Update: the winners of this week's giveaway are:
All winners have been sent an email. Thanks to everyone who entered, and don't forget we'll have another giveaway next Thursday!
I'm so excited to share this giveaway again this week! Each Thursday in April, I'll have FIVE copies of The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness by Dave Ramsey to share with five lucky readers, and know that this book can help change your financial future.
As I shared last week, our family has been following the outline of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Classes for ten years, and love the impact it has made on our family and our finances.  It has helped us choose to live differently even when it's not easy, and continue towards our long term financial goals.
I know it's easy to get excited about saving money, penny pinching, and even budgeting, and then give up when the road gets harder than we expect. You may have started out 2013 with big goals of changing how your money was spent this year, but already become overwhelmed by your financial burdens. If that's the place that you're in today, than this book and giveaway is for you.
I want you to find financial peace and freedom too.
I have no idea where your finances are today, but if you're unsure of how to gain control, The Total Money Makeover will motivate you to take the steps needed and determine your future.  We really do have the power to detemine how we spend our money each week, and this book will challenge you to make disciplined financial decisions, and your financial future will be changed.Â
So, would you like to win a copy? 😉 Here's how to enter to win:
- Required Entry: Leave a comment on this post only sharing your number one current financial goal.
- Additional Entries: Join Passionate Penny Pincher on Facebook and leave a comment to let me know (or leave a comment if you’re already a Facebook fan.) I'd also love for you to invite a friend to join Passionate Penny Pincher on Facebook and leave a comment to let me know.
- Subscribe to free Passionate Penny Pincher daily emails (or leave a comment if you’re already an email subscriber.)
- Join the Dave Ramsey page on Facebook or Twitter and leave a comment here letting me know
Linda Senyk says
I follow Dave Ramsey on Facebook.
Linda Senyk says
I subscribe to daily PPP emails 🙂
Linda Senyk says
I’m a fan of PPP on FB. Thank you for all you do!
Tammy says
I am a new subscriber to your website because we are in debt up to our eyebrows!
Linda Senyk says
My current financial goals are to pay off my credit card debt.
Linda Senyk says
My current financial goals are to pay offs debt.
Carherine Jones says
Can’t believe I wasn’t already a Ramsey fan but am now. I would love to have my own copy of this book, been waiting to see it in our local library for awhile.
Carherine Jones says
I love PPP! Been a fan and love what you do for our families!
Carherine Jones says
Current goals are getting credit and other debt paid off and current so they we can build savings and a down payment/cash offer on a house.
Rhonda says
My Goal is to pay off all my big Bills first and work my way down.
Megan says
I like PPP on Facebook.
Megan says
My #1 goal is to end credit card debt.
Dani G says
I follow PPP on FB and liked Dave Ramseys page.
Dani G says
My number one financial goal is to save more and increase retirement savings.
Janell says
I subscribe to PPP emails
Janell says
I’m a DR fan on FB
Janell says
I’m a PPP fan on FB
Cathy V says
I “like” Dave Ramsey on Facebook.
Cathy V says
I’m subscribed to your emails. 🙂
Janell says
Pay my one and only credit card off
Cathy V says
I’m a facebook fan of PPP!
Cathy V says
I need this book! My biggest financial goal is to just learn how to manage my money well! We lived for a long time on very little and now we are trying to figure out how to manage the small surplus.
Nikki p. says
Liked Dave Ramsey on FB!
Nikki p. says
PPP fb follower
Nikki p. says
PPP email subscriber
Nikki p. says
My goal for this year is to pay off all credit cards and one car loan.
April says
I would love to be able to put more money in my childrens college funds, and not be broke after. My children shouldn’t have to worry about that stuff. It would be wonderful to also put more money away in my 401k too.
Rebecca K. says
I like Dave Ramsey on facebook.
Rebecca K. says
I subscribe to your emails.
Rebecca K. says
I am a facebook fan!
Rebecca K. says
#1 goal is to pay off credit card debt. We don’t have a lot, but it definitely eats into our budget.
Kristin DeMarois says
My number one goal is to be able to send my children to college without going into debt to do it (or taking out loans). I NEED financial guidance now so I can do this. I follow you on fb also.
Diane says
My goal is to be debt free in retirement. Liked Dave Ramsey on FB.
Kristie says
My number one goal is to see how I can save more money in my budget since I’ve been unemployed the past 5 months due to a chemical factory being built and the company not having enough to open the plant.
I subscribe to PPP and have been reading your facebook for quite awhile. Alreadt joined Dave Ramsey’s page
Marie says
Number one goal is to be debt free!
patti lang says
Love Dave Ramsey & would enjoy his program again:) Follow him & listen to him on the radio
Sarah says
We are working towards paying off our credit cards and my husband’s graduate school loans.
Chandra says
I follow Dave Ramsey on Facebook.
Chandra says
I am a current email subscriber.
Chandra says
I am a current Facebook follower.
Chandra says
To get my credit cards under control.
carrie white says
My goal is after my divorce pick up the pieces and begin to be a financial example to my 3 girls………
Lori G says
I am an email subscriber:)
Lori G says
Laura says
Pay off credit cards and send my children to college
lindy says
Pay off all charges with money I save living the penny pinching life!
