Okie dokie guys . . . here's to day one of our Spring Cleaning Challenge! Â It's absolutely beautiful today here in Alabama, and I want my home to feel as clean and fresh inside as the weather is outside. Â These challenges may take a few minutes more than five minutes, but I promise it will feel so good to have it done!
Today we'll start in the kitchen:
- Thoroughly clean off all kitchen coutertops.  If you have paperwork that needs to be dealt with (I did!), put it in a pile and map out a time today to go through it.  Move any appliances, cookbooks, or anything else on your counters and give them a good scrubbing underneath your “stuff”.
- Wipe down any canisters and kitchen appliances on your countertops.
- Take a good look at any decorations & appliances on your counters, and decide if you need them and if they're in the best spot. Â While I didn't do much re-arranging this morning, I did see a few items that weren't where they needed to be, and it made my kitchen feel so much better with just a few changes!
- Do a good cleanup of the table, chairs, and/or barstools in your kitchen. I love my kiddos, but the gunk they leave underneath them each day is unbelievable!  Get rid of all the crusties (bleck!), wipe down all the hard surfaces with hot soapy water, and get everything cleaned up.
Whew . . . that's it for today! Â When you're finished, come on back and leave a comment on this post and I'll add you to the Spring Cleaning Challenge $50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway. Â (It'll feel so good, and you might even win a little moo-lah!)Â
Also, if you have any other great tips on what to clean I'd love to hear them (I think we'll spend this week in the kitchen and move to the rest of the house in the upcoming weeks!)
Sarah J. says
Finished these tasks this past weekend with help from my husband! It is amazing how much dust and dirt can go unnoticed when cleaning is not on my mind. Thanks for this challenge!
Myranda says
The fabric on our dining room chairs need extra cleaning because that’s where my cat loves to hang out! Lots of kitty hair to clean up!
Julie says
working on mine now …taking a break for lunch then back to it with the radio on 🙂 thanks
Heather says
I did mine today, definitely took me more than 5 min. Looks much better – need a little more time on my chairs, the two year old has done a number on them!!
tonya says
Felt so good to go to sleep with a clean kitchen…thanks for the motivation to just get it done!!!
Kailin @ Logs and Thoughts says
I had enough time to wash my dishes tonight. Considering I didn’t even expect to do that, I’ll take it!
Kim says
Awesome ideas! I have been on a organizing kick for a few weeks now. My pantry has never looked so good.
Tameron says
Thanks for the boost 🙂
Jennifer G. says
On it! Our chairs definitely need it!
Lela says
Wow. This is the first my kitchen has looked good since my morning sickness started nearly 8 weeks ago! Thanks for giving me a place to start as I attempt to get my house back under control!
amy says
Love the idea of a spring cleaning breakdown. I already feel better! Bring on spring!
Rebecca Orton says
Done! Feels (and looks!) so much better in here!
Amber says
We are hoping to list our house for sale very soon. That should be enough motivation, but this will give me extra ideas! Thanks!
Tina Eiser says
My kitchen is clean and it feels so good!
Tania says
Ugh, but thanks! It was painful, but it’s done! 🙂
Leah says
Well we just moved in two weeks ago so not much cleaning to be done but def the pile pf paperwork. Looking forward to more posts
April C says
I did mine!
Deb DeBord says
Going to get on it right now! : ))
Bree says
Thanks for this! I copied it down and am going to do it tonight after dinner (I hate cleaning and then making a mess.)
Last night I was in the kitchen and organized the pantry. I moved the stuff that’s about to be expired to the front. I also made a fresh batch of breadcrumbs, organized my frozen meats on one shelf, oven meals on the next and put the chicken nuggets all in the door shelving so they are in easy reach. And threw out any tupperware that didn’t have a match.