I'm thinking I should totally re-name this series 25 Days to a More Organized Me, because I'm definitely getting some organizing done around here!  I *thought* today's last bit of the pantry would be an easy chore. . . but when I went to Publix and did this, I put my pantry to a workout. Here's the before (without all those extra groceries. . .)
And the after (after adding all of these items in. . . )
Obviously this is part of the organizing series is geared towards couponers . . . an average family probably doesn't try to stuff 23 boxes of cereal in their pantry, but those boxes on the top go eight deep! This may not look all that organized to some, but it works for us, and I really love having my own grocery store right in the kitchen.  😉
While it may not look like big changes were made, I actually did come up with a plan (can't you tell?) Every thing on the top shelves are food not to be opened unless our kids ask my husband or myself ~ they've gotten so bad about opening boxes of things before finishing the last of another box. If it's on the bottom shelf they're welcome to it (they do have to ask before getting food out of the pantry), but I'm hoping this will eliminate having four boxes of Cheerios open at the same time.
Here are a few reasons it's so worth cleaning out your pantry as a couponer:
- It allows you to know what you have enough of, and what you're low on to prepare for a sale. Â We obviously have plenty of cereal, but are almost out of peanut butter, so I'll be watching for a deal on that. Clean out your pantry so that you can determine what items you need to watch for a penny-pinched deal on!
- It's a great way to menu plan. After cleaning out the freezer, baking products, and cooking items in our pantry, I now really have a good idea of what recipes I can make without setting foot in the store. This is a great way to save money and use your pantry to work for you.
- It helps you see what items you don't need to buy again. There are a few items that I've cleared out these last few days that simply weren't worth buying very often because we don't use them often. This is a great way to save money even on deals, because if you won't eat it, it's not worth spending any money on (no matter how good the deal is!)
- It's a great way to donate. I'll share a picture next week, but we just stuffed our car full of tons of items to donate. Between what I cleared out of the pantry, extra items I bought at Publix this week, and some great donations from a few sweet readers, we have so much to easily give. As you're clearing out the pantry, if you find something you know your family won't use, add it to your pile to take to the food pantry this week!Â
Do you have other tips on how to organize your pantry that works for your family? I'd love to hear your suggestions, so please take a minute and leave a comment to share.
- 25 Days to a More Organized You Day 1: Stop Procrastinating
- 25 Days to a More Organized You Day 2: Handling Paper Clutter
- 25 Days to a More Organized You Day 3: Set Up a Spot For Kids Artwork
- 25 Days to a More Organized You Day 4: Simplify Lunch Duty
- 25 Days to a More Organized You Day 5: Shine the Sink (I promise, it works!)
- 25 Days to a More Organized You Day 6: How To Make The Most Of Your Freezer Space {Day One}
- 25 Days to a More Organized You Day 7: How to Make The Most Of Your Freezer Space {Day Two}
- 25 Days to a More Organized You Day 8: Menu Planning
- 25 Days to a More Organized You Day 9: Create a Command Center
- 25 Days to a More OrganizedYou Day 10: What Do You Need In Your Kitchen?
- 25 Days to a More Organized You Day 11: The Spice Cabinet
- 25 Days to a More Organized You Day 12: The Medicine Cabinet
- 25 Days to a More Organized You Day 13: Laundry Room Makeover
- 25 Days to a More Organized You Day 14: The Junk Drawer
- 25 Days to a More Organized You Day 15: Clean Out Your Car
- 25 Days to a More Organized You Day 16: Clear Your Inbox
- 25 Days to a More Organized You Day 17: Clean The Pantry {Part 1}
- 25 Days to a More Organized You Day 18: Clean The Pantry {Part 2}
- 25 Days to a More Organized You Day 19: Organize Your Paint Supplies
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