Even though I knew it was coming, I'm still a little sad to see that the Kroger Atlanta region is no longer doubling coupons, as of 9/22/13. This includes Kroger stores in Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, and some portions of Tennessee. Â The only areas that I *think* are still continuing to double coupons at Kroger stores are the Columbus, Michigan and Mid-South regions. (Mid-South includes Kentucky and some portions of Tennessee.)
So, what do you think? Will this make you stop shopping at Kroger completely? I do think there will still be deals to be had (in our area they consistently have the best prices on meat), however it may keep me from making an extra Kroger trip each week. I'd love to hear your thoughts, and if you're in an area where your Kroger has already stopped doubling, let us know if you've seen a change in your grocery bill!
See all the deals at Kroger this week, and check out the complete Kroger weekly ad to plan your trip before you go.
I live in southern ILLINOIS and I haven't heard anything about then not doubling our coupons here yet> Sure hope not because i get a lot of good deals there.
Really Darla? I thought I’d heard they had already stopped, but I must have it wrong ~ so glad for you! (My husband went to U of I and his family is from the Harrisburg area ~ but I don’t think I realized they even had many Kroger stores in Southern Illinois ~ thanks so much for sharing!)
I live in Scottsboro, al. We have no Kroger or Publix, so we drive one hour one way to these stores and have always done better at Publix . This is what concerns me, I was reading a post on another coupon site and this lady wrote this . Her question was to a store manager at her Publix, she ask why doesn’t our Publix double coupons, his reply was WE HAVE NO KROGER HERE. So will this eventually happen to the Huntsville Publix stores. So my question is wonder if Publix will stop doubling because Kroger does ?
Hi Christa! I actually talked to my manager just yesterday about this, and he feels that at least for how we’re safe and that won’t be an issue at our stores. I know Florida stores don’t double, but I think there’s more to that (possibly) than just not having a Kroger, so I’m holding out hope! From what he said Publix financially is in good shape and really has no reason to stop doubling, so, assuming he’s correct, hopefully we’ll continue to see double coupons!
Kroger Mid-South will stop doubling as of Sept 22nd
After reading through everyone’s comments, I think the most interesting part is not that people are upset about losing doubles, but that Kroger’s customer service is bad. My husband actually just went there a few weeks ago, and was shocked when no one could tell him where the coffee was at.
That said, I looked at some old posts and it looks like the deals this week are actually BETTER than a year ago, so maybe they’ll (at least for awhile) really try to discount things more deeply throughout the store (see more here
I’m holding off judgement and hoping that they will continue to offer a few things (great prices on meat and occasionally produce) to keep getting me in the door. I guess we’ll see, but I’m crossing my fingers that they continue to have a few good deals!
I live less than a half mile away from Kroger, and I have always hated shopping there because of their terrible customer service. Now that they will not be doubling coupons, I will not go there for anything besides Starbucks. 🙂 I have a Publix and an Ingles just 5 miles from my house, and they still double coupons and have MUCH better customer service. This just gives me better reason to go to the better stores!
Oh my gosh! If they stop doubling I will be some mad! That one of the only ways to get the good deals there. I hardly shop there as it is. How did you find out? Mine has said nothing about it and I was just there the day befor yesterday?
It will definitely effect my shopping. I am primarily a Publix shopper but lately have been going to Kroger for their deals. Wonder how this will promote Publix’s business.
I won't shop there as much and they are building a super Kroger here in Oak Ridge, TN. I hate that.
I live in the Decatur, Al area and it will just about cease my shopping there. Publix is my fav, but Kroger was a great store for cereals and meat. Without the doubling of coupons it isn’t worth it for me to stop to check. Publix has a cleaner facility and a much more courteous staff. Without the doubling of coupons it just isn’t worth the Kroger run.
Ok… I live in Decatur too… my biggest complaint is that they seem to have changed their printable coupon policy… that combined with no more doubling will definitely change my game plan. I keep hearing Laurie’s advice in the back of my mind… “Pick your store and shop it well!” I have found myself resisting potential deals at Kroger knowing that they will come around at Publix eventually. The only thing I have picked up at Kroger in weeks was the Perdue chicken when it was BOGO… Oh and trying to use a rain check from the cheap Lysol wipes, but after 5 attempts to find them in stock I tossed the rain check in the trash! I thought about venturing out to get cereal but all of my coupons are printable and I get a different story every time I go in! This just makes me love Publix even more! I also think that Publix’s marketing strategy is simpler… most deals are in the weekly ad or advantage flyer… with Kroger there is no rhyme or reason for sale items… too many unadvertised sales make for too many trips to the store… I would rather plan one super fantastic trip to Publix and go with it! Publix is my store!
One more thing… I found myself tempted this week to make a few trips to other stores… but with the unexpected $5/$30 Publix coupon from the Decatur Daily’s Sunday edition… it made any savings that another store would offer a wash… Publix got all my grocery money this week:)
I think of that same thing “pick your store and shop it well” all the time! And you’re right, Publix does make it easier to plan one awesome trip ~ which is probably why I’m there 90% of the time!
Publix is always my fav, but I have gotten many bargains at Kroger with double couponing. will definitely affect my shopping there. Maybe if enough stop shopping, they will reconsider.
Will definitely affect my shopping at Kroger.