Update – I shared this post originally back in January, but since it's Small Business Week I thought I'd share again! We have our new Side Dish Menu Plans available now, and I can NEVER thank you for your kind words in the comments on this post, on Instagram, Facebook, and in email. I AM SO HUMBLED and blessed to get to hang out with YOU each day. Thank you for blessing me each and every day around here ~ hugs!
Current coupon codes available on everything in the PPP shop because it's our Side Dish Launch Week!
$5 off $50 – use code GRILLING
$10 off $100 – use code FREEZER
$15 off $150 – use code CROCKPOT
$20 off $200 – use code SKILLET
Have you ever wondered why a profitable small business decides to sell? Or why all of a sudden that product you once loved that felt was oh-so-amazing didn't quite hold up to what it seemed like that very first time?
I never meant to turn into an entrepreneur. Way back when I started blogging in 2009, I just wanted to earn a little extra money to put away for our children's college funds, and hopefully be able to donate some extra too.
In the early years as I was figuring business out in a VERY small way, I'd hear about companies that were profitable, successful, and doing well, choosing to sell off to a bigger corporation. I especially watched female-owned businesses, I guess because I was in that industry in a way, and would scratch my head and wonder ~ why on earth would anyone give up a profitable business so that someone else had control?
As someone who's always been intrigued by business, it simply didn't make sense to me.
Until probably the last two years, and especially the last few months.
When you create a business on a whim (like I sure did and I believe many other women do!), you don't necessarily know all the things. You don't know the ins-and-outs of shipping. You don't know all there is to know about managing a team (or ANYthing honestly), and you don't know a whole lot about taxes or bookkeeping or marketing or advertising if you didn't attend school for a specific degree. (My degree in psychology did not prepare me for this!)
If you create a business kind of out of nowhere like I did, you likely only became successful because the one thing you do know how to do hopefully is how to serve people. While I've never really written up a business plan and I kind of want to cry every time we file our taxes, I do know really well how to help a few moms get a great deal on toilet paper, dreaming up a planner with checklists to make busy lives easier makes me ridiculously happy, and making cute little recipe cards with menu plans so moms don't have to get anxious about making dinner like I used to do just fills me to the brim.
But the last few months I've been feeling a little extra worn out, a teensy bit overwhelmed, somewhat over-anxious, and honestly over-just-about-everything.😅
You may know that we moved over the holidays due to a job transfer for my husband, and in my oh-so-controlling-mind, I figured I had it all figured out.
Because January is a crazy time as someone who runs a business partly encouraging women to beautifully care for their homes using one seriously awesome annual planner . . . I knew I'd have to be super organized to make everything work out just perfectly. So once we decided for sure back in the fall that we'd be moving, I spent every extra waking hour organizing each nook and cranny of our home.
I mapped out exactly where everything would go in our new home.
Figured out exactly what we should bring with us, and what needed to be given away.
Made a bajillion trips to Goodwill.
And determined what we'd need to have on hand to make this move go a little bit more smoothly.
I was in control, I could manage it all 😂 and this was going to be the easiest move ever.
And honestly, all that planning and planner-ing has made this move go SO smoothly. I am so thankful and so very lucky!
So in January, when we finally all landed in our new home all together, I was ready to do all the things. (I'd moved before James and Reagan last month to get things mostly ready, and our big kids still in college were coming home for the first time.)
I was ready to walk in our new neighborhood. Ready to visit a few new churches. Ready to maybe find a new to gym. Ready to fluff our home, check out a new town and oh so ready to do alll the things.
But most of all I was so ready to be the very best business-owner-but-more-importantly-encourager that you have ever seen.
I was excited about our Low Cal Challenge.
And our 2022 Home Planner Challenge.
And I was so SUPER-STINKIN'-EXCITED to have extra planners in stock for the very first time ever in January, so that I could cheer a few new mommas on around here too.
(FYI: They're not available now, but you can be the first to know when you pop your email address in over here. or get our brand new Daily Checklists which are pretty fun too.)
I was so prepared.
But most importantly along with caring for my family? I was really kind of hoping to just get to cheer on YOU.
Sometime last week though, as my big kids were about to head back to college, my youngest started at a new high school, and my life finally had room for a brand-new-fresh-routine, I realized there was a bottleneck somewhere in our shipping process.
We had done everything right.
After running a blogging business for 13 years and (kind of?) figuring out e-commerce since 2018, we had prepared a year in advance to make sure we were all set.
I'd made decisions all year figuring out how to get the planners on the right boats and trains and semi trucks to make sure they'd be here in plenty of time for the new year. (On trips with my family I was making major freight decisions even though I know NOTHING about the shipping industry. But I was going to figure it out the help of a seriously smart team, and we were ready to be way ahead of the game for the first time ever. Success? Of course!)
We literally had perfected every single thing (I thought?) from beginning to the end, and had enough in stock to manage all the orders. Our target sell out date was set for 2/1/22, and we were right on track.
But never did I dream that so many people would decide to order on the same day, that a bunch of folks at our shipping facility would be out for the holidays, and then that Nashville (where we ship from) would stop moving completely due to snow and ice for three days. (Everything in the city was closed. We were completely stuck!)
As soon as I realized we were behind, even though we had quite a few more planners to sell, I made the choice to stop all planner sales and ads, and take a loss on anything I couldn't sell (because who's really super excited about a planner in February? I KNOW YOU. Planners in February are no fun at all to purchase, right? I get that!)
It even got a little crazier though…. my husband got sick. I got sick. And several folks on the PPP team have been in and out sick. (I know in all reality, LOTS of folks are just sick right now ~ WHEW!) For about a week on top of feeling crummy, I was racing around keeping everything-clorox-wiped-down and everyone-somewhat-soup-fed, and still barely just helping my team manage a crazy inbox with a whole-lotta-grouchy customers who were kind of new and didn't know the heart of PPP all that well.
If you've been here awhile, you know this is NOT NORMAL for PPP products At ALL EVER. So goodness, this just STINKS!
Since we're a 100% cash based business, we don't take loans out for anything. Everything is paid for in cash when we order over a year in advance, and if for whatever reason we can't sell these planners, it might really, really, really stink, but thank heavens we won't owe anyone anything.
25 years of penny pinching has taught me a thing or two. PHEW!
We planned EVERYthing.
Our team had done it all just right.
I didn't do A+ work maybe, but seriously, this was pretty SOLIDLY an A- project at least, and it was ready to go.
Those oh-so-perfect-plans?
Welp. They failed. 🙁
And …. it stinks.
But here's the thing . . .
We ALL try to control all the things, and I'm pretty sure we have done that since the very beginning of time I believe.
As I was reading this week in Genesis, I realized Sarah way back then determined she needed to make a better plan too, so she tried to control and set up God's plans for her, but ultimately He had the very best plans for her.
Hmph. Guess I'm not the only controlling momma around here, huh?
I have to trust today, that God's plans are better than mine are.
That even though I thought 2022 would start out one way, route #2 might have good plans in it too.
Being real honest? I cannot imagine one single good reason for this AT ALL.
But I know that through the whole of my life, God has laid good plans for me even when I've been down here questioning Him a whole lot.
And I know He lays those good plans for you too.
So today ~ whatever you're in, whatever you're controlling, whatever's not working out the way you had planned, whatever you're just plain old mad about . . .
Hand it over.
We can only control so many things, and then we have to scoot on over and let Him hop on in.
I am not saying that means we just quit.
That's not me saying I'll just skip trying to dig us out of an overflowing inbox.
That's not me saying we'll just chill over here and skip out on orders.
It's just saying that I will do ALL I CAN IN MY POWER to fix the situation, and then I will trust and know that time will settle down so very many of these things.
You and I can still rock 2022.
It's not too late.
Even when the plans look a little different than maybe they did before.
In the midst of it, I'm going to choose to remember this most deeply in all things . . .
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
I'm clinging to that one today. Maybe you need to cling to it with me too.
Cheering for you sweet friend ~ goodness, I'm so crazy thankful for you.
