Passionate Penny Pincher CROCK-TOBER
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I'm so excited to have dinner done today! However, making dinner on Facebook Live today was nothing short of a hot mess, so I decided not to share the video over here. instead you can see above how I tried out the Silhouette Cameo today – it's on sale for a crazy price, so grab one while it's on sale today only if you've been looking for one of these!
I'm not gonna lie ~ doing these FB live videos is hard for me, and here's what this morning's schedule at our house looked like before going live:
- 5:00 AM – wake up
- 5:20 AM – head to gym (looking good, right?) 🙂
- 6:20 AM – leave class at gym early to run by Kroger on way home because we needed gluten free taco shells and graham crackers as we're making dinner tonight for company
- 6:45 AM – at Kroger. No gluten free graham crackers. Forgot that corn tortillas are gluten free. Gr.
- 6:50 AM – phone call from daughter that she needs me home now to take her to school for science group – race home – pick up 2 cute kids. Drive to school. 🙂
- 7:10 AM – remember next kiddo has to be at school early today – hurry to shower – hurry to get dressed – hurry to brush hair – HURRY. 🙂
- 8:02 AM – drop off next kiddo at school, hurry to Fresh Thyme to hunt down gluten free stuff and a few bargains
- 8:32 AM – no bargains at Fresh Thyme (really?) but everything gluten free was there 🙂
- 8:55 AM – race home to start dinner – get ingredients ready for FB live, except everything I kinda forgot everything we needed for dinner. (Dessert was good though, so it's okay, right?)
- 9:30 AM – press the button to go live on FB ~ yikes 🙂
- 9:33 AM – realize I so do not have my act together ~ then my dog starts losing it because the garbage truck's here while a few thousand folks watch me scramble. Not fun.Â
- 10:00 AM – decide I'm never ever never going to be cut out to be a famous cook, and really have no business doing FB live at all, but the reality is Facebook allows live videos to be seen more than anything else so I decide not to crawl up in a ball and cry although I'd really love to.  If all else fails, at least maybe I can encourage you that you're not the only one having a messy day! 🙂
Yup – so if you want to see the end result of that mess, head on over HERE.Â
However, I didn't quit (CAN I JUST TELL YOU HOW BADLY I WANTED TO QUIT?) and as promised shared how easy it is to make fun stuff with the Silhouette Cameo that's on sale today for it's lowest price ever. If you've been waiting for this thing I'd hurry and grab it today, it's selling for $20 less than I paid on it's lowest sale price ever and a crazy good deal.
And… you can check out the full recipe over HERE for these chicken tacos (my house smells amazing right now!) and remember you can sign up for your free Crock-tober grocery list, menu plan and cookbook right HERE.
Happy Crocktober . . . WHEW! 🙂Â