Have you tried using the +UPs Program at Rite Aid yet? Here are a few basics to get you started ~ if you're an avid Rite Aid shopper, I'd love to hear your tips and suggestions as well!
What Is A Rite Aid “+UP”?
1. What is a Rite Aid +UP?
At Rite aid each week in their weekly ad you'll see items that are “+UP Reward” deals. Similar to CVS ECBs, the very best savings at Rite Aid come with +UP deals. When you shop and purchase +UP deals you'll receive a printout at the bottom of your receipt for a certain number of +UPs towards your next purchase.
2. +UPs are like real cash at Rite Aid.
+UPs are just like real cash to be used on a following trip at Rite Aid.  They expire two weeks from the date they're issued, so be sure to use them before their expiration date.
3. You can “roll” your +UP Rewards, but there are some exclusions.
To get the most for your money at Rite Aid, you'll want to “roll” your +UPs from your first trip at Rite Aid towards your next trip, and then continue to use those to pay every time you go to the store. However, Rite Aid does not allow you to “roll” your +UP Rewards on the same day, instead you have to wait until the following day after 6 AM to use your +UP Rewards on another +UP offers or weekly sale item that week.
4. There are limits on how many +UPs Rewards you can earn per Wellness account.
There are limits on how many +UPs you will receive per card on a +UPs offer each week. Â These limits are listed underneath the products in your Rite Aid weekly ad denoting (Limit per card).
 5. Use your +UP Rewards LAST when shopping at Rite to pay for your purchases.
When checking out at Rite Aid, you'll want to use your manufacturer coupons and store coupons towards your purchase first, then use your +UP Rewards. Be sure to use +UPs that are less than the amount of your total purchase so that you don't lose any of the value of your UPs. (Since you can't split up +UPs into more than one transaction, any amount that you have on your ECB over the amount of your purchase would be adjusted down, and you would lose that extra value.)
Here's the order you'll want to give your coupons to your cashier in at Rite Aid:
1. Give your cashier any Rite Aid store coupons including in-ad and Rite Aid Video Value coupons (we'll talk about those more tomorrow night but you can check them out over HERE.)
3. Then use any manufacturer coupons.
4. Finally, use +UP Rewards that you've received from a previous shopping trip to lower your out-of-pocket expense even further.
Stop back tomorrow night for more tips on Rite Aid shopping, and let me know what questions and suggestions you have as well! If you're new to drug store shopping, you'll want to also read through these posts to get started:
- 15 Days of Pinching Pennies at the Drug Stores (Day 1)
- 15 Days of Pinching Pennies at the Drug Stores (Day 2): How to Save at CVS
- 15 Days of Pinching Pennies at the Drug Stores (Day 3): What Is a CVS “ECB”?
- 15 Days of Pinching Pennies at the Drug Stores (Day 4): Make Sense of CVS ScenariosÂ
- 15 Days of Pinching Pennies at the Drug Stores (Day 5): Extra CVS Tips
- Updated list of CVS savings currently available
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