And if you ordered a 2022 planner and haven't gotten it yet? IT IS SO SO GOOD and you will love it when you get it. And I truly do PROMISE it will be on its way very soon. I did hear there's more snow coming to Nashville which is a little crazy this weekend. SERIOUSLY say a prayer it just melts away fast.
We've got this. Don't give up. I'm cheering for you! ❤️
P.S. As for that whole selling off the business thing that I shared at the beginning? I KNOW this was an awfully round about way for me to tell you about that! My accountant actually asked me when I'd consider selling off as we were trying to make some big decisions for 2022 ~ I was like OOCH.
But here's what I decided. I GET why small businesses sell off. Businesses that grow are often exhausting, and all too often I feel shackled to my computer so much longer than I ever dreamed some days.
However… for TODAY? I know full well that no one else is going to care for you the way I do.
Like, I READ YOUR STORIES ON INSTAGRAM OR FACEBOOK AND I JUST LOVE THEM. EVERY SINGLE ONE. I LOVE the pictures of your families you post in our groups.
I love seeing your pictures of your kids making or eating dinner.
I love when you respond back and say an email you read from me mattered.
I love when you talk about how awesome the PPP team is, and how very much their work has helped you in a special way.
I love that you made dinner for the first time last night.
I love that you shined your sink and you made your bed, and good gravy I just kind of love serving you.
And honestly? I know my family loves MOST days seeing me serve you too. (Some days they wish it didn't require so much work. Most days they get it though I think)
So as long as this momma has it in her, no matter what the price, I'll be the one right here making sure we KEEP AT IT until our work around here is done (or until I get real old. We'll see which one happens first… I was thinking the other day that this product business has made me look SOOOOO old ~ then I remembered that that was going to happen either way.) 🙂
So that's why some businesses DO sell off and I TOTALLY get that and am all for it. But for a long long time I'm pretty sure I'll be right over here, making sure our paper products are perfect, our recipes taste divine, our deals are always legitimate, and of course changing clean sheets alongside you just as many Thursdays as I possibly can muster up each year.
And goodness, I'd sure love it if you decide to hang out over here with us for a long long time too.
Lauren says
I love your story! I just received my planner today and it has given me the motivation I’ve NEEDED! I work outside the home full time and although I kick butt at work, I often feel defeated when it comes to the home. I NEED the checklists and the perfectly planned out schedule to be successful and this is certainly a blessing! I cannot thank you enough for designing this planner. I love that you are so involved with daily posts and videos to inspire and motivate, completing tasks right alongside all of us. The groups are a super bonus! Everyone was commenting yesterday about the baseboards and it makes it fun to know we are all doing it together. My next goal is to become a super awesome meal prepper! I’ve always been the last minute, what do I have in the pantry to make, dinner prepper. I’m horrible at planning meals for the next week so I look forward to when I can purchase either the slow cooker or freezer box. Thank you again so much! You are truly an inspiration!
Melissa says
I’m new to this planner. I have ADD and I have tried many planners in the past and as with many things I get excited for and into, it just fizzles out. But this planner feels different. I don’t have a religion or consider myself a penny pincher but I was drawn to it and the community anyway. I don’t even remember how I heard about this one.
My point is, I’m new and not your typical customer. I joined the fb group and have really loved the positivity and read posts that aren’t even relevant to me. I even read this whole post of yours and I don’t usually do that.
You’re clearly doing something right and I’m glad you’re not selling (yet) because someone new might not have what just works about this thing. For now I have a digital planner because as I’ve said, in the past I’ve gone all out and not stuck with it. So far it’s working out for me and it is comforting knowing lots of people out there are doing the same check list I am. Makes the mindless tasks more meaningful for me.
Shelly says
This is my third year using your planner. It has truly helped my adhd brain & I feel so much more accomplished each time I use it!
I was so excited to get my new one last week- even my daughters were excited! It would have been nice to have everything checked off from Jan 1st, but if I wanted to, I could have printed off the pdf files until it got here. (Btw, that is so awesome that you give pdf files with the planner purchase!) It’s not the end of the world to start my planner a little late. Hopefully by now we’ve all learned to put life at least a little more in perspective. Shipping delays are frustrating, but a delayed planner isn’t a life or death matter- and everyone can use the free pdf planner if they want to. We all need to show one another more grace and have more patience. Thanks for all you do, Laurie! I’m grateful for you and your team. The work you do makes a difference!
God bless you!
Marci says
Oh you and your team are so dang cute! You have something GREAT going with a wonderful team, fabulous products and THE best messages that all come through with love!
I am so sorry to see you leave Columbus as I am a Daytonian. However, I am sure your new home will be even lovelier because it has you and your family in it! What city is your new home BTW?
Laurie – you and your team have got this!!
Shanna says
I love everything about PPP & everything I’ve ordered. I can’t wait to get my new planner, but I completely understand the shipping delays as I work in shipping. It is what it is & you just keep doing the best you can. Thank you guys!
Karen says
Gracious!!! I’ve been around here for a really long time & have watched you grow. I at this point can’t imagine not having this planner even though it sets untouched for weeks at a time, I know I can start back up again. I do all the things that works for me even if I don’t check them off. Life is full of lemons sometimes isn’t it?
I always look here first when looking for deals, so keep doing your first love 🙂 Thanks for all you do!
And keep shining for Jesus!!!!
Jennifer says
Wow. I’m very new to PPP (I stumbled upon it December 31 on Facebook just as I was trying to decide what my new needs were for my day planner in 2022 as I enter a new, more domestic, phase of life). To be honest, I was one of those *slightly* grouchy customers you mentioned above (I like to think I was mostly reasonable, though!). I could tell this was a different kind of company when I got a very kind and transparent response from Staci, which gave me a lot more grace for the situation. Now, reading this post, I am so encouraged to know that there really are good people out there running good small businesses. I’m actually a little inspired to start a small business myself with the same God-honoring attitude and principles (way in the future!). I’m sorry for all the difficulties and setbacks you’re facing right now. I know you’re not sure WHY God has given you these trials, but maybe it’s just to show how differently a person of faith deals with obstacles versus how the world deals with them? Just some verses to ponder: Philippians 4:13, Matthew 5:14. God’s got this, and keep on reflecting His light!
amy says
from the bottom of my heart i m sooo thankful u hv decided to NOT sell! i truly believe it would not be the same, AT ALL if u did.
i hv a lot of different medical issues n ur products gv me a little bit of hope for a “normal” home life. im not always successful, but better than it was, so i truly thank u (n ur team). cheers to “keep on keepn on”! <3
Andi says
I do still want a planner – even if it’s February! I decided I would try this year without it, and I already regret it. I’m on the notifications list now. Thank you for all you do!
Jennifer says
Oh, yes! Please continue selling your planners (maybe at a discounted price?) until they’re gone. I might buy one for my mom. 🙂
Shelleen Pineda says
I am proud of you for your sharing your honest yet still-humbly-submitted-to-Him heart! He has taught us ourselves, and you are correct, many folks are sick and… life just happens sometimes, but, He is still in it (Emmanual)! He didn’t just leave because December 25th is gone. He still has His plan (which is always best for us), and best of all – “planner/stickers arrived or not,” God loves ALL of us! That is very important to know and remember these roller coaster days/”seasons”. Personally, I am more elated about your surrender to His leading in all you do, more than receiving my product “on time.” I am happy for you and your family, and praying that His will be done – for His glory, and, that love and peace will mark your heart, home and business. Hugs!
Gail says
Laurie, you have been such a blessing to me. May God bless you as you determine how to keep your business in a place where it still brings you joy. I will pray for you and your team.
Lorien says
You are one of only a few influencers I follow and I love your mission and values because they fit my life. I bought your planner bundle before Xmas as a gift to myself and I love using it everyday. I also love reading scriptures every day. I know it can’t be easy, but I along with many others appreciate you and your team for what you do. Thanks for the post, my verse for the week is Jeremiah 29:1 because it is a good reminder. ❤️
Arnetta A Jones says
You and your team are rock stars! I thank you for all that you do to help us all out. Remember if you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.
