Note: this ICE Plan can be found in our Money Planner on page 24. Learn more about the Money Planner over HERE.Â
Today's topic in the Money Planner can be a little uncomfortable, but SO Important. I know it's a little hard to think about something happening to you or a loved one, but hopefully this information will be helpful and take a little teensy bit of the stress out of it.
What would you do if you had a medical emergency and were unable to communicate with your loved ones? Would they know who to contact or which doctors to notify? Knowing this information can make a huge difference when it matters the most.
You can prevent a possible bad situation from becoming worse by creating something called an ICE plan. An ICE plan is a simple way to provide important information to your loved ones in case of an emergency. By including the names and contact information of your doctors, family members, and caregivers, you can make sure that your loved ones will be able to get the help they need if something happens to you. Creating an ICE plan is easy – just follow these simple steps!
First, grab a separate sheet of paper or pull up a spreadsheet or use the ICE Template already prepared just for this found in our Money Planner on page 24 over HERE.
Add the following important info to your ICE plan sheet:
- Name & Other personal info like birthdate, etc
- Emergency Contact Information
- Medical information including allergies, doctor info, medications, health insurance, etc.
- Health History
- Anything else you feel would be important to know in case of an emergency
That is it! See how simple that is? Once you are done you will feel SO much better about having your ICE available in case anything happens!
What's Next? Â
Now that you have your In Case of Emergency list completed I want to encourage you to also create a couple of other documents that will help in case of an emergency.
Keep reading to learn more about TWO other important things to document IN CASE OF EMERGENCY!
Password Organizer
One additional item you want to make sure your loved ones have access to is your password list. You will most likely want your trusted loved ones to be able to access your accounts, phone, etc. Keeping track of that with a password organizer can make such a difference.  There is already a Password Organizer Template prepared just for this found in our Money Planner on page 22 over HERE. OR you can just place it into a notebook or on a piece of paper.
Your password organizer should contain things like login, account number, password, company name, etc. for each account you access regularly.
Bank Account Information
Another often overlooked item that is often needed in case of emergency is bank account information. You can find a template for this in our Money Planner starting on page 19 over HERE. OR you can just place it into a notebook or on a piece of paper.
While having this information accessible somewhere in your home is important, you definitely want to store it in a safe space (you can even make copies of these pages to keep in a safe deposit box – just make sure someone you trust knows how to access the information if anyone ever needs to find it! Here are two important tips:
-  Make SURE you keep all this information in a safe place. You would not want it to fall into the wrong hands.
- PLUS, you will want to keep each of these lists updated regularly if there are any changes.
More Finance February Budget Posts if you'd like to catch up:Â
- Finance February Challenge Information
- Pantry Cooking Challenge (Finance February Challenge) – page 31 in the Money Planner
- How To Calculate Your Net Worth Worksheet (Finance February Challenge) – pages 6 & 7 in the Money Planner
- How To Create a Monthly Budget Spreadsheet Worksheet (Finance February Challenge) – page 33 in the Money Planner
- 5 Easy Ways To Stick To Your Budget (Finance February Challenge) – page 30 in the Money Planner
- Determine Your Financial Dream (Finance February Challenge) – page 4 in the Money Planner
- Create a Bill Payment Schedule (Finance February Challenge) – page 8 in the Money Planner
- Create a Grocery Budget That Actually Works – page 18 in the Money Planner
- How To Create a Savings Account Ledger – page 14 in the Money Planner
Looking for more budgeting tips? Check out our How to Budget page over here, and determine to start tracking your finances so you can see success today!Â
Is there any way you all could create the ICE and password pages as a pdf? I would totally get them if they were separate from the money planner
Danielle – that’s a great idea, it’s something I’ll think on for sure!