Here's what I found lurking in my dryer last night.
Dirty, stinky, nasty, creek-water-ladened-15-year-old-size-12 tennis shoes that had been dried (B-L-E-C-K) in my nice new dryer.
Needless to say, I wasn't happy.
I mentioned it over on my personal Facebook page and the PPP page, and good gracious, folks had more than a few thoughts on that one. 😉
I talked to him about it, and the kid was simply clueless and thought rinsing them out for a few seconds before popping them in the drier would work just fine.
Then, a sweet wise mom commented on my own Facebook page (I hope she doesn't mind me sharing it!)
“Vacuum out the dry dirt clumps and run some wet towels through it. It will be fine. I promise you in a few short years you will open an empty clean dryer and long for the day a boy tossed some muddy shoes in there. Promise.”
He vacuumed out the dried up clumps without complaint when I asked him to after reading everyone's advice. (And wiped it down with soapy water too.)
He mumbled “love you momma” when I tried baking cookies last night.
And he says “I love you mom” every single time he goes out the door.
No matter how long he's leaving for.
No matter if we've been grouchy towards one another.
Just because he must know somewhere deep down his momma needs to hear it.
Folks, this kid has my heart.
Since he hit high school, I feel like there's this ticking time bomb and we're just a few short years away from him going out to take on the world. Last summer honestly was just a mixture of tears and craziness as we moved into a brand new home in a brand new town. Honestly, summer passed by in the blink of an eye, and I didn't stop to enjoy enough of it.
This summer we're slowing down, savoring some quiet evenings, and just enjoying every minute of every day.
Even the dirty shoes.
And the mounds of laundry.
And the dirty dishes in my sink because three kids have been home munching all day.
Mommas, if you have little ones at home, be encouraged that those hard days – the ones that are just so long you're dreaming of just five minutes to talk with another adult – those days will slow down.
The day will come when they can pick up their rooms all by themselves because you've spent years training them.
The day will come when they can make waffles for the entire family because you spent hours mixing up waffles every Saturday morning. (That job's completely taken over by my sweet Caroline these days – success!)
And the day will come when you'll tell them to pack their own suitcase without any help, and they won't even forget their toothbrush.
It happens. I promise.
Today's the day that mess of a boy of mine learned to clean out a dirty dryer. One more life skill he probably needs, right?
So when the mess happens, when it feels like too much, and when you just don't want to keep at this mommy-ing-business a single minute longer, know that the amazing training you're teaching today will eventually work yourself out of a job. 😉
And savor. every. bit. of. it.
I promise, life changes. Soak it up, and just enjoy.
even the dirty-crusty-muddy-shoes.
ahem. still. bleck. but thankful too. 🙂
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❤️ This!! Thanks for the reminder. I know days are getting shorter, we have a 14, 12 & 11 year old and some days it’s like they just came home yesterday. Everyday is a gift & this will remind me to take it slow.
still have the youngest of 4(he’s 26) in my nest. My husband and I have flown that nest and will be selling it, so the fledgling is going to be shoved out. However, I am so proud that all my kids manage to do the adulting thing fairly well, especially cooking. I was so touched tho when you said your son says he loves you every time he leaves the house. The cool thing is that when you raise great kids, they always come back. They may not need you like they did growing up, but they always need you.
I too am an empty nester. I so miss my boys and their messes, their friends and their kisses goodbye, and their I LOVE YOU’s that frequented my everyday! ENJOY them while you have them. Because when their gone it’s just not the same ever after. He looks like a great young man. You are blessed.
We became empty nesters last May. Time does fly by so quickly. I truly miss the busyness, mud all over and their faces at home.
It really does Christine – I can’t imagine!!! I’m sure you love having them home to visit now!