Julnar says
It takes a lot of courage to be so honest and open with others. I thank God for you and your team. You are truly doing God’s work in the lives of others; sometimes that requires a lot of sacrifice on your part. However, you do it with grace and dignity.
God bless you!
Debbie says
I received my planner a few days ago, and it was worth the wait. I had printed a couple of weeks until it arrived. I used to be a wife and mother who had it all together. Then 6 years ago, my mom died and my husband left, and in the wake of those losses, I’ve floundered. These past two weeks of following the planner have done more than give me a clean house … they’ve given me a way back to who I was and how I lived before I lost so much. I feel so much better about myself. I can’t thank you enough.
Holly says
Laurie, you and all the ladies are the best!! The recipes are amazing thus far, and I expect it will keep that way. I love love love the planner. This is my second year, and I am just in love with the home planner. Thank you for all that you do! Keep on keeping on, and remember to take care of you too! Much love!
Carrie says
You Ladies are just so wonderful and amazing. Thank you for all the great work you do, and know it is appreciated, GREATLY.
This is my 3rd year,I am way more relaxed with it this year..I have just received the 3rd one I ordered, as two of them I am gifting to my 2 daughters in love, one of whom will be giving me a grandson soon. Thank you for being such a blessing to so many. God bless you all.
Natalie says
I have all of my orders from you, but I STILL needed to read this TODAY! My husband and I were having a passionate (re. heated) discussion about something money related that I thought was settled but he can’t feel at peace about. It’s not in (just) my control about how he feels or the ultimate direction this decision goes. Thank you for EVERYTHING you do.
Jennifer says
I am on my 2nd planner, the first one I didn’t use very much. I am working on that. This year I am more of a stay-at-home mom as I am semi-retired so I think that it is going to be oh so helpful to me! The weather and shipping issues have hit everyone and it is just life. Ours are often closed for a day or two in the winter and we don’t get mail, etc. I am so glad you are not selling. I think you and your team do a wonderful job and put out amazing products! I hope if you are getting tired that your team and/or maybe one of your older kids may want to continue your business. That would be so cool! You are amazing moving in the middle of the winter, around the Holidays and all. You must be ultra organized! So proud of you!
Melissa says
Girl – I hear you! And I’ve got another planner to hold me over anyway – and not really using it yet either!! And I’m extra excited about that pocket sized planner!
You do you and take care of you – and we’ll keep loving it!
Kim Morgan says
Laurie, thank you so much for your commitment to your “business”. I put that in quotes only because I consider this more your ministry than your business. You’ve really inspired me to be better. I admire your positive outlook on life (I know that doesn’t come easily and isn’t something that comes naturally). Your example to the rest of us in your walk with Jesus and dependence on Him and your commitment to your family is so appreciated. It definitely gives us all something to aspire to. Thank you.
Hillary says
Thank you for sharing. I just got my planner yesterday and I’m excited to start. My Holidays were similar to your’s….everyone had the flu over Christmas, we move to a new town and found out we had been exposed and had Covid. Our two young children didn’t so it was interesting trying to care for them. With that said…you weren’t alone BUT I didn’t have a business (in its busy season) I was trying to run either….I can’t imagine. Praying for peace and that others have grace as they await their items!!! I just started following you and have enjoy it! Thank you!
Veronica says
Thank you for all you do! Your shipping is normally SO FAST!! So I knew when my last order was delayed that was unusual- no biggie- got my meal plans yesterday… and can’t wait to use them!
Denise says
Laurie don’t think for a minute what you do doesn’t matter. I am a small business owner too. I use your products to help me with my everyday chaos. What you’ve created I tried doing on my own and then I found PPP. I am so thankful that you and your team have put the time and effort in to make these products so I did not have to create something on my own. I get the overwhelming feeling of drowning in all the things you can’t control. These last two years have beaten me down and destroyed my attitude and desire to serve. 2022 is my year of rebuilding and regaining myself and my will to make a difference. Your products have helped me do that. My confidence in mastering my time helps me master my attitude and drive. I love what you do and hope that my business can inspire people like yours does.
Noelle McBride says
Thank you so much for your transparency! I’ve ordered my planner, and am waiting patiently, and am perfectly happy with that! You’ve done everything humanly possible to get them shipped, and we all need to give other grace in this life. You’ve dealt with a lot, and made extra effort by sending the downloadable planner. I’m super happy using that while I wait for the real one to come! Blessings to you and your family!
Kate says
Exactly how I feel! I can’t wait to get my planner but life won’t end while I wait. You shouldn’t have to be treated poorly because of things that are really beyond your control. Nothing goes as planned. Keep on doing what you’re doing. I am a newbie but I have found you to helpful already. You have such a great attitude!
Mandy says
This was the first year I’ve used your planner and I already love it to pieces! It is definitely worth the wait. This was beyond your control. As a matter of fact, I ordered your planner while I was in the hospital in December and it beat ME home two days later! Haha! But it was a great welcome home present!
Karen Ledoux says
I would love a planner in February! I have a total knee replacement this week so I will be out of it for a bit. A new planner can get me motivated on the other side of my surgery!
Thank you for sharing!!
God bless you and your family and team!!
Karen from Texas❤️
Patricia Mabary says
You and your team make me a more productive, better wife, mother and person. I love your enthusiasm and tips and advice. Honestly, I need the encouragement. Thank you for all you do.
Tonya says
I feel the exact same way. PPP encourages me so much and I was in a rut there for awhile. I feel it makes me a better Wife, Mom and Person. I don’t feel so alone on the home front.
sharon says
Bless you. You do a great job. I’ll still take a planner whenever they are available. I don’t care if it’s February
Brittni Williams says
Wow. First of all… what you and your team are doing is nothing short of amazing! The care and quick reply to emails amongst ALL you have going on STILL amazes me!!! You have an incredible team and they have an incredible leader!!! Second, anyone who wants to be nasty should just take that impatience and yuck to their own bathroom mirror. Y’all do not deserve that ever. Third, I might be the only “crazy” one but I wouldn’t mind buying a planner in February, March, April, even May! Some of us are a little late(or arriving exactly when Jesus wanted us to) to this “get my life together” party. Some of us don’t care if we have to scratch a few months of a planner out because when we do hit that “I need help and tools” point of wanting OUT of the chaos we don’t care what it looked like before we just want those rooms to help then 🙂 So I encourage y’all to not give up those sales! I am telling everyone I know about you guys and so many of my overwhelmed mama friends desperately want a 2022 planner still 😉 Because a bunch of us don’t have it together and even getting a planner by May is a major win for our hearts, minds, and families! Haha. Keep up the great work!!! I and my family will be here for the long haul!!! May you all be richly blessed this week, month, and year! ❤️
Sincerely your newest MEGA fan and desperately thankful supporter,
Sheila Tacy says
You and the PPP team are amazing!! Thank you for being honest and humble. Occasionally, God throws us a curve ball, do we just leave the bat on our shoulder, or do we swing? You my friend, swung and hit it out of the park!! God has a plan for you, your precious family and your awesome PPP team. Phil. 4:13
Marjoree says
Please please please sell the planner even if it is February, March or April. I’m moving into a brand new home and want to get the organization done right this time as we move in. I’m on the email list to get notified when they come back in stock. Maybe the planners are on the same boat as some of my doors! Keep your head up…This too shall pass. Just remember how many lives you are making a difference in!
Lorrie says
Thank you for the wonderful products you have created with your team!! They have certainly made my life easier over the past 3 years. 2022 did not start out well, we lost my mom to Covid on New Year’s Day, we had lost my dad 18 months prior to Covid. Then we all got sick as well. The Home Planner and Money planner have helped me to keep on track when I really didn’t feel like doing anything. As you said, sometimes God has other plans for us and we just have to trust we are on the right path. So thank you for all you do, I am so glad you are not selling and I hope the rest of your 2022 falls back in to place!! We appreciate you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
All the best,
Shelly says
So very sorry for your loss! I can’t imagine how hard that would be to lose both your parents in such a short time to covid. Saying a prayer for you and your family. May God comfort and strengthen you each day. ❤️
Sharon says
I love your heart! I love your honesty! You are doing a great job. I love watching your live videos. You inspire me. I have made several new recipes from the menu plans because I watched you make them and they looked delicious. My house is clean and I have developed a good routine using the planner.
