Wondering how to make income from home while staying home with your kids? Here are 7 secrets to success I've come across!
How to Make Income From Home (Even with Kids at Home!)Â
Note: If you've ever considered starting a blog, don't miss this!!!! Right now, Blue Host is offering their best sale of the year on website hosting ~ in fact, you can get your blog up and running for just $2.95 per month (which is an incredible deal – be sure to scroll down the page to see all the options)  If you've ever considered starting a blog at all, this is the very best time to start!
I gotta tell you, this post is a little hard for me to even write.Â
If you knew me in real life, you'd know I'm so not one to consider myself a “successful” anything, but I guess looking at the numbers, PPP would be considered a success.
Pure craziness I tell ya'.
I started blogging completely (seriously, totally) on a whim, and never ever would have believed one day I'd make a full time income from my little blog. Back then I read Crystal Paine of Money Saving Mom's series “How To Make Money Blogging” and thought just maybe it would work, but really couldn't believe people actually made money online each day.
{If you're interested in starting a blog, try out Blue Host for just $2.95Â per month ~ it will be worth every penny if you end up falling in love with blogging like I have!}
At that point my kids were ages 2, 6, and 9, and I knew that I wanted to earn extra income from home especially as they were getting older and heading off to school.Â
I'd stayed home with them since my oldest was born, and while I'd taken on a few jobs here and there (I gave violin lessons, taught preschool, and did some data entry work), I primarily was a stay-at-home mom. I started obsessively clipping coupons back in 2006 (folks, I was nuts), so the idea of potentially earning an income from home while telling other folks how to save intrigued me.
In October of 2009 I started blogging at publixpennypincher.blogspot.com. (The header for the site was so ugly that a reader offered to fix it for me for free. Then I paid someone to fix it when I switched to Passionate Penny Pincher. As you can see from the picture above it was worse.) 🙂Â
Because I'd never made more than $7 an hour while working (except for teaching violin lessons), my standards were pretty low and I never dreamed of any significant income.
I'll never forget that following February after working a solid 4 months at least 30 hours a week when I made $18 in one day. I was hooked and determined to figure this whole blogging thing out.
I'm not going to tell you it's been easy. Of the twelve blogs that I followed who started at the same time as I did, I'm the only one still typing away each day.
So what were the secrets to my success? (Gosh, that just sounds obnoxious, but we'll go with it, okay?)Â
Here are a few things that have totally changed and allowed me to make income from home:
1. Create a business that people actually need, and pay attention to your customers.
When I started PPP, jillions of blogs were also just beginning teaching people how to save.
While I knew nothing about online marketing, advertising, affiliate income, HTML coding, or really even writing, I did know a thing or two about coupons. Pretty quickly I realized that while other (fantastic!) sites were out there, they didn't always create simple scenarios breaking down how to actually use coupons, so I started coming up with those and posting them. People loved them and I knew right then that I'd found a spot to fill that might set me apart from everyone else.
You may not be a blogger, but you have some skill that you can share with people better than anyone else can. Figure out what your customers need and how you can help them, and the customers really will follow!
2. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there.
This was so hard for me! My nature is to be a little on the timid side, and the idea of putting my thoughts and ideas out there for anyone to read truly turned my stomach when I debated starting a blog.
But I realized that ultimately my goal was to earn income from home, and this was the only thing that I thought might really work. So, I decided to push down the voice in the back of my head which said this was absolutely ridiculous, and started telling folks about my little blog. It was so scary for me, but goodness, I'm so glad I chose to get over that hurdle!
I now remind myself constantly that this is a business. There are times when I WRITE ALL IN CAPS ON FACEBOOK to be seen, or use “7 steps to a successful title” for every single post, and goodness y'all, that's just so not me. However, since I've found those to be successful strategies when working online, I've adopted them for my business, and separate who I am in real life from that kind-of-obnoxious-girl-I-feel-like-online a bit.
3. Set your standards low, and work your tail off.
This may sound counter-intuitive, but for me, setting my standards low during my beginning years has really paid off. I have a bachelor's degree in psychology and worked in youth ministry as well as a group home for at risk girls prior to having kids. Clearly my standards for earning were pretty low!
Because I'd never worked in the corporate world and really had only had low paying jobs, my expectations were just not much those first few years.Â
This helped so much to not be discouraged when I worked so hard for just a few dollars, and goodness, when more dollars have come along the way I've felt like I've won the lottery. 🙂
Don't expect to start out at a new business making big bucks ~ instead work incredibly hard (and smart) at whatever business you're beginning, and have patience to wait and see the business grow.Â
It will take a lot (seriously guys, a lot) of work, but if you're willing to work with everything in you, you really can succeed.
