought me a cake and we had a Little special party just for me! And my grandmother had them put a porceline ballerina ontop of my cak.e.
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My favorite birthday memory was waking really early the morning of my 21st birthday to labor pains! Since then, 27 years, I’ve shared my birthday with my fabtabulous daughter!
When I was nine my mom let me pick two friends to sleep over and we spent the whole next day at Disney World until the park closed it was amazing
None every bothered me being 40, 50 n so on Its a favorite when I wake up on mine n next one will be 78 in March ! Thanks
Any of my birthdays as a kid that my grandpa Sonny whom I am named after was at before he passed away!
Already a PPP love Laurie .
My favorite birthday memories are the ones that are spent with my family!
My best friend growing up and I had birthdays in the same week in December. My favorite birthday memory is going to Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party with her.
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My favorite birthday memory was my mom having a replica of my Late Grandmas beautiful still life fruit picture made for me and surprised me on my 31st birthday! My Grandma had always told me that she would give me that picture when she died, but another family member got it instead, so everytime I look at the replica framed and hanging in my dinning room, I think of my sweet grandma. It was my most favorite birthday gift ever!
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My favorite birthday memory was my 16th! I had a pool party. Happy birthday to you!
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Strange, but my best birthday was 2012, my 43rd birthday. I spent it in the hospital having reconstruction and knee replacement. I was too the point I could not walk. At the time it sucked. Bu now, three years later I only have a slight limp, my leg went from a 31degree bow to a 17 degree. I would love a fitbit to help me know that ive finally started being able to walk without so much pain.
I loved my birthday when my hubs gave me a CD he knew I’d like. At 1st I was a little snarky thinking it wasn’t much but then I remembered that I’d said that no one ever bought me CDS and I realized he bought me what he believed I wanted and was trying to please me. That made it a great and perfect gift!
My favorite memory will be my one coming up for sure I am going t the big “30” on January 4th 2016. I am really focused on losing weight and taking care of my body and learning a lot about food and exercise I am trying to run my first marathon by my 30 year mark I have lost 25 pounds and have my goal of losing 25 more. I am a mother of two and first time being married in April this year. Alot has happened in the past 30 years and I want my accomplishments to be more inspiring after 30!!!!! 🙂
Eating birthday cake and opening presents with my grandparents.
My favorite birthday was getting my marriage licence .
I love celebrating birthdays with my kiddos! I also loved your idea of 40,000 steps on your 40th birthday. Very motivating!
First, happy birthday, and thank you for running Passionate Penny Pincher. I appreciate all the juicy, money-saving tips, shopping secrets, and recipes.
A favorite birthday memory? My 30th. I learned I was pregnant, and what I thought was a simple birthday dinner with a good friend turned out to be the one and only surprise party of my life. I spent a few hours with all my bestirs from church and hadn’t laughed so hard in ages.
Happy birthday!
Soon to be favorite birthday memory is same as yours… I’ll be 40 soon and will be doing a 20 Mile hike with my son’s Boy Scout troop the next day. 40,000 steps here I come!
Don’t know why, but my favorite birthday memory is my 10th bd when my mother made a cake with ’10’ written on it in icing.
Probably one of my favorite birthday memories was 1988 when I turned 20. I was really dreading not being a teenager anymore, so some good friends threw me a surprise party. It was great!
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My favorite birthday memories involve doing special things with my hubby & daughters, like a movie or breakfast in bed. It always makes me feel happy & special!
My fave bday memory was this year when I found out I was pregnant with baby number 2! Now I could use a fitbit to help drop this baby weight!
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Breakfast in bed made by my hubby! Best birthday morning ever:)
My favorite birthday memory was the one I spent on my honeymoon in Costa Rica. The second favorite birthday memory was probably when we were in Spain celebrating our 10th anniversary. Sometimes having a birthday and anniversary so close isn’t so bad!
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My favorite birthday memory is sitting with my mom and husband and kids on a beautiful sunny October evening, eating hot dogs at a Halloween festival. I just turned 40 last month, and my husband tried to surprise me….but his constant picking up and cleaning, and hidden food in the back of the fridge gave it away! I surprised him on his 40th with a full house of family and he had no idea!! What fun to plan with his sisters!
A favorite memory was when I turned 13. My mom made a beautiful cake and surrounded it on the platter with huge, beautiful, dark pink rose blooms. It was incredible.
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My favorite birthday memory is my best friend waking me up with a phone call at 5 AM to take me to breakfast. A few years late he became my husband. 🙂
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My favorite birthday memory was when my mom threw me a surprise party at 20 with all my friends and family!
Favorite birthday memory is announcing my engagement that occurred the night before at my birthday dinner to our parents! I was bummed about being 26 (crazy I know) and getting engaged the night before turning 26 turned it all around.