Kris says
As a small business owner of several businesses, my husband and I 100% get tis. You are doing amazing! You are doing things right! I am so certain that God will reward your efforts of transparency and honesty. And I am so glad I found you. Homemaking and menu planning has never been easier. Thank you for doing the heavy lifting for us. Praying God parts the way for all the logistics to open up for the shipments and His blessing to rain over your business. ❤️
Gina Bunch says
You spoke to my soul and had me crying at the same time! I am a small business owner as well, I make handmade Custom Hairbows for little girls❤️ My business is 99% LOCAL! how amazing is that, I don’t have a website or even an Etsy page (yet) LOL
I took a well NEEDED break for about 6 weeks and ya know what, my wonderful loyal Mamas are still here waiting for me to make their babies Valentine hairbows!
You have an amazing team and we all believe in you so much that yes, we are right here waiting along with you! Thank you for your extreme hard work and dedication to us crazy mamas out here !
Stephanie says
I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate YOU and the PPP TEAM so much. I ordered the Home Planner for me and as a Christmas gift for my daughter and I absolutely LOVE my planner. I just ordered the Money Planner and all of the Meal Plans with a few of the accessories offered. I CANNOT thank YOU enough for the amazing products you’ve created. I was so anxious reading this post as I was going to miss YOU if you had chosen otherwise so I AM RELIEVED to know to are going to continue with this AMAZING business you created for so many women. I am finally getting my home in order. I’m looking forward to getting my finances in order too. As for cooking, honestly I’ve never really enjoyed it. It has always felt overwhelming to me when trying to juggle so many other things but I am excited to get the meal plans and am hopeful that will help me in the kitchen too. We love to entertain so I love the thought of enjoying creating delicious meals for our family and friends. I really just wanted to say THANK YOU! I’m sorry to hear that you are going through all of these things and it makes me sad that so many people are so upset that their items haven’t arrived. They are just that great that everyone wants to get their hands on them in order to start making their lives so much better … it is crazy that your products do that for us but they are that good. I’m so grateful for you and your team. Keep up the great work. I’m new to this group and I love everything about it. I also appreciate the PDFs that you’ve provided for us to use until our items arrive. You really have thought of all the ways you could make the best of this situation that is out of your control. Keep doing what you do. Please don’t let this take the wind out of your sails. YOU ARE MAKING OUR WORLD A BETTER PLACE and you are helping us make out homes more beautiful, our lives more organized and our hearts more fulfilled. I really just wanted to say THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!!
Paula says
Just got my first box. Thank you for your fabulous recipes and love that you are a Christian! I am in Nashville too! Yes we shut down for snow and about to again tomorrow! You need to visit Brentwood Baptist church. It’s wonderful!
Jeria Coleman says
Just like a good Baptist you invite anybody to visit your church. WAY to go!!
Amanda Korth says
I ordered a planner for 2022 and I’m so excited for it. I haven’t gotten it yet but I know it’ll get here when it’s supposed to. I’m excited for a routine. It’s something I struggle with. I also bought the menu plans and I’m headed to the grocery store today! Thank you for not giving up! I like supporting a momma who is doing her best and sharing her secrets and talents with others!
Sherrie says
Thank you, you and your team are simply the best.
Paula says
Thank you for your post! My husband and I have a small business and this hit home to me like you wouldn’t believe. Thank you for the encouraging words. Some times it is hard, but it feels so good knowing we are serving our customers for the Lord! Keep up the good work and thank you for posting.
I purchased a planner for 2022. I am loving it!
Brenda says
I’ve never bought from you but I sure plan on doing so. I just learned about you and your company recently. I already have a’22 planner but for ‘23, yours is the one! And between now and them I plan to pick up a few of your other products. I don’t think February is too late for a planner though. After February, it could be discounted, depending. Your transparency and integrity has spoken volumes to me.
Cori says
Laurie – your post brought tears to my eyes. I hope you know how valued and loved your are by your PPP customer based family. I can be having the worst of days and somehow reading your post or watching your video can totally change my day. I so value your outlook on life and people like you make this world a better place!!! As you tell us give yourself grace you are doing amazing things!!!
Gwen Gray says
What a difference you have made for a lot of people and above comments show how appreciated you and your team are. This is my second planner and although I’m behind, I know it is there when I can get back into it. I LOVE my planners! I even bought planners for both of my daughters and for my niece. My daughter and my niece just had baby girls in the last three weeks and my DIL just became a grandmother twice in the last two months and is moving next month. (Yes, two great-grandsons, a great niece and a granddaughter in the last two months for me! ) So these planners will be a big help for them as well.
Congratulations on your new home and adventure! Praying God’s blessings for you and your family. I’m so glad you feel led to not let go of PPP yet, you are such an inspiration to so many.
I have a feeling that if you continued planner sales a while longer, or even have a planner sales event, there will be those new to PPP (and not so new) who would love a physical copy.
Love to you and your fantastic team. ❤️
Amie says
Reading your above post had me holding my breath to the very end. I wanted to cry when you said you were not selling. I love PPP and have told everyone I know about the planners, recipe boxes, and money planner. All three of my kids and my sister have bought or got them as gifts this year and we are all in love with all the products. I have them all right now and will always look forward to anything you release. My house is so much cleaner, I have had so many compliments on the recipes I make, and we are currently working on paying off debit with the money planner. My parents have had COVID going on 4 weeks now and I have been so busy taking care of them but YOU and your TEAM have helped me get through even though you aren’t physically here. I call the PPP group my best friends when I talk to my family about anything going on in my day. I could go on and on about all the great things you have done for me and so many others. I hate to hear about you struggling so much and hope you can find some peace and relaxation. You are so worth it! All this to say I and so many others love you and all PPP. I don’t want to go through this crazy life without this wonderful group. So thankful and feeling blessed today to hear you are staying in this longer! Hugs sent your way!
Ashley M. says
You are AMAZING! I bought the planner last year with the hope of ‘killing’ the house organization/cleaning. That didn’t happen♀️. I only used it to keep up with making sure all my bills were paid and on timeBut this year my goal was to check off at least one box a day and for the most part I have. Even if it is only the Bible reading, which I have completed almost every day. I really wanted to build my relationship with the Lord and dedicate more time to him. Your planner and journals have helped me do that and I greatly appreciate it. The little check boxes make me feel accountable. I also grew up in a house of a small business owner and got to see a lot of behind the scenes. My dad worked late most nights to keep caught up and as I got older, he had me help with billing/invoices. My sister is also heading into her second year of farming and expanding her crops with the upcoming new season along with sustaining her micro greens that have really been her bread and butter. I have seen how hard she works at her business as well. I love that you are still going to stick it out and continue with what the Lord has planned for you. You may never know how many lives you have touched with your small business, but I can see your crown of jewels being abundantly full. You and your entire team are wonderful!
P.S. The menu plans, especially the crockpot meals, have made my teacher/mom life a heck of a lot more easier
Laurie Guido says
You are doing Ahhmazing! Of course you are exhausted it is the busiest time of your business year, add in the COVID,flu and sick season we are in, shipping conundrum, along with a major home move! Grace Laurie is all yours sweet lady. You inspire and serve so well and what a witness to how a follower handles trials. Rest in him and let all you serve love on you.
Haley says
Oh my goodness, I was trying not to cry reading this. ( pregnancy hormones I’m sure ) I am so glad your not selling! But praying for you and the PPP team as your handling all the craziness. I bought the planner last year and LOVED using it to help me stay organized in my home! I am now currently halfway through my first pregnancy and am so scatterbrained, I look SO forward to my 2022 planner coming in!
