I posted this a few years ago here, and thought it would be a great reminder if you're new to coupon shopping. Â I've added a few tips I've learned since then, but I'd love to hear what other suggestions you have on how to have an easy experience in the checkout late! Â
We all know how important it is to find the “right” cashier at the checkout lane. I am the worst, I literally walk in the store, scout out my options, and roam the aisles until the one I like is available (this is sometimes tough to do at my Publix, they're usually chomping at the bit to help me!)
I hate to say it, but some folks in this world are just nicer than others, so obviously the same goes for cashiers. But I've found that most (definitely not all) will warm up to me with a few helpful tips.
- BE NICE TO THEM! Smile, make small talk, ask how their day is going (easy, right?)
- If someone is behind you and has just one or two items, let them go first. I've offered to do that many times and sometimes they would rather stay and watch my deals! But it'll let the cashier know you're not there to make them crazy, and the person behind you in line won't go nuts. (I had my first grouchy person ever behind me in line last week. Bless her heart, I don't think she could have sighed any louder and been any more miserable! My sweet cashier was totally on my side though and just kept scanning those coupons!)
- Let your cashier know you've got coupons. Some like the whole stack up front, some couldn't care less how they get them. Let them know you're excited about the deals!
- Save your rain check items or items that are free with a coupon until the end. That way they can easily give you the deduction for your rain check or free coupon because they'll have the item right there with the coupon.
- Don't use expired coupons. While Kroger and some drug stores will occasionally accept these, Publix will not. If you use one, they're bound to question every coupon you've got. You want to let them know you're totally fair, because some of them are looking for you to mess up!
- Clip the entire coupon! A reader just emailed me from Georgia and said that many cashiers are getting stuck with the entire printed sheet and they have to clip the coupons before turning them in. Really, is there another way to drive cashiers more crazy? We want them on our side! Keep scissors in your purse and you can even clip in the checkout line while they're scanning your items (although I do recommend making sure you watch the prices while they're scanning).
- Always, Always, ALWAYS be ethical with your coupon usage. The way you coupon sets the stage for yourself and other couponers, and it's not worth sacrificing your integrity for a dollar. Go HERE to see more on coupon ethics (thanks Kim Saves!)
- If a coupon doesn't work and you feel it's legitimate, NICELY ask to see a manager. You might say something like “I thought the last time I was here you all took those, I just want to make sure so I'll know for next time.” Or, if it's not that big a deal, just let them know you don't want to purchase the item (unless it's something you really want!)
- If you're buying something to donate, let them know that – they love it! Because I did the $100 challenge at our church, many of the cashiers at my store know I grab things to donate, so they like to see my finds! One night I was buying 15 boxes of potatoes (imagine that!) I was a little worried that they might limit how many deals I could get, so I just mentioned that I was buying some for our food pantry. It made them excited to see how cheaply I got them!
- When all else fails, figure out your favorite cashier's schedule – really. There's a guy at our store that we all LOVE (he's so sweet, and even knows my name!) A friend of mine loves him too, so we decided we want his schedule!  We really need something more exciting to do than couponing, don't we?
I really believe that as long as we treat our cashiers kindly and with respect, odds are they'll do the same us. (I know there are some exceptions, but so far I've been pretty lucky!) Do you all have any other tips on buddying up with cashiers? I'd love to hear them!
Laura Campbell says
As a cashier and a couponer (though I don’t extreme coupon and could get better deals with more time to devote to it), I agree with your tips. I’m Irish too, so I chat with everybody. Tonight I saved 11% of my almost $300 grocery bill. Not bad at all for a $2 weekly investment for Sunday coupons.
Carmel Horvath says
My Publix is great, I have to admit there is only one cashier that I will not go to, she would not accept my Dollar General coupons one day, said that they only accept DG market coupons, same company!!! because there were so many people in line and I had lots of coupons that day I just said ok, however I emailed Publix customer services to clarify their rules on DG coupons. So yes they do take the coupons and I also got my 6 bucks back. I do all my coupons and separate the store coupons/MFR/Competitors coupons, I know 2 of my cashiers like it this way, I double check on the day that none of my coupons have expired. I always chat to the cashiers and asking the how they are doing, Because i am Irish there is always a conversation to be had. I always make a comment to them ” you love when I come in”. There is one thing I will always do, if someone comes behind me in the queue, I will always mention to them that I will be a little while because I have a lot of coupons most people will wait to see what the savings are, one day a woman waited nearly 20mins behind me I just kept apologising to her and when I was done she said it was worth the wait to see that I had saved, nearly £196.00 and only paid about $80. The only think I dislike about my Publix is that they do not accept more than 1 target coupon for the same item so I have to do 2/3 transactions. When I first started doing couponing I had cashier tell me she couldn’t accept the second Target coupon, I suggested to her that because it was a 2nd transaction she should take it otherwise I would go to another cashier. Its not their fault as this is what they have been told by their manager. I have so many stories in the end they all work out in my favour 🙂
Cathy says
Hi 🙂 I love this article. I’m a Christian and ethics mean alot to me, so I’m glad you mentioned it. I’ve noticed, that for some reason, male cashiers seem to be more helpful and patient and willing to do what they can to make sure most transactions go well. That’s not to say female cashiers aren’t just as kind. It’s just an observation. I’m a retired nurse and as a nurse most males made the best nurses. Maybe male cashiers look at couponing as just another part of their job and don’t take things so personally. I really can’t explain it, but I really do like using a male cashier if one if available. Smile…smile…smile…it does go a very long way. Even if they don’t smile back, I’m sure it helps their day and it will probably make things go smoother for us all. Well, God bless…have fun…and keep couponing…PS: I also admire that you donate…I have only been couponing and stockpiling since about March of this year and I prayed and continue to pray that I will be successful at couponing, so I have alot to donate. It’s exciting to know you can give back for usually the price of taxes 🙂 Thanks for the article…God bless you…
Laurie says
Wow Jim ~ now that is a great way to make sure you get a good cashier….. I love it!!! That’s awesome that they take the $20/$100 (I need to find out if any of our local Publix stores would take it, I kind of doubt it because that’s such a big value but it never hurts to ask.) So smart though to find out who’s a “seasoned” cashier, what a hoot! 🙂
JIM says
I meant rain check not price match. They are a pain at Giant Eagle because they have to input each price and I had 16 items. She sped it up by doing one price x 16. I have had other cashiers really slow the line down on a rain check and then combined with a competitor coupon it gets frustrating. I rarely can utilize the same cashiers unless I go late at night.
JIM says
I did a new one today. I had a $20 off $100 competitor earthfare coupon from recycle bank (by the way they still have those and you can get two new prints after 30 days for the same coupons. Anyways, I also had a price match on 16 packages of the Earthbound blueberries that they were out of on one of my trips early in the summer. I knew this afternoon it was going to be a little more crowded so I went up to one of the managers and asked her who was the most experienced cashier instead of guessing. She laughed and her and one of the other managers started having a discussion about it ha ha. Anyways, they came to a consensus that by the time a girl got back from her break she would be at lane 15.
It worked like a charm. That cashier rocked out my transaction!
Just ask 🙂