4. Make growing your business your primary business focus instead of making money.
From the very beginning of PPP, I've never focused on making money as a blogger. Instead, from day one I've focused on building traffic (which for me is the way that I determine if I'm building my business.)
Because that's been my number one goal, the money has followed because more traffic has allowed my ad revenue and affiliate income to grow. (If you're curious about what ad revenue and affiliate income even is and really want to start a business blogging, check out this book.)
After years of (slowly!) growing this business, I now make a significant full time income from blogging allowing us to give abundantly and save for our kid's college funds, which was my main goal when starting PPP. There have been many (many) times when I've seen a decrease in traffic and been so discouraged, but that always leads me back to figuring out how to jump start my growth again, and growing PPP a little more along the way.
Note: PPP has grown SO MUCH SLOWER than many other blogs that I follow, and goodness it's been so hard not to get discouraged at times. Six years later though I've learned so much through that slow growth, so if you've felt like everyone else has passed you by, be encouraged that you're not alone. Keep plugging away and focus on what you're good at because goodness, growth really can come with hard work!
5. Hire help as your business grows.
This is huge. There is absolutely no way I could run PPP on my own, and even with some fantastic help I still work easily 40 hours or more each week.
Back in 2010 I had a significant income boost in one month from Amazon affiliate commissions, and used that money to hire Shannon (who I love!) for the next 6 months to work ten hours per week. At that point I had no idea if I could hire her to work long term, but hiring her allowed me time to work on growing other areas of the business. Since then I've hired a few other people, and every time I hire someone it allows me to grow PPP a little further.
6. Be willing to change as your customers change.
Back when I started PPP my main goal was to teach people how to use coupons (which happened to be right when TLC's Extreme Couponing show aired.)Â People loved hearing about coupons, and I loved sharing that information!
However, eventually readers got a little less interested in coupons but loved online deals, so while I've kept some coupon posts, I've changed my focus to include online deals as well. In the last six months I've seen people change to enjoying content posts and recipes more, so I've worked harder to include those more frequently.
Whatever business you start, know that what your customers need right now may not be what they'll need in a few years (or a few months, or even a few weeks in some cases!) Be willing to constantly tweak your business to fit your customers needs, so that they receive something from you that they won't likely find elsewhere.
7. Learn to leverage the power of social media.
Honestly, if anyone had told this stay-at-home-mom-to-three-small-kids seven years ago that one day she would reach over 350,000 people each week on some crazy sites called Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram, she would have just laughed at you. 🙂 But social media has become a huge component of my business, and it's what I spend the bulk of my time working at each week besides content posts.
Find what social media platform will give your business the most potential for visibility, and learn to do that one platform better than anyone else. Watch what other businesses are doing who handle their pages successfully, read every bit of information you can about that form of social media, and listen to podcasts from people that do it well.
I promise, if you're willing to really work whole-heartedly to grow your social media presence it can happen no matter what your business, but you've got to be willing to do your research and put some serious hours in.Â
If you've been thinking about ways to earn income from home, I highly (HIGHLY!) recommend Crystal Paine's new book, Money Making Mom. I read it last week, and goodness, it is for every mom out there who wants to change her financial future, no matter what kind of business or work you're considering. While I love clipping coupons and getting great deals, I absolutely am amazed that thanks to blogging I've now been able to watch our family's finances thrive as I've chosen to become a “Money Making Mom.”
Crystal has fantastic advice on what potential business ideas are out there, time management tips, discusses the importance of networking, and so. much. more.Â
I loved her encouragement on page 92 ~
“Whatever you have to do, show up and give it your all. The rest will follow.” Crystal Paine, Money Making Mom
I promise, if you really want to change your finances and become a stay-at-home working mom, the opportunities are out there.Â
For real.
It may take some time to figure out how they can happen for you, but I really do believe they can.
For me, running this business as a stay at home mom has kind of become the way that I work to be just a tee-tiny bit more like the mom described in Proverbs 31. I really do believe John Wesley's quote that we are called to “Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as you ever can.”
Successfully running PPP has kind of become my concrete way of working towards those goals, and getting to do that while staying home with my kids is just a crazy blessing which I hardly can even believe has happened for me most days.
If it can happen for this mess of a momma, I promise (promise!) it really can happen for you too.
