PIC Solar Insect Killer Torch with Flame Effect
Jamie here! Do you like to sit outside without getting eaten alive? ME TOO! I thought for awhile about getting a bug zapper – but without any available outlets near my deck I gave up.
Then I stumbled upon this Solar Insect Killer Torch and I knew I had to try it out! Since it's solar I won't need a plug – and I like the flickering torch accent light.
It comes in a Torch Style, with a tall stake for placing in the hard, as well as a tabletop stand (that's what I use)
It also comes in a Lantern style – which you can use on a tabletop OR hang from something.
Here's a video of it flickering (the “flame effect”) as I sat outside earlier this week. Ignore my messy deck – we've been doing a project 🙂
I listened intently my first night outside, waiting for the sound of any zaps – but heard nothing. I later learned that it just doesn't make a zapping noise.
I was wary that it hadn't killed anything – but the next day it was clear that it had killed 5-6 moths/mosquitos.
They're supposed to fall into this little removable tray but I think the fact that it started raining while I was outside made them kind of stick to the grill. I read someone say that they just blow it out once in awhile with compressed air to get rid of any stuck to the sides. (I have a leafblower – maybe that'll work!)
👉👉👉Â Head over here to snag yours – they're selling out fast!
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