Jamie Beishuizen says
Laurie- Thanks for being vulnerable and sharing your heart. You are such a blessing to so many and often times your cheery, motivational self, makes my day.
We are small business owners as well. I get it. So often times people think we “have it made in the shade”’and don’t know all that goes on behind the scenes.
I did order a planner and am still waiting, but if I don’t get it until February, I will still be just as excited!
Kathy S says
Laurie, thank you for sharing. It is interesting to hear the behind the scenes side of things. I appreciate what you do, keeping it real and sharing your challenges. Life is all about how you deal with the challenges and you are doing it honestly amd gracefully. Remember too, keep balance between life and work. Thank you for sharing and prayers of encouragement.
Elle says
This is my first planner and I love it. I’m so sorry you’ve been sick on top of moving. I have a small business too and like to think I have an idea of your frustration when you’ve done everything and it still doesn’t work. Thank you for not quitting. I was sick last week and my house is STILL cleaner. I love this planner!❤️
Erna says
All things work together for good….
Lori Thompson says
My sister and sister in law had your planner last year and I was determined to get one for this year. I ordered on launch day and was so excited to receive it. I love it so much! I have recipe box too and love the one I have and ordered some for family. The quality is wonderful! I appreciate your hard work. I keep you in my prayers!
Thank you
Tiffany Jones says
Thank you for being vulnerable and open.
Thank you for organizing our brains for us in the form of a planner.
Thank you for being an influencer for God
May God give you a dose of peace today right when your heart tries to get out of line
And don’t worry about the weather, it’s completely out of our hands. Fortunately it looks like for me, this storm will be a bunch of rain, but, currently, even the weathermen are perplexed
Here is to 2022 being the best year of my life yet (and it will be as long as my perspective is correct!)
Carol Anne Hankinson says
Laurie- you guys are the best and your products are stellar. High quality, well done, attractive and most of all effective! I love following you and your team- terrific ideas, deal alerts and encouragement in our faith. Do you happen to know Pearl Barrett and Serene Allison from Trim Healthy Mama? They are located in Tennessee near Nashville. They, too, are Christian and have a wellness business they have built from the ground up. I don’t know them personally, but it would be a great connection for you (and them) as they are working through some of the same issues- shipping, etc. I have often thought I would love for your team to create a THM friendly recipes/box. Also, it would be great for y’all to share ideas and have the small, growing business support and Christian fellowship. Stay encouraged! Sending hugs and prayers!
Stephanie S House says
I am so happy to learn that you won’t be selling off. I am inspired to learn all that you do with this business. It makes me all that much more dedicated and willing to purchase your products. I already have the 2022 Home Planner and absolutely love it along with the lunch and crockpot recipe pdf’s and Bible journals. I am wanting the Money Planner Next. Your story inpires me to pursue my business desires. It is not very often that I find someone as involved with their business like you are. It is wonderful!! I love everything about you and your products!!! Don’t ever change!!
Becca says
Thank you for everything you and your team do. My box arrived yesterday, and I literally squealed when I saw it! My friend always tells me that God has a way of slowing us down when we need it…whether it be sickness or or an injury or a red light! I think she’s right. In those moments, I always feel like there’s a little message tugging at my heart. I don’t remember how I stumbled across your site, but I love it, your products, and the way you encourage us. Thank you for your message above…beautifully said. Many blessings to you in the year ahead.
Rhoda says
Love you and your heart. Even though I did have goodies stuck in the delayed shipping, I was thrilled that you had the foresight to include digital versions for every item. I truly had all the information and today I got to physically touch the menu plans I ordered. They are beautiful and my family is eating so much better already in 2022, and my budget is much more intentional. Now to find a way to stick to the home planner!!
Barb says
Wow! Laurie, I had not realized you just went through a move. I don’t know how you did it with all you have going on, and the busiest time of the year on top of that. You and the PPP team are amazing and I look forward to all your emails, updates, and tips. I love the meal plans and the wonderful group on FB. Thank you for all you do!
Patty says
Laurie… you and your team are rocking it. Some things we just have no control over. We can plan, organize and be as ready as can be – and then a curveball comes our way, something totally unexpected. We do our best, go with the flow and take one step at a time to work through the problem and get to the other side. I have no doubt you and your team have done everything humanly possible. That has been my experience with PPP, above and beyond all the time. I’m so happy to have run across you ten or so months ago. I now I have the pdf’s of all recipes and some of the boxes, the planner, & the money planner and I’m loving it ALL! I feel like a walking PPP commercial and am sure my friends are probably tired of hearing me talk about all things PPP. Obsessed may be the word to describe the new me, ha ha. Thanks to you and your team for all you put into your company, your caring, love and effort. It shows – every single day!
Sherrie Publicover says
I don’t know if you realize what an inspiration you are to so many people. I have bought the organizer for me and my daughter the last two years. I don’t always check every thing off every day but it has motivated me to do better in my home.
I look at Facebook every day to see what you have posted. It is always encouraging. I’ve never met you in person but you feel like a friend.
I’m sure most people won’t care to get their organizer a little late. Give your self grace
Suzanne says
I am so glad you are sticking around! I discovered your menu plans last year and absolutely love them. Crocktober was a HUGE success at my house – even my husband has bragged to friends about Crocktober. I have sent a lot of people your way. I got my first planner this year and LOVE it! Thank you for all you and your team have done (and continue to do) for busy moms like me!
God bless you, the family and your team!
Lorri says
You and your team have knocked this planner out of the park! I have to tell you I’ve never been so excited to use a planner and I’ve used planners since I was in middle school in the 70’s. I was so excited to get the downloadable version so I could get to work right away! I love the motivation you give us with the daily, weekly and monthly check lists! What an amazing community you have created here! I hope you never sell your company because I can see the passion you put into this planner, I don’t even have my spiral bound one yet! Thank you for helping so many of us get on track and even create non judgmental friendships in the Facebook group! Here’s to an amazing 2022!
Erin says
Hey Laurie and PPP Team,
I’m new here – still waiting for a planner and recipe set – but it’s all ok. I live in the Nashville area, so I knew what was up. And if the last couple of years have taught me nothing else it’s to extend patience and grace – (tho I’m not always great at that at home on the daily!). There’s worse problems in business than having a lot of customers, even if some are frustrated. Keep on, keeping on!!!! It’ll be ok and you’ll get thru to the other side, and most of us will be there with you.
Bridgette says
Please keep going! My Mom has gifted me a planner for two years now – your planner not only and kept my home/life/mental state together for the first year postpartum but it keeps me motivated. Your crockpot recipe box a go-to in our home! Keep up the great work and stay strong ♥️ Growth and success may also be in some of the harder times too – where there is a will there is a way! My Mom & I both so much appreciate your products. I’m constantly asked where we got it from. And I refer to you!
Bea says
Wow, my heart resonates with you. We have 2 small businesses. Not selling products but I understand what you are saying and feeling for sure. One of my love languages is serving, so I understand that too. I am a people pleaser. You are doing an awesome job. I am also a planner buyer lol as some other ladies have mentioned. I struggle with staying at something and I also do not know how I came to know about the planners and recipes. Must be God! I have literally been saying for months to my mom and sister, if someone would just tell me what’s for dinner I will fix it! And here you are! I ordered my planner and one recipe box in November. I got it in just a few days. After Christmas I ordered more recipe boxes and a pdf. Those took a little longer but I figured it would. That snow affected both businesses we have. One is trucking and our son was stuck in a hotel for three days away from his family and with a trailer load. My husband of 36 years has said many times, Many are the plans of a mans heart, but God guides his footsteps. We too understand letting God have control. My sister-in-law has even noticed a difference in me. I cannot explain the blessings from the planner and recipe boxes.
Donna says
I love everything about PPP and everything about your heart, Laurie, and everything about your team. My heart bursts when I hear my husband mention how he loves “all the goodness” I put into anything I make or do! Thank you ever so much!