Order Crystal's book, determine to find exactly the right way for you to turn into a Money Making Mom, and change your family's future. If it can happen for me, it really really really can happen for you too. 🙂
Curious about how exactly PPP got started and where the money we earn from it goes? Head on over HERE, and if you're interested in starting a blog crazy inexpensively, try out Bluehost as your host for just $2.95 per month.
Would you like to start blogging for income? Go HERE to learn 5 steps to start a blog today!Â
I need help ! I’m not too good with technology and have put this on the back burner . I purchased the digital download months ago for the home organizer but can’t find where to get the download .
Can you please assist , please .
Email us at shop@passionatepennypincher.com and we’ll help you out! 🙂
I’ve been trying to figure out couponing. I’m a single mom of 4, but only have my younger 2 at home now. Any help, tricks or tips would be GREATLY appreciated. Have a BLESSED day!!
Beautifully said, Laurie! Thanks for a gorgeous, honest, modest post. Love that John Wesley quote and agree with you, wholeheartedly – it’s the perfect description of a Mom Blogger’s role. Permission to turn it into an Instagram post?
Thanks so much Lauren – and you can definitely use it as an instagram post!
I would love to start a blog. Every time I see this posted on Facebook, I feel like it’s a sign. Then I start to feel a heaviness in my chest and I get stressed, because I don’t know what to blog about. I don’t feel like I’m good at anything that would be helpful to others, LOL. At any rate, I find this post very inspiring, and maybe one day it will click, and I’ll figure out what I’m meant to blog about. 🙂
I’m assuming there is more money and traffic to be had with a blog that helps people with something (be it tutorials, budgeting or reviews) than with a blog that’s personal? I’ve been wanting to start one, but I’m just not really sure what angle to use. I would imagine it’s also better to focus on one topic, rather than an assortment?
Hi Tara! Yes, a blog that’s written with a specific topic typically does better (although ones like The Pioneer Woman are more personal and can definitely do well too!) But in general, the best thing you can do is think of something that adds real value to people’s lives and a way to serve your readers that no one else is doing in the same way you’re doing it. It definitely can earn a real income!
Thank you so much for this post! My kids are grown and gone now, but I have FIbromyalgia and have been looking for a way to earn money from home. I have a gift for writing and am always fascinated by what bloggers come up with and I think this might be for me. Thanks for all the links and suggestions, I plan to read and follow them all, not to mention bookmark!
By the way, I have enjoyed PPP for some time now. You always come up with great stuff and I am never disappointed!
So glad it helps Margie – that means so much to me!
Never blogged. Do have a degree in English that might be of some help. Started a new business Home Space Organizer this year, so blogging might help bring legitimate customers to me! Most people try to hire me for the minimum of 4 hours as a maid to clean up their entire house. That is not what an organizer does. What most don’t realize is it takes about 20+ hours to organize one room effectively.
Thanks for the encouraging article! I just started a blog a few months ago. Right now I’m still in the building stage but hopefully at some point I can monetize it!
You’re so welcome Michelle ~ good luck as you get started! 🙂
I have been wanting to tart a blog and had no idea where to start. Thank you so much for the post and encouragement!!
I have followed you for quite a few years now, I use to follow several but some just started only posting what you could tell was paid to clicks, so I stopped following. I thank you for keeping it real and interesting. I think one of the biggest reasons for your success is your personality and answering almost every question and responding to comments. I have seen bloggers who go from little barely making it blogs to a huge success and some of them really let that get to their head. So again, thank you for keeping it real and personable. Congratulations on your success. I have often thought about it but my grammar is no where near blog worthy.
Thank you so very much for your kind words Shannon – that means more to me than you can imagine! I’m so thankful for it, and just feel crazy blessed to have this opportunity each day.
(And, blogging isn’t easy or a get-rich-quick kind of thing at all, but if you have something you’d love to share it’s fun to do and your writing looks great to me! I think the biggest thing I try to remember is just to write like I’d talk – I’m not an excellent writer, but just being able to put words out there has been so fun for me!) 🙂
Aw man, I would LOVE to make a little money blogging. Thanks for the encouragement!
Thank you for this wonderful article. I am working toward starting a bookkeeping business to serve small business owners. Your content is very encouraging and helpful.
You have some great advice for a blogger or stay at home mom. Thank you. I do not make really any money with my blog but hope to.
You really can do it Gail! It takes a lot (a LOT) of work, but so so worth it. Good luck as you’re working towards that!
