I woke up this morning to a whole lotta praying.
I'd had a bad dream, woke to my more-often-than-I'd-choose-3AM-oh-my-word-who-can-I-worry-about-right-this-second internal alarm, and decided to start praying.
(I don't know about you, but as a mom of kids aged 14-21, I have entirely too many early morning worry sessions these days.)
Normally I push past them and drift back off to sleep (5:15AM is my normal wake up time), but today there was just no pushing past.
I laid there for about 30 minutes and worried over this one kid of mine. (With three kids, I always have one to worry over. Sometimes I think they've played tag since birth, making sure I worry equally over each of them an adequate amount of time).
I worried. Then prayed. Then worried again.
God and I are used to this.
He gets me.
I'm thankful.
As I continued to worry, I kind of saw this picture in my head though, and maybe you can see it too.
(I wish I was an artist and could draw you a picture-reel of what I imagined. But I'll have to use my words because that's all I've got. I'm crossing my fingers you can follow along).
I imagined walking along an ever-so-slightly-winding kind of sidewalk on a pretty much deserted sandy path. (Kind of like the Footprints poem but not quite that sandy. Mine was more like a sidewalk with a dashed-center-line, but just a little sandy too . . . in case you're curious.)
As I walked, down the path, someone came along near me every once in awhile, gently lifted me up, and scooted me a tiny bit farther down the road.
I'd walk a little further, then sure enough, get scooted down the trail a wee bit more.
The road of course was the timeline of my big-ole-long-life, here at a whopping forty-five years old.
Looking back, there were yucky parts that I had to survive to get to the happier parts.
There were parts that were a little more scary which I never would have chosen, but they made way for sweeter spaces down the road.
You know what's real weird though?
Just after that, I noticed my husband's slightly-winding-kind-of-sidewalk, and how God orchestrated his path, to kind of cross my path.
If he hadn't walked a little more this way, I wouldn't have turned out a little more that way.
(Does that even make sense? At all? GOSH I WISH I COULD SHOW YOU THE MOVIE REEL IN MY HEAD!)
It got me thinking though, that God is in the work right now of doing the very same thing for each one of my three kids.
And He does the same for each of us.
He has a path that I don't even understand. He often has a path that I don't agree with or like one single bit at all.
But just as He's carried me to exactly where I need to be, He carries them, and He carries you and your kids too.
“You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.” Psalm 139 :5
“For you created me in my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb”. Psalm 139: 13
“My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.” Psalm 139:15
“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139:24
He hemmed both you and me, and each of our children right in. (Psalm 139:5)
He knit us together perfectly. (Psalm 139:13)
He has seen us from the very beginning. (Psalm 139:15)
He knows my anxious thoughts.
He sees my offenses.
Yet He chooses to lead me eternally. (Psalm 139:24).
I don't know what season of worry you're in.
Maybe you're like me and you wake up way too early some days worrying over alllll the things because you're pretty sure that's your job.
Maybe you have kids that worry you. Or finances that worry you. Or work that worries you. Or an illness that worries you.
(Ugh. The illness one is so so hard. I wish I could take that one away if you that's where you're at today. My heart is with you and praying for you!)
But whatever the worry is . . . He knit us right in.
He hemmed behind us and goes before us.
He knows our worries. Each of them.
Yet He still leads us eternally.
Settle in with me, okay?
Soak up simple peace, knowing that He's walked alongside you, scooting you also along a winding-walking-path.
He's walking along with our kids too.
He's walking alongside other people that we don't know yet, navigating them down the road.
He lifts us through hard times (I have to believe?) to shield us from what might be even harder things.
And I know. I don't get the really-really-hard-things-either. I simply don't. There are things that are entirely too hard that I simply don't understand. AND OFTEN THEY JUST MAKE ME SO MAD. I wish He would fix them. BUT I HAVE TO TRUST that He carries us in those darker days for something necessary just ahead. Because honestly? Otherwise I'm not quite sure I could walk any further.
Praying for you and me both right now, that we rest a little more often knowing His perfect peace.
That we feel completely shielded and protected today in His arms.
That we know He's knitting and forming our kids, and our families too.
And goodness, forever thankful as He leads us each, every day.
Praying for you today ~ that you may know the peace and comfort and stop-waking-up-at-3AM-worrying from a God who created us oh-so-generously today.
Hugs sweet friend,
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Thank you, Laurie. I read this in a repost and still it’s right on time, that’s how God works! I needed the encouragement and reminder after a very sleepless night of worry and prayer, and worry and prayer… Thank you for consistently sharing God’s love and encouragement. May God continue to bless you, your family and your business.
I love that Shannon. So glad it was helpful for you today!
Whoa, Woman! Talk about spot on into a mother’s mind, heart and soul! God really works through you in so many different ways to bring peace and comfort to others from your lil spot on Earth. I am forever grateful to have stumbled on you and PPP for many different reasons. This, my friend, is the most important. God is the center of this life. Thank you for this glimpse into your struggle with the kiddos, as this Momma is right there with you. God is quite busy with all of us shooting up prayers and having conversations with Him at all times of the day and night! As always, prayers, hugs and blessings to you and yours, Dearie.☺
Thank you for this post it lifted me up 🙂
Thank you for this sweet reminder! In the busyness of everyday life and the uncertainty that this crazy world causes, I sometimes forget that He has been, is now, and always will be in control and that He knows and has set a path for all of us. How reassuring it is to know that we can give our burdens to Him and that He will carry them and support us through them. Thank you for sharing your sweet spirit with all of us.
Hugs Amy – thank you for your kind words and sweet encouragement today!
