Update – I just found out that you can add their your email address EVERY day to add more water to our totals! So, take just a minute and add yours! (It really takes just a second, and it's for a great cause!) Thanks everyone!
I am so excited to share this “deal” with you! Proctor and Gamble are teaming up with bloggers everywhere to provide clean drinking water to those who don't have it all over the world. For every e-mail entered in the link above Proctor and Gamble will provide two liters of water to a person in a developing country. Once your email is submitted you will receive an email verifying your email address, and after you've verified the email the water will be sent to someone in need. (How great is that?)
My husband just returned from Honduras where he helped build and install clean drinking water filters to an impoverished community there through His Hands Mission International. We were both amazed that there are still people within a five hour plane ride from our home who don't have clean water to drink each day. While not all of us can travel to a developing country to provide water, this is something we can do.
To make this even better, P&G will provide me with a $50 gift card to give away on Passionate Penny Pincher if 1000 people add their email addresses. I would love to share that gift card with one of you lucky readers, but I'd be so much more excited to see all that water donated! If you have a minute today, enter your email address in the box above and be sure to verify your address when the P&G email comes back to you. Happy Giving!
“And if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded.”
Matthew 10:42