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Favorite birthday memory… I turned 23 and we had just found out we were pregnant with our first child and my dad flew in to surprize me!!! We had a simple dinner with him and my husband!! My husband surprised me with maternity clothes (in its self a big deal, because he has never been comfortable buying me clothes, but knew it would be a blessing For me!! I am now pregnant with our 3rd and fourth child and it is my favorite maternity outfit.
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My favorite memory is being served breakfast in bed by my 10 year old!
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I have three fave memories all from my parents.
My first car for my 17th but all mine.
And, sweet 16 a opal ring my mom and dad designed and had made for me.
Twenty..teeny tiny chip diamond studs.
My favorite birthday memory is from a slumber party when I was a kid. My birthday is in May and that year it snowed– a lot. My friends and i all snuck out of the house that night and jumped in snow banks. It was a blast–but the evidence gave us away! Pretty sure my parents knew we were out there anyway.
Last birthday, we were at a wedding in hubs side of the family and he made sure we too almost all day to do stuff I enjoyed ❤️
My favorite birthday memory is when my sister and a close friend surprised me with a party when I turned 40.
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My favorite birthday was last July when we rented a floating house on Lake Norris in TN! It was an amazing stay and I literally floated in the water for the entire day!
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My favorite birthday memory is when me and my husband went to Mackinac Island for a long weekend.
My fav bday memory is my 30th this year. My husband planned a whole Vegas trip with all of my family.
My entire family singing our 13 verse birthday song to my grandma on one of her leap year birthdays. All our voices together sounded beautiful.
My favorite birthday was when I turned 55 and asked for a “Senior Discount” at Village Inn during my birthday breakfast. I was still 5 years too young for their discounts but the waiter gave it to me anyway. 🙂 BTW- it added up to a 60¢ discount. LOL!!
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One of my favorite birthday memories was just last year when my then 21-yr-old college daughter had a beautiful flower arrangement delivered to me. To make it even better, she used a Groupon deal to purchase the flowers. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree. It was a wonderful surprise!
When I turned 40 and my husband make the day extra special from the moment I opened our local paper and saw a photo of me when I was 3 to a large celebration with family at the end of the day.
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My favorite birthday memory is my mom’s hard fudge frosted white cake she always made us for our birthdays!
My favorite birthday memory was 2 years ago when I turned 50. My husband was going to be out of town and I didn’t want to have a pity party but wanted to celebrate the day. As I googled ways to celebrate I came across others doing Random Acts of Kindness (RAKs) I decided that from April 1 to the 21st (my birthday) I would do 50 RAKs. I made a list and as I worked on it my kids got involved to and helped me. We took cupcakes to the firehouse, paid drive thru and grocery bills for others, left quarters at Laundry Mats and vending machines, coloring books and crayons at ER waiting rooms, etc. It was soo fun. I even told me who knew it was my birthday to do a RAK in my behalf and write and tell me about it and they did. It was the best feeling ever !!!!
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I already follow you on Facebook and yes I think your nuts! 40,000 steps! I walk 3-4 miles a day but the most I e ever walked was 21,000 steps. Wow your awesome!
My favorite birthday memory is my 30th birthday when I went to Mexico with my husband for a bday trip getaway! I have lots of favs though! I am friends with you on PInterest and facebook!
My favorite birthday was my 51st. My family surprised me with a party. I was sick on my 50th, so they definitely made up for it on my 51st.
My favorite memory of my birthday which happens to be Christmas day is the year I got my red go go boots. It was the 70’s and so they were all the rage then. My calves were so pudgy that I couldn’t get them zipped but halfway. That didn’t stop me though, I wore them til the red vinyl peeled off. I still laugh and fondly remember those red go go boots!
My most memorable birthday was two years ago. It started out simply by my boyfriend calling me in the morning and saying happy birthday. Then I headed to work. Towards the end of the day one of my students surprised me with a happy birthday power point he had made during his free time and the two teachers I work with had brought a cake. It was so nice sitting down with all of the kids and enjoying my birthday cake with them! It was do sweet and unexpected, as I am not one to tell people when it’s my birthday. It was homecoming week in our district and after work I was invited to help out with one of our districts cheer leading teams the Sparklers (it is a group of kids with all different disabilities, they go to competitions and cheer at a lot of the high schools sports games.) Well it just happened to be that it was the homecoming parade. So I was riding on the float with about 5 kids and 2 amazing mothers helping the kids get candy out of bags so they could throw it to all the little kids along the route. I have gotten to known most of the kids on the float working in the school district and coaching special olympics. One of the little girls (I call her little but she is a senior in high school this year… That makes me feel old. I have known her and her family for more than 8 years now. She can be kinda hard to understand sometimes if you don’t know her. She all of a sudden wrapped her arms around me and said “happy birthday Cole” and started singing happy birthday to me! (This little girl does not look at a calendars. So I looked over to her mom who was riding on the float and said “you had to tell her didn’t you?” She looked at me with this puzzled look and said what? I looked back at the little girl and she was still singing happy birthday and her mom looks at me and “I didn’t t tell her I didn’t t even remember.” For her to remember/figure out that it was my birthday all by herself that just put the biggest smile on my face. Towards the end of the parade a couple of my former co-workers that I am friends with on Facebook yelled out happy birthday. It by far has been my best birthday ever, to have all the “happy birthdays” come from places I did not expect them to come from was amazing!
