Here are the matchups for Harris Teeter this week, thanks to Dana at The Coupon Challenge!
Here are a few things to know before you go:
- This promotion runs 03/21-03/27
- The sale will start at 7am on Wednesday
- Harris Teeter will triple coupons with a face value up to and including $0.99. (A $0.75 coupon will be worth $2.25!)
- Limit 20 coupons per day
- Limit 3 like coupons per transaction, 2 like printable coupons
- Some stores will NOT allow triples on coupons that state “Do Not Double”
- FREE and super cheap items go fast so shop early if you can
- Harris Teeter Coupon Policy
Harris Teeter Weekly Ad (3/28/12 – 4/3/12)
Click “display all matchups” to see the complete list of deals.