Susan says
I get PPP daily emails.
Susan says
I follow PPP on facebook. Thanks!
Susan says
I want to plan for daughter’s college – only 5 years away, so it is beginning to hit me how close & expensive it will be.
Jennifer says
Our goal is to recoup our savings. Recent events have depleted our savings and with 4 children we need to recoup it very fast!!
ashlea says
I already get your daily emails. =)
ashlea says
I am already a PPP fan on facebook. =)
ashlea says
Would love to pay off student loans!
latanya says
email subscriber
latanya says
pay off credit card debt
Donna Wilson Smith says
Would love to win!
We have lost our business, our home and now occured so many hospital and doctor bills.
We need so much help to get back to what normal is.
God Bless
Lindsey says
Pay off my attorney since my husband filed for divirce
Jennifer says
Also follow Dave Ramsey on fb too ~
Jennifer says
Email subscriber!
Jennifer says
Already follow you on fb 😉
Jennifer says
We want to pay off our car!
Emily says
I love Dave Ramsey. Would love to read this book.
Joanna says
I am currently trying to pay off some high interest loans before i get married. I would like to begin our new life together debt free and start saving for a house.
Julie says
We would like to live debt free and be able to give more. I receive your helpful email daily.
Tiffany R says
I’m a fan of PPP on Facebook.
Tiffany R says
My goal is to be debt free then save for retirement.
Tiffany R says
My goal is to be debt free then start saving for retirement.
Shauna James says
I liked Dave Ramsay on FB.
Shauna James says
I already get PPP emails.
Shauna James says
I already like PPP on FB.
Shauna James says
My biggest financial goal is to build my savings acct.
Sherry L says
My current goal is to payoff student loans – ughhhhh!
Anne N. says
I am a fan of Dave Ramsey on fb.
Anne N. says
I receive the PPP daily emails.
Anne N. says
I am a PPP fan on fb.
Jen says
Trying to pay off credit card debt.
Anne N. says
My number one goal is to save for retirement.
DANA says
I have checked this book out at the library so many times the lady that works there thinks I am nuts. Would love to have my own copy so we can finish with our debt pay down. Would also like to be able to share the book with some of our friends who are struggling with debt also.
Trisha says
Now a liker of Dave Ramsey on FB.
Trisha says
I am already a liker on FB! 🙂
Trisha says
My number one goal? That is hard as I have two top rated goals. One is to create an emergency fund for my six kiddos, should anything ever happen to me. This can not happen until I pay off my student and car loans.
Monali says
My #1 goal is to pay off our credit card debt.
Ashley says
We need to pay off debt/medical bills…
Need guidance.
Ashley says
P.S. LOVE (like) on FB!
Janell says
ALWAYS refer my friends to you. Not sure i could live without you.
Laurie says
I’m betting you’d be okay Janell, but thanks for the vote of confidence! 🙂
Janell says
I’m a DR FB fan
Janell says
I already get PPP daily emails. And love them because sometimes I miss a post on FB
Janell says
I’m a Facebook fan 🙂
Janell says
Number one goal. Pay off my one and only credit card.
Alyssa says
I want to be able to buy a house with my new husband for us and our four kids.
Alexandra says
My number one financial goal is to get my ridiculous amount of student loans paid off within the next two to three years.
Jenni says
I already “like” all of the above and receive my emails. Credit cards need to be cut up and paid off.
Kim Jennings says
I follow you and Dave Ramsey on facebook. Also signed up for emails :). Would love to win this! I have frugally checked this book out from the library, but would love to have my own copy.
Mary O says
I am already a fan of yours on Facebook. I love your site too
Mary O says
My number #1 goal right now is to reduce spending and pay off debt. I just graduated from college and can use all the help I can get.
Lisa says
I am also a follower of PPP on FB
Lisa says
My number one financial goal is to eliminate consumer debt from my life.
Lennette Daniels says
I follow Dave Ramsey on Facebook
Lennette Daniels says
I am a subscriber to Passionate Penny Pincher daily emails
Lennette Daniels says
I follow PPP on Facebook.
Lennette Daniels says
Reducing my debt is my current goal
Tracy M says
My goal is to own my home and I subscribe to your emails.
Lenka says
I follow Dave Ramsey on Twitter.
Lenka says
liked the Dave Ramsey facebook page.
tess says
i get your emails
tcogbill at live dot com
tess says
my financial goal is to have our house paid off- we have 2 more years but i want to pay it off in 1 year
tcogbill at live dot com
Gayle says
Hi, I want this book sooo bad! I have been googling ways to save, and I have got to get started, and I think a book right in front of me would help so much. My plate is full!
Lenka says
I subscribe to daily PPP emails.
Lenka says
I follow PPP on fb.
Lenka says
My financial goal is to have my house paid off by the age of 55 and retire early with a well funded 401K.
Paula says
I am already a facebook fan of PPP!
Paula says
I liked the Dave Ramsey facebook page!
Paula says
I subscribe to daily PPP emails.
Paula says
My current goal is to pay off credit card debt.