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My favorite birthday memory is dinner with family followed by fireworks. Yes, my birthday is on a holiday 🙂
My favorite birthday memory is when I gave myself a birthday party the night before my birthday. So I did all the cleaning and prep before my birthday, had a wonderful time with my friends at the party and then the next day I had a clean house and was able to relax. I had one friend invite me out for breakfast, another for lunch and my sweet husband celebrated with me at a nice dinner. (Did I say I am an extrovert? Spending time with so many people was heavenly!)
My husband and bestie threw me a super surprise part this year and it was amazing!
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My favorite birthday memory was turning 30 in Ethiopia. I took a dozen high school students to an orphanage for 2 weeks. The youth group taught the 300 kids how to sing Happy Birthday in English and then they sang in their Amharic. Awesome. I follow you on FB and now do on Pinterist.
Already a FB fan! Happy Birthday, the best is yet to come!
Happy Birthday and more than a great job on the steps! Wow! My best birthday was when I was seven and had my first and only birthday party.
My favorite birthday memory would have to be my golden birthday (13th) my parents took me out to dinner, just me (there are 9 children in my family so whenever it was just you and mom and dad, it was pretty special), and then we went home to a “golden birthday” celebration with my entire family …I received a special gold necklace from my parents and still treasure that special gift!
My favorite birthday memories are when my kids were little and made me birthday cards. They are treasured memories, better than any store bought card ever, and I still have them all!
Congrats on the 40,000 steps!
My favorite birthday was my first birthday with my boyfriend. He surprised me with a NYC adventure. We took the train in (no traffic, yay!). We went to Top of the Rock (highly recommended) and went to Hedwig and the Angry Inch on Broadway. It was such a wonderful day!
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My favorite birthday memory is from my 19th birthday. It was my first “date” with my husband he took me to my namesake steak restaurant and a movie 🙂 We were just friends at the time but it was just the two of us that went out. I had never been to the restaurant and he thought that was crazy so he took me there!
I celebrated in Paris with my mom when I turned 19. She’s gone now but it was unforgettable! So glad we had that trip.
My favorite birthday memory would have to be when I turned 21 and got to see my favorite musical artist. He did a surprise show and announced it the night before on the radio that he would be in my home town performing. I just got off work and heard it as soon as I turned it on. It was totally amazing and a great way to ring in being 21!
My favorite birthday memory is when I was seven and received my special baby doll that I named Julie.
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My favorite birthday memory was last year when I received my first ever homemade birthday card from my daughter!
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My kids are in VBS every year on my birthday. I love that!
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My favorite birthday memory was the first birthday i spent with my husband. At the time we were dating and he took the day off of work planned the whole day, great lunch, massage, and dinner with friends. It was great! No one had ever taken the time to do something so special for me. I guess it just one of the many reasons I married him.
My greatest birthday memory is from two years ago when my daughter (along with my husbands help) managed to pull off a surprise birthday party with all my friends. It was the most shocked I’ve ever been.
Having out third child just two days before. I was still in the hospital so it was a very sweet time with her.
My favorite birthday memory was when my fiancé gave me the option that morning to do 1 of 2 things that he didn’t want to do but i had been begging him…hike up paris mountain or go white water rafting…we ended up going hiking and had a great time!
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My favorite birthday memory is and always will be, getting engaged! Best birthday surprise ever, and can say we have been married almost 17 years this spring. 🙂
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My favorite Bday memory was when I turned 23 (my golden Bday) it was the LOST finale and we had a huge LOST party/Bday celebration with friends!
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I’ve always been very fit and active, but now in my 50’s ( wow, that’s hard to write) I’m slowing down quite a bit. I need to do more steps everyday. My favorite birthday memory is my Mom making me a peppermint cake every year. The only one she made and she made it for me for about 15 years. Now she’s gone and I miss that cake soooo badly. And most of all the love that she put into it!, happy birthday.
My favorite birthday has to be this year! I hit the big 6-0 in Oct. and our daughter, son-in-law and 3 grandkids surprised me with a weekend visit! My husband was in on the surprise and did a great job keeping the secret. It definitely took some of the sting out of this milestone birthday. I wasn’t too keen on turning 40 (or 50) either, Laurie, but I have accepted the inevitable and even embraced it! I look back and see the milestones along the way and am so grateful to have been so blessed. And let’s not forget the perks of SENIOR DISCOUNTS!!!! Woohoo! Happy birthday, Laurie, and thanks for all you do!
