Sally Hansen Miracle Gel
Right now (if you are lucky enough!), you may be able to snag Sally Hansen Miracle Gel nail polish for possibly 26¢ at Walgreens! This will vary per store – hope your store has some! 🙂
Here is how:
Add Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Nail Polish – $3.29 (Reg. $13) – clearance will vary by store
Clip $3/1 digital coupon
Use code wag10 and get 10% off at checkout (if shopping online, you'll need at least $10 in order to do store pickup)
$.26 after coupons
If you do an store pickup you have to spend over $10 for free store pick up. You can check out all the Walgreens deals this week over HERE!
More deals today:
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- Outside Faucet Covers from $2 Each Shipped! (Grab Them for Freezing Weather!)
- Set of 2 Solid Wood Floating Wall Shelves Under $60 Shipped (Reg. $90)
- Owala Color Drop (Valentine's and GILMORE Girls Release Soon!)
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