Shannon here.
It's crazy as I sit here and figure out what to write and where to start…… First, it's just crazy what God has done in the last 13+ years when I started with PPP as employee #2! I used to say I was the V.P. haha. I remember meeting Laurie officially in Publix and talking about how my bible study group wanted me to teach them how to coupon and Laurie said she had this blog she runs, and I was like if you come teach a class you can get people on your blog and I can get people off my back and that is how it all started. Ever since then, I have told soooooo many people about this blog Laurie had….
Laurie and I would go anywhere and everywhere, teaching classes after that. At one time, we even charged $5 a person, so we could make some money, but we would end up giving it away to someone who was going through something hard. I remember I started at 5 hours a week even though I worked way more, but it was soo fun! I remember going all over to get the Publix ad early. Those were fun times! One time on vacation my poor family had to wait in traffic for 30 minutes just so I could go into a Publix to ask for the ad and work on it in the car as we traveled…. I am a wee bit competitive and wanted the ad out early and beat the other bloggers! I remember brainstorming ideas with Laurie, which is where the back-to-school and stock-up comparison lists were born! Lots of recipes, but my favorite will always be Butterfinger Cake and Apple Snicker Salad!
Years later, I have done a trillion Publix, CVS, Walgreens, Kroger, and Walmart ads, store deals, Amazon posts, and tons more. I love saving people money, helping to teach people how to budget and get out of debt, and encouraging people to donate items they do not need or get for free. I have recently LOVED writing the make-from-scratch posts that have become a passion for me. 🙂
But since Covid, it seems like my job has started changing. The deals are still there but not as great as they once were. And honestly, it's getting a lot harder. I started to see the shift and my heart started changing. I realize this extrovert really likes to pour into women and people in general. I love being able to sit with someone and just talk about the Lord, life, and theology.
Soooo all that to say, sadly, I will be leaving PPP on May 31st. This has been a super hard decision, and, honestly, I feel like I am for sure leaving a part of me behind since I have invested so much of my life to help build PPP into what it is today, especially the first 5-8 years. I only had a tiny tiny fraction of that but it's been rewarding and amazing to see God work like He has. I am super grateful He allowed me to be a part of this and grateful for the amazing co-workers and boss that I have gotten to come alongside.
I have felt torn over the past few years. I have tried and prayed and prayed and prayed. I know many people would love to work for such an awesome company! I tried to turn in my notice last year, but Laurie talked me into going part-time. But this girl is an all-in kinda girl and my hours didn't go down much. (This is on me completely).
But as my youngest is entering her last year in high school, I have realized I have had a computer glued to me on so many trips and basically a ton of my time the last 13+ years. I want to be all in and available for her senior year. We have been visiting colleges (this momma is NOT ready), and just that realization, she will most likely be out of the house after next year 🙁 .
I also want to be able to do more missional things around my community. My husband and I have always felt going into full-time ministry with my schedule being clear that may be more of a reality. I can live out Here am I ~ send me! So I plan to at least take the summer off and, if anything, work part-time waiting tables or doing whatever the Lord has in store for me after the summer.
I will miss each of you. BUT the good news is I will still be leading the Digging Deep group! I will have more time to invest in it and the amazing group of women as well.
You will be in good hands as Lindsey will be taking over doing the store deals, so no worries there!
I just want to say THANK YOU so much for being such a GREAT readership and really a part of my life the last 13+ years. I will miss so many things, but mostly my co-workers and all of you!! You have made my job rewarding and awesome, especially when I get those cool emails or sweet messages from you. That made my day. I appreciate you more than you know and wouldn't take this time back for anything!
PPPeace out!
Note from Laurie:
Truly, there are no words for me to fully share the gift of having Shannon alongside me for the last almost 14 years on Passionate Penny Pincher. More than any on else on our team, she's watched the entire business evolve from two crazy moms who just wanted to tell everyone on the planet how to snag free Colgate at Publix, to a website serving over TEN MILLION USERS (!!!) in just the last year.
We are constantly been blown away by how God's used the work that we do each day.
Shannon's faith, commitment to integrity, work ethic, and her desire to make our team a “no-drama-space” laid the groudwork for every other woman on our team, and her diligent service for so so many years in what can be a really tough-easy-to-burn-out-industry truly has been incredible. She's helped cultivate a sweet spirit of community here both inside and outside of our team, but most importantly constantly reminded us that how we serve you each day matters, making sure we never sacrificed our integrity EVER to make a dollar.
I am so incredibly grateful for her, and know that God has just the sweetest plans for her going forward (but goodness, I'm going to miss having her as our regular cheerleader here each day!)
Thank you Shannon for being MY cheerleader, the one who walked beside me when we barely made a few dollars an hour, and for the way you've continued to show up, EVERY DAY for the last 14 years. You know I'm forever grateful for you – and so excited about what God has next for you and your sweet family!