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My favorite birthday memory was a great surprise party for my 30th a few years ago! =)
Happy Birthday and thanks for your blog.
My friends and family filled my 40th birthday with surprise after surprise, starting with hanging a clothes line full of bras in my front yard! Above it they hung a 10 foot banner that read:
“Happy 40th Birthday, Anna! We support you! Your bosom buddies!”
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My favorite birthday was this past one when my husband surprised me with a party.
Several of my friend got together and threw a surprise party!!We had so much fun.
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Favorite Birthday is when my husband, children and grandchildren can get together for dinner and just visit around the table!
When my daughter was a freshman in college and drove 3 hours to surprise me and have lunch with me
I celebrated my 36th birthday the evening before my wedding. My soon-to-be-husband decided it would be fun to take me out for dinner, and to tell our waiter that it was my birthday. I am a complete introvert, and soon discovered (to my horror) that our waiter brought an entourage to our table to sing…BUT WAIT! He also told me I had to parade around the perimeter of the entire restaurant while the wait staff sang. If I stopped, they would go back and start over. I still joke to this day that it was an act of God that I walked down that sandy beach and said “I do” the next day!
I too will be turning 40 soon and it was a decade ago that I celebrated my most fabulous birthday. I turned 30 and had the only birthday party I’ve ever had as an adult. It was celebrated with many friends but most especially my accountability group of five ladies who I adore to this day. Miss you Laurie!
Miss you too Melody – goodness I miss you all too! 🙂
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Happy belated Birthday, Laurie!!! I don’t know that it’s my favorite memory, but turning 40 (almost three years ago) was a milestone one for me too. But at 39 knowing 40 was looming, I began to get fit. I used MyFitnessPal to log everything I ate and began exercising on a more consistent basis. All the work paid off, and 40 wasn’t so bad. I pray this year is a great one!!!
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My favorite birthday was when all 3 of my kids made my cake . …. Fb and pintrrst follower
My favorite birthday memory so far is probably this past year when I got to spend the day with my 2 year old daughter and she sang ‘happy birthday mommy’ all day long – so sweet!
my absolute favorite birthday memory is my mom making me a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and then spelling my name out in M&M’s! I still ask for that very same cake every year if I see my mom on my birthday, and I recently turned 41! Seriously welcome to the 40’s….they are what you make them and i have decided on FABULOUS!
On my 40th bday, I was a little down, too. My four kids, at the time ages 6-11, encouraged me to take a nice, long morning walk. When I returned to our front yard, one of my sons greeted me with a long sock which he tied around my eyes as a blindfold. He led me into our house to the kitchen, and removed the sock. To my surprise, a homemade banner was hung, and the table set with a yummy hot breakfast. It was so special, bc they had planned it the day before!
My favorite birthday memories are of my childhood. I have a January birthday as did my grandma. She made homemade ice cream every year for our birthday and we ate it out of little dishes that had space screens in the bottom. We also had Hershey’s chocolate syrup out of a can. Priceless memories!
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My favorite birthday was 2 years ago when I turned 40. My husband is not a surprise kinda guy but he decorated the whole house with 40, over the hill stuff everywhere! He even hung signs in the front of the house. He blew up a ton of black balloons & had them all over too! He did it all after I went to bed so I would wake up surprised
Favorite bday memory- celebrating with carrot cake with a layer of cheesecake in the middle
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My favorite birthday memory is my kids helping my husband cook dinner for me. I didn’t have to to do anything and I picked what we ate. The best of that was eating together!
Happy belated b-day!
My favorite birthday is hard for me… My last birthday was great because my husband and kids surprised with giving me a ton of gifts! I don’t buy things for myself, so it was a surprise to get 4 big items (most of them are to help me cook and bake, so maybe not so much a gift JUST for me). Another one of my favorites is my husband gave me the gift of a spa day for me when the kids were little (massage, facial, and nails done). The last favorite was when I was 21 and my parents gave me a used car!
My favorite birthday memory is when I was a child. My mother had recently been ill and just arrived home from the hospital. I thought that I wouldn’t have any celebration for my birthday. It turned out that my mom surprised me with a party complete with a scavenger hunt for little plastic piggies filled with treats. ❤️ Moms are the best.
Telling my family I was pregnant!
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My favorite birthday memory is my surprise 40th birthday party…hands down! Someone from all parts of my life was there – work/church/school.
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I have so many great birthday memories I can’t pick one! This year my husband and I celebrated in NYC, at a friend’s wedding.
My happiest birthday was my 61st birthday when my husband took me mountain bike riding in Durango ,Co . But it was sad also because i lost my fit bit flex .
having our 6th baby just a few weeks before my 41st b’day 2 years ago
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My husband woke up early and make me cream puffs from scratch and they were so good!
