Go HERE to sign up for the Ultimate Grocery Budget Challenge ~ I KNOW this will transform your family's finances!
I soooo hope you've been joining us for the Ultimate Grocery Budget Challenge!
It's day 4, and today we talked about knowing what a good price really is ($1.99/lb for boneless skinless chicken breast or less, right?) and how you can use the cool formula from the Ultimate Grocery Budget Challenge Day 3 sheet to calculate what your family really should be spending.
To find a basic starting point, go HERE and print the Day 3 Challenge Workshee to do the math. I think the totals there are a little high for our family, but we've been living frugally for 22 years! 🙂
The biggest thing I want you to remember this week?
Every single time you step foot in the grocery store you're deciding if you want to pay FULL price, or snag a deal.
You're deciding if you want to watch for a great price on chicken, or just pay whatever.
With just a little planning and knowledge, you can totally transform your family's finances ~ it makes a huge difference and has literally saved us tens of thousands of dollars the last 22 years!
Wanna know why I love that?
Because most of the time I love to be frugal.
But sometimes I really just want to splurge.
Last night I used a little of the money that I normally save on my grocery budget to buy this oh-so-splurgey-Yeti.
(So far I haven't found a deal on this one.)
(Don't worry.)
(I'm watching.)
I used it today and feel like the fanciest girl on the planet.
I love it.
And if I'm choosing between paying for that or paying full price for Uncrustables and someone else to chop up my watermelon for me, I'll pick the fanciest-girl-on-the-planet-mug every day of the week. 🙂
1. Sign up HERE for our Free Ultimate Grocery Budget Challenge.Â
2. Complete the Day 2 Worksheet, How Much Are You Spending On Food?
3. Determine to go on a Spending Freeze until Friday if you’re able. (If you need to pick up a few staples make a grocery list and shop only using items on that list.)
4. Invite a friend to join you (I promise, you’ll save so much more if you get a friend involved too!) BONUS? If you share this video with them on Facebook you’ll be entered to win a Ninja!!
5. Determine how much you are really spending on food each week (groceries AND eating out), decide how much you’d like to save on that number this week, and pick exactly where that saved money will go.
Looking for more? Check out Day 1 of the Grocery Budget Challenge right over HERE and Day 2 of the Grocery Budget Challenge HERE. You can do this (I promise ~ we're cheering for you!)
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