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
Shannon, thank you for truly using your gifts for his purpose each and every day. I am going to miss you so so much, but truly can't wait to see what God has in store for you next. Forever grateful!
Girl, I am sooo going to miss seeing your precious smiling face and lovely posts. I am glad you are listening to your heart and where the Lord is leading you. As Kaitlyn is also heading into her senior year, I completely understand what a blessing it will be for you and F.
I love you, girl. Hang in there and continue to let your light shine bright. Thank you for all the ways you have helped us through the years! Hugs!
Aww thank you so much Melanie!! Goodness I never realized Kaitlyn and Faith were the same age… HOW DID I MISS THAT??? Thanks soo much for your encouragement! Love you too!
On the selfish side sad you are leaving. Feel like I personally know you. Glad you will continue Bible studies. On the other hand proud of you and happy that you are pursuing other ventures. Much like Peter having the courage to step out of the boat it’s difficult to leave your comfort zone. Much love and best of luck for the future that lies ahead.
Mixed feelings here. On the selfish side sad you are leaving. Feel like I personally know you. Glad you will continue Bible studies. On the other hand very proud of you and happy that you are pursuing other ventures. Much like Peter having the courage to step out of the boat it’s difficult to leave your comfort zone. Much love and best of luck for the future that lies ahead.
YES exactly Nicole!! Thank you soo much for your kind words!
So sad to see you leave but God has many more plans for you.
Thank you soo much!!
May God guide you and remind you of all the great things He has planned. Best of luck in your new adventures!
Aww thank you soo much Emily!
God Bless You! Good Luck. You will be missed
Thank you so much! God bless you as well!
Thank you Shannon for all of your time you invested in finding deals! I love how you are following God’s will, listening to your heart, and finding peace. Blessings to your and your family!
Thanks so much!! And to you as well!
You will be missed, but what a great legacy! With more to come, I’m sure.
Aww thank you so much!
I am sad but so happy for you! We will miss your smiling face and your heart for all the deals and your heart for Jesus!!!!!!! Go with God and lean on him for the future.
Just seeing your face and seeing a message coming from you has been such an inspiration to me over the years. I am praying that God will bless you and use you in miraculous ways.
Aww thank you so much! I so appreciate those prayers!
Good luck Shannon, as you embark on this next chapter! I too have a rising senior and it certainly comes quickly, and makes you reevaluate everything. Enjoy your time with your family and thank you for all you have added to this very special group. Take care!
Aww thank you soo much! Enjoy your last year as well. Everyone keeps saying it goes fast!
I wish I had been a better pupil and have for several years now been amazed at how you pinch pennies. But life…. As a nurse and a mom of 5 busy kids, I really benefit most from the PPP community and the foundation of our faith. I too have our baby going into her senior year of high school. Thank you, Shannon for the example of walking your faith every day. Glad I can still catch you on digging deep.
Aww thank you soo much for your kind words! Wow you are so busy I am sure! Enjoy your last year as well!
God’s Blessings on this next chapter of your life, Shannon. Thank you for all you’ve done for PPP AND for us … always finding us great deals! You will definitely be missed. BEST WISHES!
Thank you soo much!!
Happy for you that you made the choice you did and sad for the PPP family who will miss you. I just retired after 2-1/2 years that I had announced I was going to retire, so I know the strings that make it hard to make the break! Good luck in all you do & enjoy the time with your family that you can!
Thank you soo much! Hope your retirement is going well!
Awe, you will be truly missed! Thank you for all the time youve put in helping everyone get the best deals. I myself have saved a ton of time and money thanks to you all. Thank you and best wishes as you move forward to the next chapter. Hugs!
Aww thank you soo much!!
I had to drop out of Bible study when my husband had to have cancer surgery then treatment all in the last few years but I truly admire you for letting God be your guide . Good luck to you and your husband in following the Lord and May he bless you always. You are a wonderful Bible leader we shall miss you in the PPP online family
Aww thank you soo much! Feel free to jump back in if you have time! We’d love for you to join us again. 🙂 Hope your husband is doing better!
Thank you for all you’ve done for this ministry…because PPP is indeed a ministry. I pray the Lord continues to move your family forward in His purpose and plan for you all. May the next season be just as sweet! Thank you!
Thank you soo much Tamara!
Good luck to you, Shannon! I am in a similar boat with my only child heading into his senior year and he ‘needs’ to go away to college the following year (it really is in his best interest, with what he wants to do post-high school). I too have started to step back from things, so I have more time for family & future. Best wishes to you and your daughter.
Oh Michelle you know then! Best Wishes to you as well! We are in this together. 🙂 Thank you so much!
