saving, giving, LIVING abundantly

Store Deals

We have quite a few store coupon matchups that are currently available on PPP, but I know it’s overwhelming to have so many pop in a row on Saturdays and Wednesdays when the ads come out! So, here’s a quick list with links to all the store matchups that here on PPP (there are still a few more that I’m hoping to add soon.) If you find any great deals while shopping these stores, leave a comment and I’ll go my best to highlight them here on PPP!


Don’t forget that you can use the printable list feature on each of these to shop, and even email the list to yourself so the list is on your phone. You can also add items to your shopping list as well as remove coupons if you’d like. Let me know if you have any questions about it, and I’ll be happy to help!

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