UPDATE: I'm afraid to say this but I think I've got control of the FB page back! THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your kind words and support – I'm so thankful for each one of you!!!!!
Guys, it's been a long yucky last few days.
This Facebook mess has not gotten a single bit better, and we didn't get home this morning until 1AM from Alabama after having our car repaired (no charge, thank heavens!), then woke up at 5:40 to get everyone moving for school.
(Despite the craziness we absolutely loved seeing so many sweet friends in Madison while visiting ~ they've been our family in many ways the last ten years and we're so thankful for them!)
Once the kids were off to school, I decided to spend 30 minutes handling the things I can control, because clearly some things are out of my reach.
I tackled our disastrous bedroom after getting home so late last night.
Then I cleared off the mess on our kitchen counters that from the middle-of-the-night-craziness,
And tidied up the kitchen sink, put away the suitcases, and started a load of laundry. (Sorry, pics of the laundry not included.) 😉
I even dumped my family's favorite dinner in Mrs. Potts, and felt like I at least had a good handle on the things I could handle in the midst of this mess.
Then, this ridiculous puppy came in from outside (it started snowing while he was out), and was covered in mud from head to toe.
(Seriously, what are you going to do with that face?)
So after a quick bath he sat down for a nap while I determined to tackle this Facebook mess on PPP.
I handled re-submitting emails to dozens of Facebook pages again this morning, and then sure enough the hacker who has control of the PPP Facebook page started sharing just awful links on PPP. (awful. really really awful. just make-me-want-to-vomit-can't-believe-my-image-is-right-up-there-next-to-that-awful.) I've sent screenshots, emails, and timelines to every person I can find at Facebook, and so far have heard nothing back.
Do you know what occurred to me?
I have no control.
I can't control Facebook. I can't control my kids. I can't control my dog, my husband, or anyone else at all.
I can only control me (and I'm feeling a wee bit out of control right now!)
Y'all, I've been typing at this computer for over five years now, and it's only been in the last 1-2 years that my work here has been worth the hours I put into it. I've sacrificed time with my family, time with my friends, time to exercise, time to read and so much more because I felt like there was a purpose here.
And it has been blessed in ways I never imagined.
But right now it's hard. And I don't know if it's worth it. And I'm tired.
My sweet friend Staci called me right as I was completely losing it and suggested I put away my computer and just walk away for an hour. I think I'm going to take her up on it, so if anything smutty comes up on the PPP Facebook page please know that it's not from me. And I really am doing the best I can to get it fixed (a few folks mentioned that they were afraid I wasn't doing anything on the PPP Facebook page, but I promise I've done all I know to do.) I can't begin to tell you the hours of work that have gone in to growing a page to that size, and I was so excited about celebrating with lots of fun giveaways this week on hitting 200,000 fans finally, so this just sickens me.
But really, there are just seasons when things are out of our own control, and I know this is one of many for me. I cannot begin to tell you how much your support as well of those of several wonderful bloggers has meant to me. I am so humbled by the sympathy and generosity of complete strangers, and am just amazed that people would shower kindness on this mess of a momma.
Now I'm off to take a nap before my kids get home from school. 😉 If you're going through an uncontrollable season too, I'm thinking you should find a way to take a nap too sometime today. I'm so reminded that His grace is sufficient for me, so I'm handing over some control right now and hoping you're able to do find a way to do that too.
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9
Laurie, I have only been a fan of your page for a short period of time. Actually, yours was the first page I liked after finally joining the 21st century and joined Facebook. Why this preamble? Well, in the month or so that I have been a fan, I have observed, through your work and your writing, that you are a stand-up kind of person, so I want you to know, that this relative stranger has never doubted your integrity, and therefore, would never mistake THOSE posts for something you would write.
You are right, we do not have any control over anything besides ourselves (and sometimes not even that).
We can not control how others act, only how we react. So, take pride in how well you have presented yourself to us as you battled this mess.
Take a deep breath, pamper yourself a bit, and remember those of us who know you (even a little) believe in you.
Also, your before pictures of your “chaotic” house look like my after pictures when I have (ahem) cleaned.
Have a much better day.
Please know that even though a lot of people benefit from your site, always make sure you take some time for yourself. One thing that has stayed with me from another blogger is that there will always be another sale. Seriously that has helped me so much. I always think about you (no joke) every time I shop at County Line Rd Publix. Please take care and take time for yourself. I will keep praying that every thing will work out with this Facebook stuff. It is a shame that someone uses their time and effort for bad things instead of good. Imagine what the hacker could do if he was doing something positive and kind for others as opposed to negative. I have to think he’ll get his one day. Stay strong and know that you have a lot of people praying for you.
Thank you so much Teresa 🙂 I am working to come up with ways to have a life outside of this (it’s hard to do – I had no idea!), but do love my work here (most days – ummm, no the last few….) Thanks for your encouragement – goodness I wish I always was shopping at County Line Publix!
I am also very sorry for what you are having to go through. We all know that you have no control over it so please don’t worry about that. I click the link that says “this site has been hacked”. I hope that will help and I hope others will do the same. Hang in there and God bless you so much!
PS: we were also visiting the Huntsville/Madison area yesterday before heading back home to the Shoals.
Thank you Becky so much for your kind words!
she does have a temporary one…..check the post @ the top of the this page should have a link to the temporary one…….also w/ complaints the smut posts are being taken down…..
Laurie have seen this the past few days & are really feeling for you, praying & hoping you can get this settled soon!!!!!!!!!! just a couple verses………w/ God all things are possible & if he brings you too it he will see you through it!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥ (((hugs)))
Thank you so much Karen – you have no idea how much that means to me. Thank you for your kind encouragement and please keep on praying!
I just want to say I love what you do. I feel so terrible that you’re dealing with this. But you’re awesome, and strong. You can get through this!
Thank you so much Nicole – you have no idea how much that means to me! I keep hoping I can keep at it but goodness it’s so overwhelming right now. Praying for a light at the end of the tunnel soon 🙂
My heart hurts to see what you are going through, Laurie : ( And I have to believe that in the end God will be glorified through this situation. Here’s a verse that encouraged me this morning, and maybe it will encourage you too: “Lord, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us.” It’s in His capable hands, and I will trust with you for a good result : )
Thank you so much Crystal for sharing that verse – I keep having ones pop up over and over in my head that are just what I need and that’s another one I needed to hear. Thanks so much for your encouragement!
Hello. You are very correct in your post. I have a question though. I have looked at the FB page a number of times since you first posted about the hacking and I have never seen anything odd. Do you have two? Is it getting deleted before I see it? Not that I have any interest in seeing whatever they are posting, I was just curious because it looks good on my end.
Hi Sunny 🙂 They’re only staying up for a few minutes/hours, and I have no way to control anything on the page at all. I do have a temporary Facebook group right now that you can keep up with here –
And you can also get daily email updates –
Very thankful it’s only showing for a short period of time, but so wish I could gain control back of the page!