My favorite birthday was my 38th. My kids decorated the kitchen with balloons, homemade posters, and party hats. They cooked me my favorite dinner (tacos) and videotaped singing “Happy Birthday” to me, as well as me blowing out the candles. It was really very special to me because this is what I do for each of my children every year for their birthdays, so it made me feel good knowing that they will probably do the same with their own children one day (Lord willing). I’m so grateful not only that I’m able to do for my children what I wish had been done for me as a child, but hopefully, they will keep the traditions going for generations to come.
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Favorite birthday memory was just last year. My friend traveled from Houston to spend the weekend with me and we did nothing but chat and drink wine 🙂
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Happy Birthday!
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I think last year because my husband and I were on a really great vacation to northern California and Lake Tahoe…..I spent my birthday at the beach near Monterrey!
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My favorite birthday was just this past weekend! I turned 30 on the 15th. It was a wonderful birthday, celebrating with family And friends. As a mom of four, it isn’t often that I have things be about me!
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I lovelovelove my birthday! I also turned (ahem) 40 this past year. One of my coworkers has a December birthday as well & was turning 60. We decided to combine & throw a 100th birthday celebration for ourselves & our customers! it was so much fun! Then of course there was the year of the parade that went by my house on my birthday (12/3) still have no idea what it was for me. I say me!
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I loved sleepover Birthday parties as a child, my Mom would let us invite all our friends & buy us snacks & we would just stay up all night & have so much fun! It was a time when life was more simple & beautiful!
I’m already a FB fan & I shared it on there also! I hope I win I was just doing research on these last night!
I think my favorite birthday was probably my Sweet 16. Even though it was cold and rainy that night and half the guests weren’t able to make it, many close friends did and we had fun. I really do miss those friends now that we’ve grown and gone our separate ways. thankful that I am able to still be in touch with some of them today! I am also coming up on 40 and would love to take on your challenge when I finally get my fitbit!
Happy Birthday!
Favorite birthday memory. For my 30th, to my surprise my husband was able to get my 3 high school bff’s to our house (in a different state), got us a limo, raspberry lambic, and gave the driver the “agenda” for our evening! It was so much fun!!
Favorite birthday memory: combination birthday/Halloween party when I was 10.
My favorite birthday was when I brought my son home from the hospital. He was born 2 days earlier and they let us out so we could enjoy him and celebrate as a family
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Every birthday is a sweet one. Glad you enjoyed yours!
Favorite memory is receiving a bike for my 12th birthday… it was December 12 1982 ~ so I was 12 on 12/12/82!
Happy Birthday and congrats you are a real inspiration!!! I follow your Facebook page and your Pinterest page and love both of them
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My favorite birthday memory is when my now husband completely spoiled me for my 30th birthday- he planned a whole day at the spa for me (and cleaned the house while I was there) then dinner with family and best friends, then home where more friends (and some from out of town!) were at our house for a surprise party and THEN he had rented a party bus to take us all out on the town for more fun!!! BEST birthday yet, I’m a lucky girl! 🙂
Almost four years ago I turned 50 and had a low-key dinner out with my husband, a few family friends and my mom (we don’t have kids.) That turned out to be my last birthday with my mom, so it has turned out to be my favorite birthday memory.
My Smurfette Birthday Party when I turned 7. My birthday is over the Christmas holiday but all of my school friends were able to attend that year.
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Happy Birthday! I’m in Ohio, too, and 2 years ago we went to Starbucks, the Columbus Zoo, and then the Cheesecake Factory for a late lunch. Instead of driving home, we then decided on a whim to visit the Velvet Ice Cream festival where I got to ride in Cinderella’s carriage LOL! I felt like a kid – the entire day was a blast!
Thanks for all you do, and for this chance to win!
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16th birthday – my mom made it extra special- got little diamond earrings. Golden birthdays rock when you are 16!
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My favorite birthday was 14 years ago when I turned 35. I found out on my birthday I was expecting my 3rd child, (my husband’s first) and things have never been the same. We have since added 2 more for a total of 5 kiddos. With so much time devoted to work and kids I need this to help motivate me to MOVE! Thanks!
My husband threw me a surprise party for my birthday one year and when we got home from dinner and opened the garage everyone was standing in the garage to surprise me!
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My dad organized a surprise birthday party for me for my 22nd birthday. So unexpected and fun!
My favorite birthday memory is of getting to pick what meal I wanted my mom to make and what kind of cake I wanted her to make. (German chocolate)
My favorite birthday was going to the Cleveland Zoo with my husband.
I actually got to find out I was having a baby girl on my birthday a few years back! Gender reveal was the best birthday gift too!!!!
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My birthday is t celebrated much being right before Xmas but my best bday memory is when my husband got me my first guitar. It’s the best thing I own next to my wedding ring.
