(NOTE: I originally shared this post a few years ago after my husband had a heart attack, when I was (clearly!) in a bit of a rut.  I know that right now so many of us are feeling overwhelmed, so I wanted to re-share it for anyone needing a little encouragement today. If you're in a funk right now . . . maybe this one's just for you. Sending hugs and prayers for you today, right where you are, no matter what season you're in. Hugs!) Â
Good gravy.
This week as I was debating what home project to tackle as our regular Friday Fluff Up, I started dreaming up ideas for our mudroom.
I really wanted this, or this, or even this, but the truth is the space isn't huge and I don't have any business right now spending lots of money on it, so it just needed some TLC.
Since my husband's heart attack just over a month ago, I've allowed clutter and gunk and schoolwork and coats and hats and heart attack papers and all of it to just take over that space.
(If you know me well you know that's just not the norm for me ~ but goodness it's turned into a disaster!)
I just didn't want to deal with the mess, so I rounded up my youngest and spent a few hours shopping, dreaming up ways to make that space just a wee bit more Pinterested before coming home and setting to work.
As I started muddling through, I realized that it wasn't any new fancy stuff that tiny space needed.
It was a much needed attitude shift.
You see, since his heart attack I've (we've all?) been in this sort of funk.
I didn't want to deal with the paperwork.
I didn't want to look at insurance claims.
I didn't want to read through mounds of heart attack literature.
I didn't want to learn a million-bazillion ways to control his cholesterol.
(For the record, he's really changed his diet on his own and we're all working even harder to eat the right foods ~ I just didn't want to read any more about it!)
I didn't want to be the 40-year-old wife of a 45-year-old husband who'd had a heart attack.
There. I said it.
I wanted to stay a regular mom with a regular life and regular kids and a regular-not-so-much-struggling life.
I'm betting you get that.
And honestly? (if I'm being real-real-deeply honest here?)
Ever since moving two years ago I've just kind of been in a funk. (Y'all who know me best know that's the case ~ I can hide it on the outside but here in my heart it's tough to hide.)
So I just let the piles keep climbing.
I let the shoes take over the floor.
I shoved the paperwork on top of the cabinets. And hid some inside the closet. (eek.) And just decided if it was all stuffed somewhere I didn't really have to deal with any of it.
I just didn't want any of this turn of events.Â
I didn't want my life to look different.
I just didn't want to deal with the mess of it.
In my heart or on my counter tops.Â
So when I came home with all my cute stuff from Home Goods and Michael's Wednesday night and realized it wasn't any “fluffing” that needed to happen, but rather just a good case of me being real about life, I determined to get it together.
I de-gunked.
I sorted through the paper work.
I made files named “James's heart stuff.”
I saved files about medications I really care nothing to know about.
I pulled up my big-girl-panties and decided to deal with what the last six weeks have doled out.
Do you know what?
It feels better.
The space is cleaned out. I'm still the same regular mom that I was a month ago. We still have the regular life that we had months ago. My husband didn't really age a million years like I feel he has.
We're just us.
And we're going to be okay.
You may have so. many. struggles. so so much bigger than mine.
You may be dealing with a debilitating illnesses, the long-term sicknesses of a child, or the loss of something or even someone so very precious and dear to you.
And like me, you may think that if you just shove the clutter all away none of this stuff will really be real.
But, precious one, you and I know it doesn't work that way.
If you're drowning in stuff because you don't want to deal with the real issues, I encourage you to pull up those big girl panties with me and  just de. mess.
De. funk.
You will feel better.
You will find order.
You will be no less precious than you were before the mess.
Because even when life doesn't hand us what we choose, we still get to choose what we make of it.
Make your life beautiful today.
If that means you need a de-cluttering and a de-gunking and a de-funking, come along with me and find beauty right where you're at.
If you're in a hospital room holding the hand of a loved one, tidy things up a bit and make that that space for them just feel beautiful. But most importantly hold on tightly and let them know they're loved.
If you're home in the summertime and your kids have taken over your home (ahem), take a break from the crazy and head outside to pick some fresh greenery, then come on in and sweep up the floor.
If you're at work and the clutter on your desk is overwhelming you, clean off that space, put up a favorite quote and stay motivated in your work today.
And if you're the sweet momma of a tiny one who hasn't allowed you to have a shower in too many days to count, find a safe spot for that baby for twenty minutes, hop in the shower and make yourself feel beautiful today.
You can find beauty wherever you are. I just know you can.Â
I'm thinking of you folks right now who walk beside me or even through something so much harder, and am praying a beautiful day for you no matter what life hands you today.
