It's funny how certain deals just get you all excited! Right now you can get a 12 pack of Staples Stickies notes from Staples for FREE when you use this coupon before 2/5/11, (limit two per household).Â
We use oodles of these to post my daughter's spelling words in our kitchen each week, and I was just about to go spend real money on them. Thank you Staples! 🙂
We just went to Staples and were told that this was an altered coupon. It should have read free with $100 purchase. Staples did honor the coupon but they are out of stock of the sticky notes.
I don’t think the coupon was altered (it came in an email from Staples!) But, it’s possible that it was a mis-print maybe? Thanks for letting me know though Brooke – hopefully most people were able to get it! (And I bought a few office supplies yesterday when I was there so they probably gained a little business on folks like me who wouldn’t normally have gone to there!)
Thanks! Great find!