Here's a picture of our mega-penny-pinched donation back in 2009 . . . read more HERE.Â
I received an email recently sharing that our church's Food Pantry is in need of several basic pantry staples, so I thought I'd share the list with you all! Here's what they're looking for right now:
Asbury United Methodist Food Pantry Needs
Peanut Butter (5-6 remaining)
Jelly (out)
Spaghetti Sauce (out)
Canned Sweet Peas (out)
Canned Soups (low)
Canned Fruit (out)
Mac & Cheese (out)
Rice products (low)
Canned Pasta (ravioli, spaghettio’s, etc) (we are always in need of this)
Pull-tab meats (beanie weenie’s, Vienna sausages, pull-tab chicken, etc) (always in need of this)
No matter what city you're in, there are people in need in your community, and your penny-pinched bargains can help!  If each of the people who read PPP over the course of a month chose to donate just one item of food each week to those in need, over 200,000 food items would be donated each month (WOW!)  So, check out your stockpile, let God lead your heart in where you can give right now, and share something this week with someone in need.
“A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.” Proverbs 22:9
Read more about Passionate Giving and the mission of Passionate Penny Pincher, and read more about where we’ve given recently.Â
I live around the same area and donate to GraceWorks. They have a terrific food pantry and I have even helped out there a few times. They are located at 104 Southeast Parkway, Suite 100, Franklin, TN 37064. Give them a call for more info and hours at 615-794-9055.Here is the link to their website:
I like them because they are a Christian organization. Here’s what it says on their homepage: “United by a common loyalty to Jesus Christ, GraceWorks is dedicated to sharing the hope and grace of God by helping our neighbors in need.” They go on to quote Matthew 25: 37-40, “Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?” The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did for me.”
Angela – thank you so much! I actually thought about you last night but didn’t know you were that close to Franklin – isn’t it funny how God works? Thanks so much for sharing – that made my morning! 😉
You are so sweet! 🙂
Would love to donate food but I don’t even know where to begin to find one here in Franklin, Tn. Any advice?
Hi Amber! I just did a quick google search and found this ~ My guess is that you could call a few of the places listed, and hopefully one will be near you! Also if you can contact a local church in your area, they should be able to direct you as to where to give. If you don’t find anything out though, please email me or leave another comment and I’ll see what else I can find out – love that you’re wanting to donate food! 🙂