Make today a beautiful day.Â
Looking for more like this? You might enjoy these posts!Â
- That time my husband had a heart attack
- When you need rest
- How to make life more liveable
- Packing day
Cindy says
What color are your walls? Did you paint it also?
Susie says
What is the wreath made of hanging up? Is it felted wool? Where oh where did you find it? I love it.
Laurie says
Hi Susie! 🙂 I found it at Home Goods – I love it too!!!
Angie says
Thank you for being that special neighbor I’ve always hoped for:)
terri lawson says
Thank you for being REAL !!! We have all been there, or will be there one day, but hearing it again never hurts ! Glad you go out of the funk & hoping everything is back on track
Declutter is good for the soul !
Ginny says
Blessings for you you and your family. Your posts help so many of us, everyday.
Laurie says
Thank you so much for your kind words Ginny!
Krista says
Wow…your words cut through the BS completely! I hope your husband, you and your family are all doing better. Thank you for being so honest and direct.I need to do some cut throat decluttering after years of turning a blind eye to things during a messy divorce. No excuses now…the weight of the excess “stuff” is unbearable after 3 years of letting things go, but since I’ve managed to start the process I already feel the load lifting ever so slightly. Your own expression of feelings and showing by example have given me more hope. Being vulnerable and sharing your success after hardship is much appreciated! Life is tough but so are we! Press on!!
Laurie says
Bless your heart Krista – I can’t even imagine what you’ve gone through, but like you said, sometimes we just have to step up and deal with the mess we have even when we don’t want to. Praying for you during this time (especially extra peace and motivation to tackle your “stuff”) and know that God has amazing plans for you. Hang in there – we can do this!
Teri says
Right on Krista! Look it straight in the eye and show that clutter what you’re made of! I’m in the same boat as you!!! Been trying to find happiness in hoarding things that I think will bring me happiness, only to find more sadness!! But I’m getting the ball rolling, and I’m already feeling the relief from removing the “weight” of all that “stuff”! Once I faced it, I found myself putting new meaning to that biblical scripture that says “the truth will set you free”! It’s a wonderful feeling to step up and take control of my life back! Hoping the same for you!
Mecca says
Oh my stars honey! I loved this article. I’ve spent the last 2 weeks in the hospital with my daughter and it touched me deeply. I know all too well about not wanting to deal with things. I will also return to a cluttered home that on most days overwhelms me. So, here’s to strong women, big girl panties and doing what ya gotta do. God bless you!
Laurie says
Sending hugs and prayers your way this morning Mecca – I know you’ve got to be overwhelmed! Thank you so much for your kind words – praying an extra dose of energy and encouragement for you today as you get started. We can do this!
Brittney says
Where did you get the wire baskets on the wall?
Linda Buchanan says
I like to think I’m pretty organized and I have place for everything. But, one thing I don’t have a good storage solution for is tissue paper and gift bags. I don’t use wrapping paper. Everytime someone gives me a gift in a bag, I fold up the bag and smooth out the tissue paper to reuse. It then sits flat on the top shelf in my pantry closet. Does anyone have a better idea?
Paula says
Thank you so much for this. It means a lot. Wishing all the best to you and your family.
Laurie says
Thanks so much Paula – I appreciate that so much and it means a ton to us. Thank you for your kind words!
Lawna Greene says
Such heartfelt words, that I really needed to hear today. Thank you. Praying for you and yours.
Laurie says
Thank you so much Lawna – goodness we’re not alone, are we? Thanks for your prayers (we appreciate them so much!)
Julie says
Oh, my! How you have become so dear to me, in spite of the fact that we’ve never met! You have no idea how much I needed to hear those words today! Like a balm to my weary soul. Praying for you and your loved ones.
Thank you,
Laurie says
Oh Julie – my heart’s praying for you in whatever you’re in right now, goodness, I’m so blessed by your kind words today! I struggle to share stuff like this sometimes, so hearing that it encourages someone else is such a gift to me. Thank you for your kind words ~ praying for you today!
carol hovinga says
Thank you so much for sharing! I made a flip flop wreath to brighten my day! Now to hit the clutter! Thanks for inspiring me today! I just love you!
Laurie says
How fun to make a flip flop wreath Carol – I just love that!!! So glad it encouraged you (honestly, doing it encouraged me so much too.) So glad to hear you made it a beautiful day! 🙂
Mara says
YOU ARE SUCH A BEAUTY! I’m so blessed to know you – and read your incredible words.
Laurie says
Oh Mara – you know I’m so thankful for you!!!! We are a lucky pair to find each other 🙂 Thanks for just being my confidence on days when I need it!