Time for some random rambling today ~ if you're here just for the deals (I understand!) scoot on past to the next penny pinched post. 😉
Some of you may remember probably my favorite ever post sharing how I started praying with my kids when they were tiny.
Well, all too quickly my kids are getting bigger (ugh), but the most amazing transformation has happened.
A few weeks ago, I was in a hurry (I'm always in a hurry), and rushed my kids along to bed. I was working on the computer and told them I'd be there to tuck them in shortly.
Shortly turned into not-so-shortly, and when I finally made it upstairs I found two cute girls in the middle of the floor of one of their bedrooms, Bible in one girl's hands and a children's devotional book wide open.
(This is the one they found – similar to this one.)
I plopped down next to them, snuggled in close, and they led me in a much needed bit of quiet time.
Three weeks later, at about 8:12 each night, my girls call me upstairs for our quiet time together. When I told them a few days ago that I was way too busy to make it up, my eleven-year-old informed me that I needed our quiet time more than she did.
I really don't know how I ended up so lucky. (Seriously folks, I would never have dreamed this future for my family!) But what I'm loving about this precious time is that even when I don't take the time to slow down a bit, my children call me to this happy little place each night where we can talk about our fears, thank God for the good stuff, and just love on each other a bit.
The devotionals are quick – last night we talked about making new friends and the night before was about not being anxious (which I needed to remember way more than my girls did!)  The best part is that at the end of that time we say a quick lay-it-all-out-right-out-loud prayer, and my girls are starting to pray the verses that we discuss each night.
How amazing is that????
If you have a little one at home, and feel like you want to pull your hair out instead of pray with them some many? days, I promise (promise) there's a really fun light at the end of the tunnel.
I promise that those lessons you instill today will give you the most precious grace for tomorrow.
Even if you're not the praying type, consider taking just a few minutes to wrap that little one up in your arms and let them know just how precious they are before you tuck them in tonight. (Doing just that might just turn you into the praying type.) 😉
Turn off your computer. Put away your cell phone. Don't check those Facebook or Instagram notifications and instead spend a few minutes of face-to-face time with the ones closest to you.
I promise, wholeheartedly, that you'll be plain old amazed at what kind of grace will cover you.
And just to be clear, my kids still fight with each other. They still tell me no when they don't like what I've told them to do, still leave their shoes out all over the place, still talk back sometimes and drive me a wee bit crazy some (many?) days. I still holler at them sometimes too. We are oh-so-far from having it together, but if there's grace for this mess of a momma, there's grace for you too. 😉
Looking for more posts like this? Here you go . . .
- The Smartest Financial Decision We (Accidentally) Made
- Grace
- Charm is Deceptive and Beauty is Fleeting
- The Value of A Kind Word
- Praying With Your Children
- If Only….Â
- Are You A Real Mom?
- Giving Passionately?
- Do Our Children Need It All?
- If Only….Â
- Contentment In the Little Things
- Don't Sacrifice What You Really Want For What You Want Right Now
Becky says
Great post
Buffy Braun says
Can you recommend ones like you do for a 7 year old boy and a 4 year old girl? This sounds like something I really need to start with my kids. And what you talk about with them is stuff my school aged son is going through and dealing with right now.
Laurie says
Hi Buffy! I would just search Amazon for a few good devotionals – I pick ones that have good reviews and have always been pleased! Here are a few I just found – http://amzn.to/1UuJI01
Hope that helps!
Cindy says
Slow down……enjoy those girls. Time will pass and they will be grown way before you are ready!
Paula David Lipp says
This is sweet and Thank you :O)
Laurie says
Thank you Paula 🙂
Kathy Fix says
I loved this…
Laurie says
Thanks Mom 🙂
Kathy Fix says
I loved this…
Lydia @Five4FiveMeals says
I love this. Thank you for sharing.
Laurie says
Thanks Lydia 🙂 hard to remember some days but so worth it! 🙂
Jennifer says
That’s awesome. We need to remember sometimes to stop and remember the important things to life. Thanks for the reminder. I needed it
Laurie says
You’re so welcome Jennifer – I struggle with it so much too but am so thankful my kids remind me of what I need!