Bobbi says
I was impatiently waiting for my planner and found out God’s plan was better yet again! Lol I got my planner on my birthday of all days! And my husband has Covid. So it’s the perfect weekend for me to stay home and work on my planner and set up a command station finally. God knew I’d need a little happy mail on my birthday and something for me to look forward to this weekend. I feel this article on so many levels. We moved in July and are still getting things how we want them in our new home, dealing with illness, trying to do all the things. Thank you for all you and your team do, Laurie! Hope you are all healthy and back to doing all the things soon. Take care!
Wendy says
I have to say how excited I was to find your website and the Home planner. It was a blessing that came just when I needed it! I looked forward to 2022 because of the planner. My daughter in law is so hopeful that you will get some more planners in. Her birthday is January 31 and she would love ❤️ a planner!!! Thanks for all of your hard work.
Jessica says
This was my first time ordering the planner, I am a planner addict ♀️ I usually end up with multiple planners even half way through the yr I’m still buying planners ♀️ I placed my order on 12/17, I’m not even sure how I came across the planner, but I’m always looking for a planner that can pretty much help me with everything I’m not sure the exact date I received my planner, but guess what?!? I HAVE’NT purchased another planner!!! That says a lot!!! This planner is AMAZING!!! This website is AMAZING!!! The emails & fb page/groups are all AMAZING!!! As long as life lets me, I will ALWAYS purchase the planner!! I still have a few things on the site I want to purchase! I told my husband I want to try new food/recipes but I need a dang grocery list with the recipes so you have exactly what I need! & I know the many ppl that purchase from you need these things too! You’re doing an amazing job, & you’re doing all that you can!!! I’m new & I already love you to death!!! I started out strong, focused & ready with the planner then Covid hit my house Monday things are always gonna pop up, things aren’t always gonna go the way me plan! And it’s so crazy this was a post today, bc I’ve had a few long talks with ppl this week, & I’ve learned that I have to stop stressing about the things I CANT change or things I can’t always control! So guess what mama, you’re always helping & saying the right things & giving great knowledge/advice when it’s needed & you don’t even know it! I also agree with a comment on here saying that you are using your degree more than you think!!!! A lot of what you do & help with/talk about helps with mental health soooooo much! Cleaning does too! Keep rocking on mama! We love you & got your back & Jesus does too ❤️❤️
Deb says
I could not have said it better.
Jessica Peach says
Oh my goodness lol apparently it doesn’t do emojis, so it looks like I have TERRIBLE grammar lol I promise I don’t! Haha all the spots where it looks like it should be a period, I definitely but emojis there lol soooo funny! My comment & love is all the same tho!! Hope you’re feelings better ♥️♥️ You have a lot of love here with all your customers! It’s like a big ole family ♥️♥️
Keri says
Just received my planner bundle TODAY!!! I am super excited to dive into it and the journals!! Thank you so much for all that you do! I haven’t followed you long on Instagram but I can tell that you put your heart and soul into everything you do!!!
Jana Smith says
I’m here in Memphis, Tennessee wondering how much snow we’re going to get this weekend. I know that Nashville usually gets more than we do and gets it when we don’t. But guess what? How much it snows is totally out of my control or yours; so we have to hand it over and wait and see what happens. And folks that ordered will deal with it and understand — or they won’t. We can’t control that either. Shipping issues with the pandemic are happening all over the country; and while I know it’s frustrating to wait on something that was ordered, how quickly it arrives is currently out of anyone’s control. So I hope the newbies to PPP will make a note and order in September for next year.
My year has started a week or so late because hubby and I had COVID. We are both just a few days out of quarantine and feeling fine. It was my second dance with it and his first. I had the original one in November of 2020. It was worse even though it was a mild-to-moderate case and hit me differently. This one was Omicron and was more like a head cold or sinus infection. I hate having a stuffy, runny nose that I’m blowing constantly. I guess no one really like that, but I have a special hatred due to growing up with lots of allergies and lots of those symptoms.
Well, I’ve been playing catch-up and washing up bedding and clothing from being sick.
My mother turned 94 on the 2nd of this month, and we had to postpone her celebration due to a few of us getting sick, but we are rescheduled for tomorrow evening before the snow comes in — we hope — to finally celebrate her. And I’m making the Slow Cooker Pineapple Upside Down Dump Cake. She likes those cakes for her birthday. This will be a first for me to try.
Laurie, thank you for all you do, but don’t forget to take care of yourself too and rest. Moving is a high-stress event in itself, and to then add a business and family is a lot.
I’m glad you’re sticking around for a while longer because I agree that no one would do it like you and the team do.
Bea says
Well said! Jana! My mom is 88 what a blessing we have to have them! Glad you are feeling better and I totally agree with your encouraging words to Laurie!
Jennifer says
Holy Smokes! Laurie, I will wait a MONTH for my first planner, giving GRACE and PATIENCE, knowing you and your team can’t do anything more. I do my best in life and you do your best…. If I get it in February, so be it but I will watch you online and be inspired daily to wipe my counters and shine my sink and do my best like you do!!! Peace be with you!
Deb says
I was just thinking the exact same thing!
Jennifer Jamindar says
Oh Laurie Bless your heart!!! You and your team are such a blessing!! I have the planner for the first time this year and I am loving it!! I so look forward to that Facebook or Instagram notification when you go live because those lives brighten my day!! God is good and His plan always prevails!! Patience is such an important part of our lives now a days with this pandemic as is grace… People need to understand many things are out of your control…
Just remember God is good and his plans are the best plans even if we don’t understand them…. And you have a heart for God and are blessing others!!
Keep up the great job you and your team are doing… the glitches will be worked out!!
God Bless you!!! You are a joy to watch and I am so happy to have found you, your team and these fantastic products!!
Robyn says
I first bought your planner three years ago. However, the ideas contained within are now so ingrained in me that when I first started trying to remember when I first bought from you, I would’ve said 8 years ago. The checklists have changed a disorganized wife and momma’s life. Thank you! Also I have three of the recipe boxes. Love them too!
Thanks Laurie,
Page says
Laurie you are doing a great job and your servant’s heart shows! My kids are in college, and I could never quite seem to get it all together with work and sports schedules when they were younger. Your sweet little planner showed up last year and I loved it! I have gotten so much better organized with managing the housework and do not feel as overwhelmed. It is open on my desk at work and I’ve had several of my male coworkers ask about all my little check marks . This year I ordered the Bible study journals and am making my way through the Old Testament with you (and everyone else that is participating). All this to say Thank YOU…you have created so much more than a planner, you’ve created a way to help each of us in our daily path of being the women God has called us to be!
Pam says
You and your team do A+ work! You can’t help what happens after it leaves your hands. I appreciate everything y’all do. I have loved every product I have purchased from you.
Your customer service is excellent when I had a problem. The problem was something I had done, not on your end but y’all helped me immediately.
You are awesome!!!
Jodi Lewis says
Oh how I relate to this, and feel your pain. I just sold my business i accidentally started and worked for 10 years. I made very good money, but the job is literally 24/7/365. So I made the hard decision to go back to work full time. Luckily I am an RN so I have a decent career to fall back on. But I know it was the right time, I am still trying to figure out what I am supposed to be doing with all this free time I have, but it feels right. I stumbled upon your site because I hate to cook, so I ordered your recipe boxes to try to simplify the process and hopefully make cooking part of my daily routine. I am excited to receive that and the planner soon!
Gerry Ann McSorley says
I bought the 2020 and 2021 planner. I started off great, my house was looking great but then I just mostly stopped using it. I ordered the next one and figured this COVID thing was going away and it would be a better year.. but I ended up hardly using it. So, thinking maybe it was the planner I regrettably ordered a different kind. That’s when I finally actually sat down and figured.. it wasn’t that your planner wasn’t a good fit… because it is. It was me. When I looked back on what I did get done in the planners it was just a sad look backwards to a time without my children and grandchildren and they are such a huge, huge part of my life. A son that overcame cancer, you know.. life just seemed like it was too challenging.
