Here are the top school supply deals available this week, with a huge thanks to Your Retail Helper for compiling the list!
- Sharpie Fine Point 8 ct BOGO Free –Â CVS
- Sharpie 2, 4 & 8 ct $3.99 –Â Walgreens
Glue Sticks
- RoseArt 6 pk 80¢ – Target
- RoseArt 3 pk 49¢ – Walgreens
- Elmer's 2 pk 25¢ – K-Mart
- Avery 3 pk $1.50 – Office Depot
- Elmer's 6 pk $1.97 –Â Wal-Mart
Glue Bottle
- RoseArt 4 oz 49¢ – Walgreens
- Office Depot Brand 10 pk 25¢ – Office Depot
- Just Basics 10 pk 50¢ (through Wed w/$5 min purchase) – Office Max
- Papermate 10 pk 50¢ – CVS
- Bic 10 pk 50¢ – Target
- Bic 10 pk 97¢ – Wal-Mart
- Penway or Wexford 2 pocket 9¢ – Walgreens
- Mead Five Star 50¢ – Target
- 2 Pocket 2/$1 –Â Office Depot
- 2 Pocket with or without prongs 15¢ – Wal-Mart
- Penway 10 pk 19¢ – Walgreens
- #2 10 ct 50¢ – K-Mart
- Dixon No. 2 / 24 ct 94¢ – Wal-Mart
- #2 / 8 pk 1¢ with $5 minimum purchase – Staples
Mechanical Pencils
- Caliber 10 ct BOGO Free –Â CVS
- PaperMate 5 pk 19¢ – Walgreens
- 12 pk $1 –Â Staples
- Wescott 5″ $1.50 –Â Office Max
- Wescott 5″ $1 –Â K-Mart
Water Colors
- RoseArt 16 ct $1 –Â Target
- Pentel 5 pk Free after Easy Rebate –Â Staples
- All Crayola – B1G2 Free –Â Toys R Us
- Schoolio 24 ct 25¢ (through Wed with $5 minimum purchase) – Office Max
- Crayola 24 ct 25¢ – K-Mart and Office Depot
- Cra-Z-Art 24 ct 25¢ – Wal-Mart
- 24 pk 39¢ – Walgreens
- All Crayola B1G2 Free –Â Toys R Us
- Crayola 10 ct $1 –Â K-Mart
- Crayola 10 ct 97¢ – Wal-Mart
Colored Pencils
- Crayola 12 ct $1 –Â K-Mart
- Crayola 12 ct 97¢ – Wal-Mart
Dry Erase Marker
- Expo Washable 6 pk $2.99 after In-Store Coupon -Walgreens
- Splash Mini 9¢ – Walgreens
- Sharpie 2 ct 50¢ – Target
- Sharpie Pocket 4 pk $1.47 –Â Wal-Mart
- Sharpie Yellow 2 pk 1¢ with $5 minimum purchase – Staples
Filler Paper
- Office Max Brand 100 sheets 1¢ (through Wed with $5 minimum purchase) – Office Max
- Office Depot Brand 150 sheets 25¢ – Office Depot
- 150 sheets 75¢ – Wal-Mart
Composition Books
- Schoolio 100 sheets 75¢ (through Wed with $5 minimum purchase) – Office Max
- Caliber 100 sheets BOGO Free –Â CVS
- 100 sheets 40¢ – Wal-Mart
- Scotch Magic Tape 50¢ – Target (See coupons below)
- Scotch Magic Tape $1 –Â Office Max (See coupons below)
School Supply Coupons
- $1 off any Scotch Scissors Exp 9/30
- $1 off any Scotch Wrinkle Free Glue Stick 2 pk Exp 9/30
- $1 off any Scotch Pop Up Tape Dispenser Exp 9/30
- $1 off any Scotch Poster Tape Exp 9/30
- $1 off any Scotch Packaging Tape Exp 9/30
- $1 off one roll of Scotch Magic Tape Exp 9/30
- $1 off any Post-It Label Product Exp 8/31
- Target 75¢ off Post-It Flags or Tabs
- Target 50¢ off Scotch Magic Tape
- Target $1 off Papermate Writing Utensil item
- Target $1 off Sharpie item
- Target $1.50 off Mead Cloth Binder
- Target $1 off select Crayola Dry Erase items
- Target $1 off 2Â Bic Writing Utensil items
- $1 off Sharpie Pens, 2 pack or Markers, 3 pack – Walgreens July 2011 Savings Book
- $3 off Expo Washable Dry Erase Markers, 6 pack – Walgreens July 2011 Savings Book
- Pilot Pens $1 off
- Office Depot – $10 off $50 Exp 7/19
Keep up with all the best retail deals available at Your Retail Helper!