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My favorite bday memory is the ones where I spent time with family and friends.
favorite memory………hmmmmm really don’t know……….didn’t celebrate alot at our house growing up & normally just another day for the past 20+ years…….I have to tell you the 40s isn’t that bad, been here a few years 🙂 blessings on your day a day late.
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There are so many but one of many was last year when I married my soul mate. We said I do on my 38th birthday with all of our family and friends. It was the most perfect day and one I will never forget.
Happy Birthday!!
My favorite memory was going to New York to see Wicked and staying on Madison AV.
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My favorite birthday was the year I had been in the hospital and came home in time for my birthday with my family.
My favorite birthday memory is actually not very long ago. My son was due 2 days before my birthday this year but he held out a bit and we now share the same birthday.
My favorite Birthday memory was when I went shopping with my sister that I had just met after 34 years.
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One of my favorite birthday memories ….My birthday 7 years ago. My now husband planned a whole night and didn’t tell me details. We had a 6 month old daughter and I was exhausted. He picked me up from work, took me to the casino for Jeff Foxworthy show, we gambled, had dinner and went to a romantic hotel room where I passed out instantly lol. It was the moment of him doing everything for me since I have6 kids and am not used to having that. Congratulations on your 40,000!!!
Best birthday Memory, was 2013 when my daughter was Born Aug. 7th and my birthday is the 12. Nothing better than spending the day with a new born baby to cuddle with
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Favorite birthday memory is actually throwing a surprise party for my husband on his 40th.
My birthday is close to Christmas, so we don’t do too much. But what I love to do is have my husband and kids just have dinner and a movie!
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A week before my 40th birthday, my fiance and I went out to eat crawfish. After we came home I was a little nauseated. It went away and I went to bed. I awoke 4 days later in ICU. I was just started on a new insulin a few days before. My blood sugar was not registering when the ambulance arrived. But I woke up when they said I never would. What I didn’t know is that before this happened my kids and my fiance had already planned a big surprise birthday party because I had never had a birthday party. So for my 40th birthday I had my life and out of the hospital and was surrounded by all my family and friends. I truly celebrate my birthday every year now….no matter how much I climb in age. I am here to climb the age bracket instead of it etched on a tombstone.
I felt the same way as you about turning 30. I was kind of depressed about it and having a tough time with it. I went on a cruise the week of my birthday and decided to buy myself a blue diamond ring in St. Thomas. That helped me feel better! 🙂
I am a leap year baby, so it is fun to talk about how “young I am.” On my 48th bday, I was turning “12”, so I thought it would be fun to re-enact my 12th birthday. My mom came from out of state to spend a few days with me, and helped me plan a Bingo/Spaghetti party. While I went to work that day, she prepared the spaghetti sauce just as I remembered from 36 years ago. We made up fun bingo cards with “girly” stuff to find on the card, and had retro-favors on the table. After dinner, since not everyone knew each other (friends from work, church, school, etc), I went around and introduced each friend and how we knew each other. Mom kept the plates cleared and the desserts coming, so I got to relax and enjoy my friends, just like 36 years ago. I did a papercraft book, with my picture at 4 year intervals, and all my friends signed it. Tt was the best birthday I’ve had as an adult. 50 was a non-issue. It gets better, I promise!
My best birthday memory is my 40th.My friend three me a surprise party.
My favorite birthday memory is probably my 6th birthday. My parents made this Beauty and the Beast castle cake and it was spectacular! I think it may have even been a surprise, but I’m not quite certain on that part. Love your stuff!
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My favorite birthday memory was a few years ago I found out I was pregnant with our first baby!
Pink bday surprise, when my husband and I were dating
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Favorite birthday memory=Mom always making me a chocolate cake with chocolate icing!
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My favorite birthday memory was a couple years ago when my husband took me on an overnight vacation just the two of us!
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That I got to celebrate another year of life.
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my 16th bday – my dad cooked my fave meal for me
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My favorite birthday memory was when my mom made me a cake shaped like a pumpkin and I got my one fishing pole.
I was born on Christmas eve so my grandmother always would have a Christmas tree covered in birthday decorations. I’m a Facebook fan already.
My favorite birthday memory would be my 19th birthday, it was the day I brought my first born home from the hospital!
My favorite birthday memories are when I was little and the whole family was always together ☺.
My favorite and funniest birthday memory is how my own mother totally misplaned
My entire birthday celebrations.. preordered cake, guests, and all.. for the wrong day. I stopped by on my birthday and she didn’t say a word.. not one happy birthday or anything until we happened to talk about what I’ve done that day so far, and I told her my in-laws took me out for food for my birthday today. And she completely lost it.. she said she could have sworn it was tomorrow. Hahahahaha .. it is still o this day the running joke and we still have my birthday at my mom’s the day after my birthday!
