If you're on the fence between a Sam's Club or Costco membership, Sam's Club Scan & Go is a total time saver and game changer! It rocks!
Sam's Club Scan & Go (it's AWESOME!)
If you're a Sam's Club member, you likely know about their time-saving Scan & Go feature – it's SO easy to use and makes shopping in-store a breeze! (And I personally think that it gives Sam's Club a huge advantage over Costco! 😲).
PLUS – check your Sam's Club App for a $10 OFF $10 Coupon when you use Scan & Go for the 1st time!
$10 OFF your first purchase of $10 or More (Exp 5/8)
Wondering exactly how it works? Keep reading!
Not a member? Check out these awesome FREE Sam's Club deal currently available!
Whenever you download the Sam's Club app, there is a tab at the bottom that allows you to scan items as you add them to your cart while shopping in-store. You can easily see your total and pay on your phone when you're all done shopping…and walk right past the long lines at checkout! Then just show the receipt barcode on your phone to the attendant on your way out – that's it!
And if that wasn't sweet enough, now Sam's Club has special Scan & Go offers with lower prices on select items like laundry detergent, vitamins, dog treats, and more! SWEET!
Here are a few special in-club deals when you use Scan & Go:
- Miracle Gro Raised Bed Soil
- Member's Mark Premium Baby Diapers
- Member's Mark Grain-Free Dog Treat Biscuits
- + more!
Have you used Scan & Go before? Do you love it? Hate it? Let us know!
Curious what else to buy at Sam’s Club? Check out this list of the BEST Sams Club Deals Worth Buying! (And be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you love buying there! 🙂 )
More deals today:
- Rubber Ducks 30-Count (with Cruise Tags) from $15.90!
- Walmart | 3pc Wrangler Luggage Set ONLY $34!
- 10 Anthropologie Dupes at Walmart for Less
- Abstract 5×7 Washable Area Rug ONLY $24.99!
- Bath & Body Works Just Launched a NEW Disney Princess Collection (Selling Out Fast!)
- Heated Car Blanket Under $17.25 (Reg. $33)
- Gorilla Grip Bath Rug UNDER $7.60 Shipped! (Great for Muddy Pet Paws too…)
Wondering how it works for the tax exempt members, like schools and disabled veterans.
Hmm, I’m not sure Melissa, but if you reach out to the Sam’s Club customer service, they should be able to help answer any questions you have! 🙂
But what about the employees- does this mean less job opportunities? I refuse to use self check outs for that reason. I also don’t shop at Sams because it is connected to Walmart –
The Sams Club in Waco, Texas is an absolute nightmare to get to with major freeway and city streets under construction so when you finally get to the only warehouse bulk store within 100 miles 30 minutes past when you should have arrived, the scan and go is an absolute game changer. Already stressed before entering the store and the ease and convenience of it takes the stress away so your ready to go back out to the nightmare again. Not to mention the amount of time it saves.
Scan & Go app at Sam’s is a game changer for sure! It’s especially amazing during holidays & weekends where the lines are typically atrocious!
Love that Aimee! 🙂
I have used scan and go at Sams snce it started. I love it. However, that being said, that isn’t enough to make me switch from COSTCO to SAMS alone. I have both memberships, and there are things at both stores I prefer to buy, I do shop at Sams more because it is closer, we have a new COSTCO, but it is about 10 miles away and SAMS is only about 5 miles away. I tend to buy more of what I don’t need when I go to COSTCO (Because they have alot of stuff SAMS doesnt have) so I try not to go there that often. I like that COSTCO has more organic products than SAMS does. Hopefully COSTCO will start to have Scan and Go sooner than later, but I will still continue to shop at both.
Thanks so much for your feedback Beverly ~ that’s great to know! 🙂
I love scan and go too! The one thing I don’t love about Sam’s club is the sale pitch guy who wants to sell you a new cell phone or an extended home warranty or…you get the idea. I pay money to be able to go into that store. I don’t pay that money to be harassed by a solicitor reciting a sales line. I don’t know if Costco does this; however, if there was a Costco as close to me as Sam’s I’d consider switching just for that reason alone.
Thanks for your feedback Sundi! (Hmm, I think Costco also has sales pitch people featuring products, though it probably varies with how persistent they come across)!
Costco does have vendors but I have never been “trapped” by one trying to sell their products. At Sams, we go to the side aisle to avoid them.
I LOVE Scan and Go and have used it for a couple of years now! It was extremely helpful when my kiddos were younger, because I didn’t have to unload or stand in a long line. Plus, they love helping scan things which helped make our trip more enjoyable.
Scan and go is AMAZING!! I have always loved going to Sam’s Club and I have a Plus membership so I had the early AM shopping where you didn’t have to compete with as many other people, but … honestly I was never “with it” enough before 10 to get myself in and done. Now I almost feel bad that I giggle my way right past those checkouts . Now if only the rest of the scan and go style stores (Kroger, Meijer, …) would make their finalizing as easy I would never have to wait in a 45 min line again.
They have scan and go at the Costco I go to in Charlotte ,NC . I don’t know about the perks that go with it but last time I shopped I saw people scanning their own . Maybe not at all Costco’s at the present.
Good to know Mary ~ maybe so! 🙂
The only thing I’ve seen at Costco is self checkout, which means, I scan my own items AND I stand in line. Is that what you mean or does your location have an app where you scan the item as it goes in your basket & pay at the end, thus no lines at all?
I love the Sam’s Club Scan and Go feature, especially at the gas pump! It makes it so easy to get gas — just scan the code and start pumping gas, you don’t need to pull out a credit card or anything.
LOVE that Cindy ~ thanks so much for sharing! 🙂
I love Scan n Go….only way i shop atSams
I have used scan and go at Sam’s club. I love it! Very easy and it really is a time saver! I also have a Costco membership and can’t believe they don’t have something similar. I believe at Sam’s club if you have alcohol to purchase you can’t use the scan and go option.(unless they changed that part)
You can purchase alcohol with Scan & Go, you just have to have your ID ready. You can’t purchase alcohol at Sam’s using the Pick-Up option.
Thanks for letting us know Dianne! 🙂
You can use Scan and go to purchase alcohol, however, you have to show your ID at the door when you checkout. The code they scan when you buy alcohol is red and not black like the regular one.
Thanks for the heads up Beverly! 🙂
Yes you can buy alcohol with Scan & Go. When you exit the greeter at the door will ask for you ID. The QR code will be red instead of black ,that lets them know you have alcohol. So have your ID out and ready to make it faster getting out .
We appreciate the info Deborah! 🙂
I have been using the scan and go for a few years and absolutely LOVE IT!!!
I absolutely love Sam’s Club Scan and Go.it makes shopping so much quicker.