Here are 105 fun things to do in the Summer to make family memories. You don't have to do them all, but pick a few and enjoy!
105 Fun Things To Do in the Summer – PERFECT for Family Fun!
My sweet friend Staci started this list of summer fun ideas, and when she showed us, the whole PPP Team ended up adding to it with all of our favorite summer fun ideas. The result is 105 ways to squeeze more joy out of your summer – whether you have big kids, middle kids or little kids!
Grab your 105 Summer Fun Ideas for Families — PRINTABLE – there's even space to add your own ideas 🙂
We included all those activities that have given us the best memories and the sweetest smiles. (or ones we WANT to try!). As my kids have gotten older, these memories become even MORE special – because we only get 18 summers with these babies! *sniff*
Fun Things to do Inside (when the weather is yucky):
1. Have ice cream for dinner
2. Pillow/blanket fort building
3. Homemade snow-cone making
5. Night bowling (fill water bottles with water and drop in a glow stick – then bowl away)
6. Game night – (with the family or invite some neighbors over and have them bring their favorite board games)
8. Fly paper airplanes (measure how far different designs travel and experiment with different designs)
9. Summer puzzle night
10. Finger paint
11. Make homemade pizza (maybe throw it on the grill) – let everyone choose their favorite ingredients
12. Homemade spa
13. Make homemade play dough
14. Bowling
15. Create an indoor obstacle course
16. Make ice cream in a bag
17. Play charades
18. Teach kids about car maintenance
19. Make puppets and put on a puppet show
20. Have a “letter of the day” day – do and eat all things that start with a certain letter
21. Summer reading – make a “bookworm” – add a new piece after each book is complete
22. Family service project
23. Science experiments
24. Make kool aid popsicles or ice cubes
25. Craft night
26. Dance party
27 . Binge watch a family show
28. Craft or create your own targets for a nerf gun or water gun course
29. Family karaoke night
30. Have a slime making challenge (and find out how to get slime out of carpet if there's an oops!)
31. Go roller skating
32. Visit a museum
33. Learn how to crochet or knit
34. Have your own family “Cupcake Wars”
35. Have a family yoga session
36. Learn how to make origami
37. Complete a home project together
38. Volunteer at a local animal shelter
39. Draw something from nature together
40. Make a family movie and take turns being the star
41. Make a completely vegetarian dinner (have each family member make one item)
42. Visit a fire station
43. Learn how to play a card game you've never played
44. Make a family tree together
Things to Do Outside in the Summer:
45. Have a family picnic
46. Make s'mores in a fire pit in your backyard
47. Backyard camp out
48. Bubble time
49. Sprinkler running
50. Set up a Slip and slide (they go faster by using a bit of baby shampoo on the person)
51. Neighborhood relay races
52. Chalk art (find out how to make your own sidewalk chalk paint)
53. Family portraits in chalk (outline everyone – then each person take a different member of your family and color it in to look like them)
54. Play frisbee
55. Play kickball
56. Hike at a local park
57. Backyard family movie night (use a projector and sheet pinned somewhere). To add to the fun, invite friends and neighbors and everyone bring their favorite movie snack to share!
58. Play childhood neighborhood games (Four Square, leap frog, red rover, red light/green light, mother may I, etc…)
59. Feed the ducks (you could turn it into community service by cleaning up the trash in the area while you visit)
60. Find a clover patch and make flower chains and search for a 4 leaf clover
61. Creek stomp
62. Splash in rain puddles
63. Visit a historical site in your area
64. Visit a cave in your area (they stay cool)
65 Go to an area pool
66. Fill a Pool/Cooler with Water Balloons for an epic battle (These water balloons make the job SO much easier)
67. Make a solar oven and cook s'mores
68. Create an outdoor obstacle course
69. Wash your cars/bikes together
70. Look for a drive in movie theater (or go to free/cheap movies!)
71. Stargazing and identify constellations
72. Catch fireflies/lightning bugs (decorate a jar to hold them)
73. Go fruit picking (strawberries, peaches, blueberries)
74. Go for a bike ride
75. Go to a baseball game
76. Nature walk – challenge your kid to search for something specific (color walk – point out things of a specific color, insect- find as many different types of insects as you can)
77. Put together a picnic with all the items beginning with a certain letter
78. Go for a night swim
80. Play frisbee golf
81. Fly a kite (you can find these at Dollar Tree for $1.25 this time of year)
82. Go Geocaching
83. Play miniature golf
84. Play flashlight tag (invite the neighbors to join)
85. Play balloon volleyball (you can try this with water balloons too)
86. Plant a vegetable garden
87. Make a fairy garden with only items from your yard (or grab some Fairy Garden pieces from Dollar Tree!)
88. Build a fort
89. Go kayaking (There are some great Walmart kayak deals!)
90. Play HORSE with a prize for the winner (they get to choose the movie for movie night)
91. Make sun tea
92. Go swimming in the lake
93. Play tennis or pickleball
94. Make a giant hopscotch or twister game on the lawn
95. Go to a carnival
96. Make a lemonade stand
97. Plant a family tree in your yard
98. Go fishing
99. Go to a farmer's market
100. Take a road trip to some place you've never been
101. Have a luau
102. Go on a bird watch
103. Attend a free outdoor concert
104. Set up a simple badminton set and play
105. Have a garage sale
106. Go zip-lining
What other fun ideas would you add to this list that your family likes to do in the Summer? We're always looking for new ideas!
If you don't want to PRINT your list, you could also write your bucket list items on a clothes pin and add them to a bucket. It's the same kind of idea and the kids could help out making it!
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