Congratulations! You will be missed at PPP by staff & readers like me, but thank you for the blessings you have poured out on so many of us that you don’t even know personally. I’m thrilled God is calling you to new adventures with your family & new ministries. It is hard to be pruned from fruitful branches to become fruitful in new directions, but I know God our Gardener is faithful. I am in a new pruning season, having just moved with my husband to care for an aging parent. Leaving my beloved friends and church family and ministries has been hard these last weeks, but I trust in the One who knows what I can now do here for Him. Thank you for your faithfulness to help us stay in budget. Best wishes
Oh Susan what a hard move! That I know was super hard but what a blessing you are to your aging parent! If you are looking for community and are not part of the DD group it is a great group!
Yes God is such a great pruner and He has A LOT of pruning with me but thankfully He is so patient. 🙂 Thank you so much for your kind words!
Shannon. I am so sorry you are leaving. It has always been the Laurie and Shannon show for me. I have followed almost from the beginning. But we all know that GOD will direct our paths, and sometimes it is only for a season. I wish you all the best and will miss you being here. GOD BLESS YOU on your next chapter – please pop in and give us an update on your life.
Aww thank you so much Robbin! I will for sure be checking in!
Shannon— thank you for blessing PPP and all of us members!! You’ve been a blessing from the moment I joined several years ago!!
I pray blessings into you and your family’s life as you begin your new chapter of life!!
Sending your best so much love!
Danielle DeGraaf
Aww thank you so much!!
Shannon you are such a blessing! Thank you for all you have taught me. Enjoy this journey that God has for you and your family. I will truly miss you! I will be praying for you. Continue to let God shine through you wherever you go. I would love to join your Bible study.
Aww thank you soo much for your kind words!! Here is the link!
Shannon, please let us know where God leads you. I know he will be looking after you and your family.
Thank you soo much! I will for sure be keeping in touch!
Man! This news makes me sad! It has been a stressful week for my family as we learned that my husband’s job is being eliminated…It really seems that God is shifting a lot of things for a lot of people but I know it will all be for the GOOD! You are a blessing Shannon and I know God has great things in store for you and your family! I’m happy that you will still be leading the Digging Deep group! I also know that Lindsey will do an awesome job taking over the deals!! Everyone at PPP is so amazing and we feel like we know you guys! Haha! Thank you for all you have done for us group members!
Oh I am so sorry you are having a rough week and your husbands job got eliminated. I am saying a prayer for yall right now! Thank you so much for your kind words!
Thank you so much!
I’ve been a PPP reader almost the same amount of time, and I’ve seen your name over and over again through this blog, emails, Facebook, and IG all those years. You were busy finding the best deals for us, and I’m grateful! PPP helped my husband and I crawl out of debt when we were newly wed and raising a baby. I then told me friend who wanted in on the deals. Then my MIL fell in love with the planner I’d gifted her from y’all. You’ve done so much good here! Now, go do good elsewhere. You can bless so many more people, including your own family, by moving on and moving forward. I know you’ll leave sparkle wherever life brings you. God bless you!
Aww thank you sooo much! And thank you soo much for supporting PPP over all the years!
Shannon, you will be missed! God will truly bless you as you continue to serve Him. Your daughter will always remember that you chose to take this time for her. God bless you and your family as you follow where God leads.
Thank you soo much! She is really excited!
You will be truly missed. So glad you’re still doing the class and if things settle here I’ll be back you know my story. I truly appreciate and understand your feelings and will keep you and yours in our prayers for all your wishes to come true. Maybe one day you’ll be back. God bless you
Thanks Theresa! We would love for you to join us again!
You will be missed. Good luck with whatever God has in store for you. I’m sure He has great things planned.
Thank you so much!! I am excited to see where He leads!
I’m confident He will do great things through you. You will be missed. I loved your talks on saving money and enjoyed your coupon class. Best wishes and God bless.
Thanks so much!! God bless you as well!
Sad to hear this news Shannon you will be missed. I will be praying for you as you take this next step in this God given adventure of LIFE. Blessing to you and your family
Thank you so much!! I am so thankful for your prayers as well!!
Oh my goodness! I know that you prayed for discernment on this one. I’m so thankful for all that you have done for us. I’m sure that He has some great plans in store for you and your family.
Blessings to you on this next chapter.
Thank you!! Yes it was A LOT of prayer for sure!
Wishing you all the very best! <3
Thank you so much!
Shannon. Best wishes on your future endeavors. Thank you for all your postings in the past. God be with you and your family.
Thank you so much!
Shannon, really going to miss you but so excited for you following your heart. I know you will be amazing. Best of luck.
Thank you so much Sandi!
I’m sad for us but am also inspired with your commitment to your faith in God. May God Bless you and your Family.
Thank you so much Karen!
I retired to part time from a six figure salary so i could do the same thing. Spend the last year with my last child. I adopted him helped deliver him as a single parent when my bio kids were 12 and 15. I wasnt allowed to take maternity leave with him so i only had two weeks off. Good for u.
Aww that is awesome you did that Lillian! I know he sure appreciated you being there for him! Thanks so much!