That other planner has a feature I do like but I could incorporate that into yours quite easily.. who knows, it might be there and I missed it. What it lacks is the encouragement of those daily check marks. Checking them off suddenly isn’t an obligation.. they are encouraging and motivating.. More important is your group.. it’s the kindest place on the internet with so many helpful ideas and people.
Hang in there, you are doing great.. No matter what you choose to do. As for me I hope to buy your planner next year if you are still in for it. Maybe rather than take a total loss.. since the remaining planners are paid for sell them in Feb. at a discount? I have no clue if that’s feasible. But it might be just the thing for others who are on the fence and would like one in their hands to know if it’s a good fit for them for the future.
Either way, whatever you choose to do.. I wish you the same blessings you’ve been to us.
Rebecca says
I absolutely needed to read that tonight. It applies to my state of mind right now so much. Thank you for the reminder that God’s got this and 2022 can still rock no matter what. On the subject of delays I am so appreciative of your conscientious work ethic. You make it so easy to trust your business. I’m not waiting for a planner but I am waiting for a few things and I never doubted for one second it will eventually get to me. I found this planner in 2019 and ordered it for 2020,21 and now this year. It and the meal plans and now the money planner have been a huge blessing to my growing family. Again I thank you and pray things become more calm for you and your family soon!
Hilary says
I love your heart and your sweet, humble attitude. I needed to hear this right at this moment. I have been working on something for 3 years with a partner. And life keeps getting in the way for both of us, back and forth. And now life is in my way and she needs to press on without me. Even though I hope to be able to join her in the future, for now I can’t and it is so hard to watch her go ahead while I have limitations that keep me hold me back. And reading your struggles makes me hope that it will all work out for the best, for God goes before me in all things. Thank you for pointing that out. I hope things get better for you and you get to have fun and enjoy your wonderful business.
~ Hilary
Patti Daly says
Dear PPP team, Laurie I have been following you for several years, at least 5. I enjoyed watching you cook, clean, organize your closet, ask opinions of the clothes you would get. I remember your family and friends making boxes, packing and shipping your first set of recipe cards out. You treat us all like your best friend and neighbor. Not many businesses do that. Maybe slow down and step back a bit. Take a deep breath. And thanks for caring so much about everyone.
Eimee Wakefield says
I don’t remember how I stumbled across PPP but I will say this…it started with the slow cooker meals that saved me while working from home (during an accounting busy season) and being on lockdown in 2020 with my kiddos alone most days as my husband was an essential worker. My dad was battling cancer and later passed away in May 2020. I had purchased the home planner between lockdown in March and May and making my bed every day was one small thing I could do that made me feel good and prepped me for virtual phone calls (because my bed was in the background of those calls). It was one step in recovering from grief and making myself better, and I’m so grateful. (And not just the grief of losing my dad, it also losing life the way it was pre-pandemic, which I think we are all struggling with). PLEASE don’t stop what you are doing anytime soon! I think I got my first home planner in PDF and it definitely wasn’t at the beginning of the year. It was still a big help. Unfortunately the world we live in is so unpredictable right now and I think the best we can do are the small things at home, like making our bed, shining our sinks, etc. There’s a lot you are doing with your psychology degree, Laurie, whether you realize it or not! (My dad was a high school counselor and taught psychology in a community college so I feel like I can say that ;).) Jordan Peterson, a psychology professor in Canada, has all sorts of videos out there about how cleaning your room (space, house, etc.) is helpful to your psyche. My point is…what your doing is something that no one else is doing and I think you are doing EXACTLY what God wants you to with all of your knowledge and talents. Maybe there’s some things that need to change in running your business (as you say above, but I am one happy customer), but it would NOT be the same without YOU in it!
Thank you for being here during this pandemic and for helping one mama survive not only a pandemic but a challenging time in life.
Nickie Woodzell says
You could not have stated it any better! I was dealing with a very similar situation. I am currently waiting on my first planner that has been held up. Quite frankly, I don’t care how long it takes to get here! I know the PPP team is wonderful and doing all they can to take care of their customers and employees during this difficult time! I am a loyal customer and love to spread their name and website to anyone who will listen!
Jenny says
My husband runs a business so I certainly understand when things out of our control such as weather and shipping processes don’t go as planned. This is my first year to order and I can’t wait to receive mine. I’ve been using the online PDF and am loving it!! It truly has been a resource that God has used to help me be that virtuous woman of the house that I and God desires me to be. I’ll be aiming everyone I can to your products. They are truly helpful and not just another planner or menu plan. What your doing is affecting the lives and souls of many people. Many doors have been open already on the Facebook page to encourage people in growing in thier relationship with the Lord! It don’t get much better than that. So a BIG HUGE GIGANTIC THANK YOU !!!!!!
Beth says
Laurie- Hang in there. You can do this. I just received your planner TODAY. I loved the little sticker on the cover “I am praying for you today.” In my own penny pinching ways, I tried a less expensive planner. And, you know what, it was not as good as yours. Yours Is encouraging and manageable and helpful. I appreciate your very honest post. We are all just doing the best we can. Keep going!!!!
Josie colleran says
I’d love to give you a hug! Moving is hard and anyone that has done this, knows this. Hang in there! I ordered my planner and meal plans months ago..it’s not your fault people waited until the last minute. As wreck-it-Ralph 2 says, don’t read the comments. And don’t let them bring you down..many people love your ray of sunshine and loving heart. And this is coming from someone that doesn’t currently have a shiny sink and I’m ok with that and just happy with what I do accomplish. We are all different and can achieve differently based on many factors..hang in there, We’re cheering you on! Many hugs and thanks for being so positive and uplifting!
Julie says
Got my planner yesterday. It was worth the wait!!
Charisse says
I just want to say that this is the only e commerce site I’ve seen where the customer service goes above and beyond! But most especially, I believe this company takes seriously what it means to love and serve others. I appreciate it so much! Know that all the work you do for the glory of God is not in vain.
Kristi Tucker Payne says
Laurie, I have every box and most everything you have ever sold…planners included. I have yet to make it through a planner because life has been so chaotic the last few years, but I keep buying them because I strive to have the balance I know it holds in my life and in my home. Your positivity and sunny disposition has always been a huge factor in my decision to keep giving you all of my money. LOL. Your servant heart is so apparent and anybody who cannot see it as soon as they meet you must be blind. You are one of the most genuine people. You’ve shared insight into your family’s plight to save money over the years and allow so many to believe it’s attainable for ourselves and not just a dream. Saying “thank you” just isn’t enough. You and your team are loved and appreciated more than you’ll ever know. Your obedience to God’s calling is so refreshing in this day and time. Keep fighting the good fight. You are making a difference and saving lives, marriages, and so much more!!!
Pat says
I am cheering for you!
Tania says
I look forward to seeing you and your team on Facebook throughout the weeks. Your products are excellent and even though my kids are grown I love keeping my home tidy and a good meal on the table for me and hubby. Keep up the great work. Take some time to relax, feel better, and enjoy your new home.
Yasmin says
Laurie- I love this!
As a female business owner, I understand the struggle and greatly appreciate your openness. It’s not easy out here! I do not have to navigate shipping logistics like you have to, but I sympathize with you when things just aren’t going as planned!
I am a pediatric sleep consultant and I was determined to drive my business to a new level last fall. But then my oldest son was struggling in school and we had to switch to virtual learning. Then the whole family had Covid. Then my oldest had surgery to remove his tonsils & adenoids. The cards were stacked against me and I had to take a step back. I’m now playing catch up and it is hard!
I may be waiting on my planner, but I’ll wait as long as it takes because you are clearly a sincere, caring and hard working business woman! Thank you for everything that you do to help improve the lives of others!
Jennifer Downey says
Laurie and Team,
You have changed my home and sanity in so many ways. I own almost ALL your stuff. I have gifted it to almost every person I can dream up to gift it to, and still I want to buy more. Really, I could become a PPP product hoarder.
