This is a re-post of one of my favorite closet cleanouts ever from way back in 2013, as I'm hoping it'll inspire me to tackle a little more cleaning out this week. See more about how Reagan's tiny room became a favorite spot in our home, and what we've done to frugally fluff it up.
Okie dokie folks, if you need some serious motivation to get a closet in your home cleaned, here you go.
I'm determined to get through all the closets in our area before Thanksgiving (because even here in Alabama we need to pull out those winter clothes!), so this weekend I tackled my daughter's closet and bedroom.
I procrastinated for several weeks on this one, and every time I walked into her room I was completely (seriously) overwhelmed.
I even considered buying her new clothes because I had absolutely no idea what she had in hand-me-downs for winter, but the room was in such bad shape I didn't know where to begin.
Now, in my defense, I had pulled down the winter clothing boxes from the attic a few days ago, and of course when Reagan saw those boxes she had to attack. 😉 So, her room normally isn't (quite?) so bad? And, a few weeks ago she and her big sister decided they were going to start rooming together so they had moved her mattress. Puh-lease tell me I'm not the only one whose children have a tendency to move furniture without their mother's permission . . .
Before (seriously, hanging my head in shame as I show y'all this stuff ~ eeeeeeek!)
After (ahhhhh, so much better!)
So, how did cleaning out that one closet (you can see the actual closet pics HERE) save me $100?
After doing that cleaning I realized that Reagan had every thing she needed for winter, so I don't need to buy her a single thing. (Unless it's really cute, and in the budget, right?)
The best part is I have so much more peace each day when picking out her clothes for school. . . why on earth didn't I get started sooner?
This is all the stuff that managed to get donated or given to friends ~ whew! My husband just couldn't give up the horse though (reminds him of our kids being little, so it's making it's way to the attic) 🙂
Do you have a closet or two in your home that could use some serious TLC? Join me this month as we get them cleared out . . . I'll post any updates as I do them, and would love to hear any tips that you have on organizing kids clothes too!
Looking for more tips on organizing? Here are a few posts from last year's organizing series that might help get you motivated:
- Stop Procrastinating
- Handling Paper Clutter
- Set Up a Spot For Kids Artwork
- Simplify Lunch Duty
- Shine the Sink (I promise, it works!)
- How To Make The Most Of Your Freezer Space {Day One}
- How to Make The Most Of Your Freezer Space {Day Two}
- Menu Planning
- Create a Command Center