If you're in the North Alabama area, you've got to get excited about this deal with me!  On Saturday, February 25, 2012, the Huntsville Orchestra will be offering a completely free concert to the public, sponsored by the Painted Violin Society and Damson Automotive Group, at 11 AM.  So, mark your calendars!
And here's a really nerdy fact about me:  I've played the violin since I was eight, and if I had all the money in the world and no family to take care of, I would probably sit and play all day long.  (Told you it was nerdy!)  Before we moved to Huntsville I gave violin lessons, and I'm pretty sure there's no better instrument on the planet than the violin (well, maybe the viola or cello, but at least a stringed instrument for sure.)  So, you can bet I'm pretty excited about this freebie! 🙂  (And no… I don't give lessons anymore. . . . )
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