Remember that pricing on Amazon is subject to change at any time.
Amazon has several LEGO sets marked down right now to as low as $7.99, which is by far the lowest price these have ever been at! They get excellent reviews, and ship free with Amazon Prime or Free Super Saver Shipping.
LEGO Star Wars Battle on Takodana for $52.48Â (regularly $59.99)
LEGO Creator Changing Seasons Building Kit for $39.99 (regularly $49.99)
LEGO City Space Port Space Starter Building Kit for $7.99Â (regularly $9.99)
LEGO City Town City Square Building Kit for $149Â (regularly $189.99)
Plus, don't forget about all of these other great LEGO sets currently at Amazon's best price!
Love Amazon? Don't miss my list of 16 items you should be buying on Amazon.
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