Thanks so much for these encouraging reminders from Psalm 139!! I’ve been awake worrying/praying the last 3 nights at 3:30 AM. Hoping to sleep all night tonight, but if not…I’ll pray for you :0)
So hoping you get some rest tonight too Jennifer (I was so thankful for a good night’s sleep last night!) Will be praying for you and me both to get some sweet rest this week!
Laurie, I can’t tell you enough what your letter stirred up in me. My 3 kids are grown and have young kids of their own. But I still wake up worrying about them. Adulthood brings a whole new set of life’s trials for them, and therefore…me. It doesn’t stop when they leave the nest. But I will tell you, God loves them even more than I do…and that’s hard to imagine. But the Father and I have worked out a “deal”. He gives me glimpses of how He’s working in their lives. Little assurances that He’s got this. These are everything to my Mama’s heart.
And Laurie, I really don’t have girlfriends that live in my town. But I love how God gives us our family in Christ. Thank you, Sister for sharing your heart.
Thank you for sharing this! I love Psalms 139. This first caught my eye then my heart. Times have been very hard the last two years and God has been SO FAITHFUL through it all! My husband of 25 yes passed away after a vicious battle with cancer, thankful to God he knew the Lord so he is at rest. Due to an age difference I am not able to get his social security benefits until I am 60(I am53). Then I got diagnosed with lung cancer so the kids & I traumatized all over again! Yet God has been faithful! I too like you see that my children’s path is just that THEIR path and they were brought up in the word so it is in there so as they build their testimonies I can rest in God’s word when they get old they shall not depart. You are such a kind gentle soul God bless you & your entire staff
Ugly crying here. I appreciate your heart here. I needed to read this today.
Thankyou Julie. I needed this word from God. Bless you! Thankyou for taking the time to share your heart with us.
Thank you for sharing your heart! I love that you share your faith so openly. Even if I didn’t love the planner (but I do!), I think I’d still find something to order just to support you. I get so much encouragement from the joy you have and share with us daily.
What a wonderful post. Thank you Laurie, for sharing this.
Bless you! More on my mind than I can write out with it being after 11 pm. However, I am sending this post TO MYSELF so I can read it again in the morning. Thanks, lady!
Thank-you so much for writing this!! I really needed this reminder! It is so comforting to remember our children are God’s children and he is helping them along their paths….. Thanks again ♥️
Thank you for reminding me to trust that He carries us in those darker days for something necessary just ahead. I needed that reminder. You help us all in so many ways. I really appreciate you and feel as if you are a dear friend.
I am naturally a fearful person, but through the years the Lord has given me specific verses to calm my anxious heart.
Ps. 34:4 – I sought the Lord, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears. (during first pregnancy)
Ps. 46:10 – Be still and know that I am God. (so many different situations)
Isa. 41:10 – Fear not for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (before major surgery)
Ps. 73:23 – Nevertheless I am continually with you; you hold my right hand. (after the death of my husband 5 months ago)
Thank you for your transparency and for sharing your dependence on Christ. So needful in these times.
Thank you Laurie. Your sharing means a lot to me and being reminded that God is with us each step of the way.
God bless you and your family
I have heard the song, Because He Lives, three times this week. Along with your post, I believe God is trying to show me that all fear is gone and life is worth living because of our promise of of our future with Him. My husband is very ill and most days are just plain hard but thank goodness we are promised that He is with us. I’m not sure how people make it through life without that assurance. Thank you for sharing and for your faithfulness in pointing others to Him!
Thank you so much for this. I’m struggling trying to triage and balance my husband’s hospitalization and serious illness and my kids who both have special needs in addition to dr appointment, therapy appointments for all of them, keeping the house together, and finding a new normal. I have been an anxious mess over the last month trying to be the best mom and wife I can be and holy cow, I have had my share of insomnia lately waking up in the middle of the night with worry. I am going to my Bible now to read this chapter. Thank you!
Oh you nailed this one…”he knows me”. I had this discussion with my mom just week. I am a Martha, not a Mary. A hopeless Martha. I tend to clean and feed people because I never quite feel welcome or comfortable where I am and it gives me something to keep me busy. I had told my mom “I know not to worry, but God created me and knows me. I am a worrier and a Martha and I just hope he has grace for me.”
Thank you, Laurie. And these children. Sometimes I wonder if our children push us to pray, because God wants to hear from us (His children!) more…
What a blessing it was to read these sweet truths….Thanks for the reminder of God’s grace and Goodness for us and our families….
Thank you so much for your kind words Kathy – like you, I’m so so thankful for His grace each and every day!
Thank you. Reading that scripture I can feel my heart breathe in deeply and know God’s spirit is the balm I need most today.
I kept thinking it through this morning – it’s one of my favorite scriptures and I’m so thankful that He carries us that way! So thankfully to soak it up too!
You just can’t possibly know how much this blessed this mama of three, about the same ages as yours. Thank you. I know this was Spirit guided, both in what you wrote and when I read it. God bless you.
Hugs Mikki – that means so much to me! YES in this season I think we all feel so many of the same things. Praying for your sweet bunch and I know God has amazing plans for them!
Wow! I could have wrote this myself! My 3 kids are 20-25 and oh my so many times I have woke in the middle of the night praying for one of them or for me and my hubby. Psalms 139 is one of my favorites also. A older sister at church told me one time that waking in the night is God’s way of telling us we need to pray either for a situation or a person & we would probably never know why! Blessings to you & thank you!!!!
Yes Karen! I feel the same way! I don’t always love being woken up, but I love that sweet time to think. Hugs!
Hugs Julie! You’re the sweetest! 🙂