The More Money Challenge is HERE!
I am sooooo crazy excited because the More Money Challenge is HERE, where we'll be transforming our family's finances together for the entire month of March!
If you struggle with making ends meet each month and just don’t know where to begin . . .
If you wonder exactly where your money has gone each week, and feel like you just can’t get ahead . . .
THEN YOU ARE GOING TO LOOOOOOVE this challenge because you and I are going to walk together to totally transform every aspect of your finances.
I've been thinking through our own family's finances and what we've done to really see financial success, and created this simple daily schedule to help you have MORE MONEY IN March, too.
Here's what you need to know . . .
- During the month of March (especially March 4-8) we'll all work together towards purposefully spending a little less each day
- On Thursday, March 7th at 8:00 PM Eastern Time we will host a More Money March Masterclass teaching everything you need to know about saving money, how to coupon (+ oodles of tips on how to use coupons at Amazon too!)
- You can get everything you need for More Money March Challenge by joining us in the group. The cost is $17 for the PDF including many pages of budget downloads (or order the printed book over HERE in the PPP shop – If you order the printed book, you'll get the PDF immediately too!)
- You'll get 19 bonus videos walking you through step by step of how to manage each area of your monthly budget.
- We'll host a private Facebook Community for those who join and challenge you each day to work on saving money inside the group. JOIN US ~ it truly will change your finances today!
Do you need to join me and change your family's finances today?
Let's dive in. Go HERE to join the More Money March Challenge and let’s work together for the next four weeks to tackle really gaining control of your finances. Thank you for allowing me to be a small part of your journey ~ I can't wait to see your success!
I bought the PDF but now that I have started it I would rather have the printed book. Is there a discount for me to purchase the book?
Hi Sarah ~ You can get a discount on the Money Planner with code MONEY2024 at checkout. Hope that helps!
Of I purchase this what name will appear on my credit card statement?
It should come up as our company name Passionate Penny Pincher!
I would love to join in Thursday’s masterclass workshop but I have a prior commitment. Will this masterclass be video recorded so I can catch it the following day?
Hi Linda, yes if you registered for the class you will get the recorded video sent to your email for you to watch! If you do not get it, please email and they can assist you.
What if you want to participate, but already bought the planner? I got mine off your Amazon store. I didn’t receive any pdfs, or see anything about the FB group! Everytime I click on anything on this page thinking I’m going to sign up to join the group or something it sends me to a page like I’m purchasing the planner, that I already have!
I am so sorry you are having trouble! Please email and they can help you get a code to become a member of our facebook money planning group! I hope that helps.
Looking forward to getting this going!! Thanks for putting this all together. I have my money planner and am excited!!
Can I ask where you got the pink bag to keep your money envelopes?
We are so excited for you to join us with the Money Challenge! Here’s where you can find the bag. 🙂
Would the Money Planner work for singles with no kids too? I’m terrible at budgeting and could sure use some guidance but worry everything’s geared towards couples with kids…
Absolutely! The money planner is designed to help anyone who wants to budget and know exactly where their money is. 🙂
I purchased the PDF files of the Money Planner and printed a couple of months so I could get started. I love the questions to help you think about plans, goals and steps to get there! The daily spending ledger- while painful (ha!)- is so eye opening and has been a great tool for me to easily see exactly where my money is going. It keeps me accountable to my budget and helps me adjust. Thank you so much!
Yayyy ~ so glad it’s been helpful Carrie! 🙂 Keep up the great work ~ cheering for you!
That is amazing to hear Carrie! Would you be okay with our marketing team using this on our Facebook and Instagram? Your last name would not be used in anything. We appreciate it! Either way just let me know! Thanks so much!
I am So Excited about starting my Journey to Financial Security. I plan to Retire in 2 yrs., so I will Definitely be needing this class. I am doing a Envelope Challenge also! Good Luck Everyone!
So glad you’ll be joining us Delores ~ cheering for you! 🙂
Love the money planner.
Yayyy ~ so glad to hear that Patti! 🙂
Hi Lori,
If we purchased the Money Planner, then we will be able to join the Feb 15th workshop, correct? I do not believe I am in that particular Facebook group. I am in the planner and meals group.
Hi Lori ~ yes! Be on the lookout for an email with info on how to join as the class gets closer! 🙂 (If you’d like to join our Money Planner Facebook Group, you should have gotten an email about it when you purchased, but if you don’t see it, you can email us at, and we can help you get added!).
Hi, I bought the Money Planner last year. I haven’t used it yet. Could I be included in the challenge?
Thank you,
Yes, you sure can Carlene! 🙂 Be on the lookout for an email with info on how to join as the class gets closer!
Hi, Laurie! Your home planner has been life changing for me! Quick question: Do we need to purchase the Money Planner to hop on the challenge? Life is too crazy right now to go all in at this time, but I’d love to follow along and glean some impactful tips and tricks! Thanks for all you do:)
Hi Sarah! We’ll be posting information all month long on PPP so feel free to just listen along and get on track! Remember we also have the money planner PDF files which might be worth checking out (and they’re less expensive than the book!) Hope that helps a little at least!
Totally changed my life and the recipes are some of the best I’ve ever made! ❤️
Hi! I ordered the PDF last year. I would love a set of the envelopes. Are those available to purchase separately?
Sadly the envelopes are not available for separate purchase Gina, but you can use regular envelopes, or Shannon uses a wallet like this! 🙂 Hope that helps! –>
If we bought the budget book, do we need to order the pdf?
Hi Caroline! No – the PDF files are included with your planner order! Check for an email from if you didn’t see it (check your spam folder) and you can also send us an email at if you still don’t see it. Hope that helps! 🙂
So ready. Started the planner in December!
Love the new features in this year’s Mony Plan book!