I am impressed Laurie. I am not easily impressed but you say things in the post that are true. The one thing that is more true than anything is it is a long grind building a business. Having long term strategies and be willing to change strategies when you see the need quickly is very hard for people which is why 90 percent of businesses fail. Business is always changing daily. Excellent analysis you provide in this post.
As a pretty darn tough business man my whole life I can honestly say I would not have the stomach to be a public blogger. Just thinking about it makes me want to hide under my bed :).
Congratulations on your success. For all the folks reading a post like this Laurie thought of doing it but the key to doing anything is to get off the damn couch and do it. If an idea fails dust yourself off and move on to the next idea.
You’re a tough lady Laurie!
Thank you so much for your kind words Jim! I have learned a LOT (so much!) and grown a ton through this business – I still feel a little lost every day but am just so blessed by it. Owning your own business is definitely not for the faint of heart – it’s so much more than I ever anticipated!
I absolutely love this post! Laurie, you touch on so many of the struggles we scrappy Mamas face! I love how genuine you are. And I love that you stuck with it and saw success. I think sometimes it’s easy to give up when our business hasn’t exploded in just a year’s time, but slow and steady can absolutely pay off. Congratulations on your success, and I love that you’re too humble to enjoy calling yourself that 🙂
Thanks so much for your kind words Beth Anne – I do feel just crazy fortunate and am so thankful that after years of working at it I really have seen success, but goodness, it’s been some hours put in! 🙂 I just am still overwhelmed by it each day (and goodness, still work EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. hard just to keep up. But so thankful!
I’m in Love with your Blog! I’m a college student in the Psychology field as well! & while I’m not married or have kids, I appreciate your encouragement! I’m definitely considering ways to make some money or the side, even if it’s to pay off loans! Thanks for your openness!
Thank you so much for sharing – so glad that you enjoy PPP (that means so much to me Brittany!) and so glad this encouraged you – it’s amazing what potential is out there!
Always, it gives me a great pleasure to read what you write and then share with my wife.
I can write about different topics. I am wondering if you would be interested in my writes.
Wish you more success as you have a good heart.
How do I become a blogger?
Hey Katherine! Check out this book on how to blog – it’s got everything you need to know! http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0692236511/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0692236511&linkCode=as2&tag=publix-20&linkId=3FDKEMVR7UI3L6XD
Thank you! Honestly, I needed to.read this. I just recently put money into my blog, started over.basically and have been quite discouraged. I am beyond scared, but I bought my domain and with my husbands encouraging words I keep continuing. I am new, and I cant tell you how much youe.words have helped. I feel like I can do this.
You’re so not alone Amanda! It’s not easy, but it CAN happen (really!) just know that it may take a lot of time. I’m so thankful now that I’ve done it, but even 2 years ago probably wouldn’t have said that because of the massive amount of work it took to keep up. I’ve finally seen the light at the end of the tunnel, but it definitely took some work to get there!
Thanks for sharing some much needed advice. I needed to read this today. Love your blog and all your money saving tips.
You’re so welcome Christy – so glad it was an encouragement to you!
So glad I saw your post! We’ve been blogging for a little over 2 years now, and have recently found ourselves in a traffic slump. It’s so tempting sometimes to throw in the towel, but then I get a great idea in the shower, or a post gets tons of comments, or another blogger contacts me to work together on a project, or… So I keep plugging along! You’re spot-on about building a business and (although it seems counter-intuitive) setting your $$ sights low at first
I was kinda happy (for me, but not for you!) that it took you years to really get going – gives me a renewed glimmer of hope 😉
Will definitely try out Crystal’s book…love her blog, too!
What an honest and encouraging post! I’ve seen many of your posts on facebook and am happy to find you through Crystal’s site tonight.
Thanks so much Lisa – it definitely has been a long road but I’m so incredibly thankful for it. 🙂 It’s still amazing to me that blogging really can work!
Thank you so much for your post! It was such an encouragement to me as a small blogger. I discovered you about 6 months ago, but love reading here! 🙂
Thanks so much for your kind words Sarah – I appreciate them so much (and am so glad you found PPP!) Definitely be encouraged – there is just so much potential out there and it’s so worth it to stick with it even on the tough days!
This is super encouraging and full of wisdom! Thank you for encouraging this small time blogger!
Thank you so much Jayleen – I’m so glad you were encouraged by it! (Goodness, it takes a LOT of work but it really is so worth it – you can do it!) 🙂