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Favorite b-day memory is when mi husband surprised me for my birthday with friends that I haven’t seen in years!
i guess my 16th was pretty memorable because my sister gave me a pool party and i don’t know how to swim!! being 1 of 11 children we didn’t have parties but got a home made cake every year.
since i am now 61 , every year is pretty special because i’m still kicking.
thanks for your site,
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That’s amazing!! My best is just over 20K. My best birthday memory was my 17th birthday. When I turned 16 all of my friends forgot my birthday. I had no party. Everyone was throwing everyone surprise parties that year and I got zilch. I was heart broken. For my 17th birthday my friends and I were just going to meet at our friend’s house and then go out to dinner. When I got to the house everyone was there for a surprise party for me! The best part was, my friend’s mom arranged everything in a music theme. You had to fill out a piece of paper and rank all of the songs you liked 1-25. Every song corresponded to a course of the meal or a utensil or something, so you got the items in order you ranked them. So you could have gotten ice cream first but needed to wait until your spoon arrived (Spoon Full of Sugar). It was so funny and fun and still 19 years later that’s my most memorable birthday.
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My husband surprised me on my 30th. I had back to back meetings that day and was pretty bummed I couldn’t spend it with family. He arranged for a surprise in between the meetings with my favorite cake.
My favorite birthday memory is when I woke up and my husband had taken the children out for a bit so that I could have a few minutes alone while they went shopping to surprise me with their gifts. We had a great day together and the children were so happy that they got to pick out and purchase the gifts that they wanted to for me.
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Hi! My favorite birthday memory would have to be the year I turned 21. My husband acted as though he forgot my birthday and my best friend said she wasn’t free to help me celebrate my big 21st birthday. So, later that night my best friend brings me my gift and leaves. My husband then shows up afterwards, tells me to get dressed nice and blindfolds me. He puts me in the vehicle and drives me to my surprise. He walks me in to a building and untied the blindfold. There sat all my co-workers, friends and of course my Best Friend in my favorite restaurant! It was the best night & wouldnt of had spent my 21st birthday any other way! 🙂
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My favorite birthday memory was the birthday right after my divorce. I was divorced for 2 months and finally loving life again. My friends kept asking me what I wanted for my birthday(in December). I said SNOW! I live in AZ and we do not get snow in Phoenix area. So we headed up North…. went to a lot of different attractions in the Flagstaff area, including the polar express ride. It was not in the forcast to snow but it sure was cold. We woke up on my birthday to 4″ of snow. We went to go to breakfast and most places were closing down saying the strongest blizzard they knew of was suppose to hit that day. Well we ended up heading home that day because of all the snow; however it was the best memory that I did get SNOW for my birthday!
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My favorite birthday memory was eating a delicious lunch with my hubby, brother, and sister in law when I was expecting our first son. Such a happy time!
Favorite Birthday Memory? It’s not my birthday, but it is one of my favorite birthdays ever – the day my daughter was born! She came in like a whirlwind and it was the best! The very next day we celebrated my husbands birthday!
My favorite birthday memory is when I turned 40. My husband surprised me with a ring that had both of our birthstones in it.
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Favorite birthday memory was celebrating my 30th in Vegas!
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My favorite birthday memory is spending my 30th with my sister.
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Favorite birthday memory… Celebrating my birthday with my family this year, and 40 isn’t that bad! I’m 42 and it doesn’t feel any different 🙂
My favorite birthday moment was my first birthday that I got to spend with my husband. Even though we were only dating at the time, I knew that we would spend the rest of our lives together and the rest of our birthdays together.
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My favorite birthday memory is 9 1/2 years ago when my now husband proposed to me!! My second favorite is 7 years ago my husband threw me a surprise party and I felt very loved by everyone there!
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A surprise cake with my picture on my horse on it!! From my son! He went to the trouble of finding the picture and going to the bakery to order it.
My favorite birthday memory is when I turned 16. I wasn’t expecting anything- I was on a church retreat with some friends. My parents ended up throwing me a huge surprise party that weekend.
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My favorite birthday memory is my 32nd birthday my oldest daughter was about one month old. It was meaningful because it was the start of my little family.
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My favorite Birthday was 7 years ago. My family had just moved the previous month to a new state. Some friends were having a summer BBQ that turned out to be a surprise party from my husband. He has NEVER surprised me much less given me any gifts (besides my children) in the last 17 years of marriage, so this Birthday will always hold a special place in my heart.
My favorite birthday memory (as an adult) was my 40th. My husband planned a surprise picnic birthday party. He enlisted the help of a good friend and together they pulled it off wonderfully. He has never been able to pull off a surprise, but together they did. It was so much fun to spend the afternoon with all our good friends.
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My favorite birthday memory was when I turned 16. My mom had invited all my friends over for a surprise party. I still remember it like it was yesterday and I just turned 44!
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My favorite memory is when I had some friends down from another state and since my birthday isin October, we went and had dinner and then went to a really fun haunted house.:)
My favorite birthday memory was spending my 21st with a group of friends in Vegas!