The thing I am most sad about in this whole situation is the time you have to put in just explaining to people why shipping is delayed. Where have these people been the last two years? I live in Nashville, the slightest flurry shuts us down. And COVID is running rampant here right now. And the BIGGEST thing I would like to point out is that all these people complaining about having not gotten their planner waited until the last two or three days of the year to order. Hopefully once they get their planners, they will write in big letters at the beginning of NOVEMBER, ORDER PLANNER from the PPP!!!!!
For those of us who have been here for a while, we get it, we get you, we know your heart and your intentions. Hang in there and please NEVER sell!
Jennifer from Nashville
AKA: PPP addict
Jennifer Merrick Downey says
Jennifer, I’m Jennifer Downey too. Did, or do, you have relatives in Forrest City, Arkansas?
Carol says
I received three boxes for Christmas from my daughter and I love it all. My daughter in law got me the money planner you. Thank you for all you do. I ordered the bag clips and got them
Today! Can’t wait to do the freezer meals soon.
Paula says
You are awesome! So sorry it all came tumbling down at once. You and your team are so appreciated.
Take care of yourself. We will still be here. What area have you relocated to? Hope it is still somewhere close to your kiddos.
Ann Marie Kilmer says
I think you are doing an amazing job! I love all the products I’ve purchased and I enjoy watching your videos! We really can’t control everything and shipping during a pandemic when everyone is buying things online must be a nightmare! I got my planner two days ago and I don’t care that I didn’t start it on January 1st because I’m happy to start it now and I’d be just as happy to start using it in February too because it’s a great planner! I am already more organized! God bless you and take a deep breath and revel in the fact that you have and continue to change so many people’s lives in a positive way!
Carol Blochowski says
Laurie, You and your team are amazing! I know my family is better in so many ways because of your products. The menu plans and the planners have been a tremendous blessing to us. Thank you! I hope ya’ll are feeling better. Prayers as you continue on this journey ❤️
Kim says
Fantastic meal plans my family has said eveey meal we’ve tried is a keeper lol. The planner is special beautiful and well made and has truly made such a huge difference in my home which in turn has made a huge difference in me im able to spend more time doing the fun things and spending time with my loved ones because my house is always company ready expected or not , my husband loves the difference this planner and the meal plans have made for us. So thankful for you Laurie and the wonderful ppp team ❤ Prayers for tou tour family and your team of wonderful ladies .
Lauren says
You do grace really well.. and honesty. Thank you for that example.
Heidi says
Very well said! I 100% agree:)
Tiffany Falks says
Oh, Mrs. Laurie, I am oh so thankful for you. Serving is a calling. What you do is a calling. Your love for others shines in every video and every post you make. Thank you for following God’s lead. You’re a blessing to me and many others.
Carliss says
So THANKFUL you are not selling your business! I am one of those that needed this today so thank you so much for sharing!! I found you last year before Christmas when I was overwhelmed with meal planning and trying to take care of all the housework and got the 2021 planner and it has changed my life!! I also have 5 of the 6 meal plan boxes and they also have changed my life! Thank you for all you do and for sharing yourself with us! It is so appreciated!
Jenny Radford says
Thank you for all you do. I started my planner at the end of December and thought I was getting my act together in 2022. I bought my 1st house of my own last year and trying to make my way through all that comes with that. Last weekend, I came down with Covid. I am 7 days in and have zero energy to do anything at all. I do keep looking at my planner and just use it as a focus that I will get through the illness and be able to slowly check some boxes off soon hopefully. Prayers to you and your team.
Sherry says
Laurie and Team,
You guys are all awesome!!! Reading this my heart sank at first when you said about selling. You all do awesome work, you try your hardest and you get it done. Whatever you decide for your families and yourself is okay. Your family needs to be #1. I was so happy at the end when you said you were deciding to keep going. Just a reminder to you all, you do A+ work all the time. Just because something went wrong does not mean you are not putting the effort in. The people who tell you any different and just not nice. Crap happens. Please don’t get discouraged.
Love you all!!!!
Laura Asseff says
You are amazing. Thanks for your transparency. I absolutely love your positive, caring spirit. You are right… no one will care for your clients like you do. We are in unprecedented times. It will get better.
Melanie says
I am so thankful for your team and this group. It’s been something I needed and never even knew I needed it. We have had a very hard five years and this planner, y’all’s videos, the group Facebook pages, etc have really been a bright light in my world. Thank you!!
Michelle says
God bless you, sweet Laurie for all you do. I am an accountant and no truer words have been spoken about small business owners. I see you. I see what you are doing and have often wondered how you have the energy, and then I remember, it’s God’s energy that you’re leaning on. Why are experiencing all that you’re experiencing right now? That I cannot answer, but I do know that by you speaking and sharing your honestly and vulnerability with us, truth and an example of a flawed human and what God can do through her is a wonderful example for all of us to witness. Trust the Lotd with all your heart and Lean not on your own understanding, but in all things acknowledge God, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6. Keep letting Him direct you, girl. ♥️
Chelsea says
Thank you Laurie and all at the PPP team. After welcoming our 3rd baby, I was craving a plan to keep my house clean, help with dinner, and be more organized. The planner has been an absolute life saver! I also ordered the freezer meal recipes and I love having those meals ready in case I forget about dinner. Thanks to all of you, I was also able to pay it forward by bringing a freezer meal to my neighbor who just recently lost her husband. From one momma to another, THANK YOU!
Rachel says
I for one am routing you on. We are living in a weird time. You and the team produce amazing products and I for one appreciate them. I found you on 2020 and you have changed my life for the better.
Amy Barnard says
Thank you Laurie for all you do! Know you guys are in our prayers during these growning pains. My family and myself are so thankful for you guys. You and your team have made such a positive impact on so many families.
Angie says
Oh Laurie, I am in tears after reading this. I can tell you put your whole heart in everything you do. Can I say HOW THANKFUL I am for you & your amazing team. You have made my house & meal planning so much more organized. I am in year 3 of my planner & am still consistently using it like I did the 1st day. You ARE making a difference in so many families. Thank you again for following your heart.
Rachel B. says
I just bought the PPP planner for the first time this year. It is amazing. It is seriously worth EVERY PENNY!! Thank you for all you do! I’m sorry your year has had such a difficult start. But you (through the planner) have ALREADY made such a difference in our family and in our home! I can’t wait to see what God does this year in and through my life… due to me being SO MUCH LESS STRESSED out about everything related to my household! For the first time in my life I ACTUALLY BELIEVE that I can learn to be successful at keeping my home. (With the Lord’s help!) Thank you.
Emily says
Laurie and PPP team, Thank you for doing it all. You are all amazing! I hope you are feeling better soon. It’s crazy everywhere.
Laurie says
Thank you Emily – goodness, it really is but thankfully most of us are on the mend. WHEW! 🙂
Christie Adams says
Thank you for doing your absolute best no matter what challenges have been put in your way. I can’t imagine moving, processing orders, dealing with illness, having holidays and time with children who aren’t home full time etc all at the same time. The pdfs are a wonderful help while products ship. I am sorry that you have seen so much negative commentary. It is not a normal time and patience, understanding and flexibility are needed.
Michelle Valenti says
I’ve been trying to make 2022 the year that I get more organized and manage my time better. But, sometimes, it doesn’t work the way we want. Today was one of those days. So, only two weeks into the new year, I thought perhaps my plan for organization and well planned days was history.
My husband’s car broke down for the second time in two days. We got home late. There was no time to cook a meal. My two teens and one tween were tired, cranky, and hungry. And I was just spent.
But, we whipped some left overs up into meals, ate, showered, and were able to sit and relax together as a family. Fed, clean, and refreshed, no worse for the wear.
I needed to read this. I needed to give myself the grace to accept the change of plan and flow with it instead of fight it. Things happen. Things will always happen.
I guess a sprinkle of adaptability is as important an addition in the planning process as setting the schedule we hope to follow.
Thank you and God bless…
Laurie says
Hugs Michelle – goodness you’re not alone (but it sounds like you are rocking everything!) I love that your family settled in together after an awfully exhausting dinner, you still cooked at home (success!) and you spent time with your bunch. Definitely give yourself grace because you’re doing amazing!