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Congratulations – happy birthday! My favorite birthday memory was probably 18. My parents surprised me with a dance party with all my friends. We all felt so cool.
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When I was a little girl, I would go out to eat fried shrimp at Ship Ahoy in Corpus Christi, Texas, with my family. I loved that shrimp! But the tradition of it is what I remember most.
Favorite birthday memory was being woken up at 6:00 a.m. on my 30th birthday by my adorable girls because they were so excited it was my birthday!
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My husband and our friends arranged a surprise party for my 30th!
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I really enjoyed my 30th birthday. I had recently became a mom, and we had our first night out without the baby and met up with friends.
My favorite birthday memory is my surprise 30th birthday party because my husband can’t ever keep a secret and he actually pulled it off and had the ones I cherished the most in our lives there to celebrate with me. I danced the night away in pure happiness, love, and surprise. 🙂
Every year on my birthday my phone would ring at exactly 8:23 and on the other end would be my Dad wishing my happy birthday and retelling the story of birth. I always looked forward to it every year. Those memories are even more special to me now that my Dad has passed.
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All my childhood I had these huge birthday parties in the summer, people I didn’t know would be there and all of my family. We had a huge potluck meal, they would sing to me and I got some gifts. After about 8 years, all of the sudden they stopped and I didn’t understand. I asked my grandma why we wouldn’t be going to my big party again. She was confused for a moment, then realized, well honey, those big parties were your Great Aunt Ida’s family reunions that she hosted yearly and now that she’s in her 80s they won’t be having them anymore. BUMMER for me!! But it is still a family joke!!!
Cute!! This made me chuckle!
Favorite birthday memory – Barbie birthday cake and having my friends over for a slumber party campout – I think it was the year I turned 10.
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My favorite birthday memory was my last birthday spending my first birthday with my daughter and my hubby. We went to the beach, the zoo, out to dinner and to the mall. It was pretty perfect celebrating with our little family.
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I love how my kids try and make my day just as special as I make theirs! And we always go out to dinner 🙂 no cooking for mom on her birthday!
Favorite birthday memory was last year when my husband and friends pulled off a surprise party for me. I was very surprised!
My favorite birthday was my 16th birthday. My friends threw me a surprise party, and I got a car!
I think my favorite birthday memory would have to be having cookie cake with my kids and my sweet husband. He hates cookie cake, but I love it, so he and the kids get me one every year.
I am so happy with each passing birthday. I feel I get better with age! My wonderful 40th birthday was spent in Stowe, VT (my most favorite place) with my wonderful boyfriend. My recent 41st birthday was spent at a fire pit in Cape May, NJ with that same great person! Enjoy your forties!!!
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My favorite birthday memory is when I turned 9 and all my family and friends came over and my aunt made me a Barbie birthday cake! (The one with the barbie actually in the cake.) 🙂
My favorite birthday memory is meeting my husband that night.
My favorite Birthday memory is my 21st (quite a while ago). My parents and I went to NYC and I had brunch at the Russian Tea Room–complete with champagne and our very own waiter. Will always treasure that trip and the time with my folks.
My favorite birthday memory is my 29th birthday. I had my daughter a few weeks before that, and felt like I had everything I ever wanted (and I still feel that way!).
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My birthday is 5 days before Christmas, so the two events are usually combined…so any time by birthday is celebrated by itself is a good memory 🙂 I am also a FB and Pinterest follower!
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My favorite memory birthday memory that I can remember happened a few years ago when we were on vacation on Kelley’s Island. My husband and I were able to get away for a nice romantic dinner and ride around the outskirts of the island on a golf cart. It was a beautiful evening.
My favorite memory was when I was 7 years old and got a pony 🙂 Literally!
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when i got to spend it with my ex fiance and his family
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My favorite memory of a birthday was when my husband and best friend planned a kayak trip for me to a waterfall. We packed up lunch and kayaked and hiked all day!
My favorite birthday memory was when I turned 50 my family surprised me with a party AND sending my oldest, who was living in Denver at the time, to surprise me!
My favorite birthday memory was last year. I had just had knee surgery and was still on crutches and feeling, in all honesty, sorry for myself. I went to coffee with a friend and when I got home, there was a bunch of people at my house yelling surprise! Eric threw me a surprise birthday party. And I had no idea! People who loved me and wanted to celebrate with me. 🙂
My favorite birthday memory was when I turned 30 and my husband and son created a scrapbook for me using pictures from my childhood.
my fave bd included spending the whole day with fam *FB fan plus shared!
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My favorite birthday memory would be being pregnant on my 29th birthday and being pregnant on my 32nd birthday. What possible better gift could I have been given besides the ones I carried in my belly those two special days?
Favorite birthday ever was my 22nd in boston 🙂 drinks and sushi with great friends
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Your such an inspiration to me!! Awesome job on meeting your crazy goal.