You. guys.
Y'all know I love me some Publix shopping. (And miss it since moving way up North!)
And I love me some Fresh Thyme shopping. And Aldi shopping. And even occasionally some Kroger shopping.
But this week?
I'm loving some Meijer shopping. (WOW!)
My typical plan when planning my grocery trip is to coupon shop at just one grocery store (typically the one closest to my house), and swing by one other store that offers great produce deals. (So far that's usually been at Aldi or Fresh Thyme – Sprouts is a great option if you have one of those in your area as well.)
But, this week I noticed there was free Fairlife milk at Meijer after mPerks, so thought I'd take a peek and see what other bargains I could snag. I didn't even plan my trip ahead of time ~ just created a quick new mPerks account, scanned their coupons, and headed into the store. I was so stinkin' excited to see gallons of milk at Meijers on sale for $2 (crazy?), and then I noticed a $1/2 gallon mPerks coupon making those just $1.75 per gallon. Success!!
(This is pitiful folks – when my 12 year old saw all that milk and knew I'd been couponing she double checked to make sure it hadn't expired. Ahem.) 😉
Here's what I bought:
- Reach Floss $1, used $.75/1 Reach mPerks coupon = $.25
- Del Monte Tomatoes $.89, used 50% off mPerks coupon = $.45
- 1.64 lbs. grapes on sale $.99/lb. = $1.61
- Del Monte Green Beans $1.39, used 50% off mPerks coupon = $.70
- Peter Pan Peanut Butter $2.50, used 50% off mPerks coupon = $1.25
- Chichis Salsa $1.89, used 50% off mPerks coupon = $.95
- Jello Pudding $1.98, used 50% off mPerks coupon = $.99
- Del Monte Fruit Cups $2.19, used 50% off mPerks coupon = $1.10
- Hunts Pudding Bar $2.50, used 50% off mPerks coupon = $1.25
- Miracle Whip $2.99, used 50% off mPerks coupon =$1.50
- 2 Meijer Milk $2 gallon, used $1/2 off 2 gallons mPerks coupon = $3.50
- Velveeta Shells & Cheese $2.50, used 50% off mPerks coupon = $1.25
- 2 packs strawberries $1 each = $2
- Aunt Jemima waffles $2, used 50% off mPerks coupon = $1
- 1 Fairlite Chocolate Milk $3.50, used FREE mPerks coupon = FREE
- 1 Fairlike 2% White Milk $3.50, used FREE mPerks coupon = FREE (make sure to get 2% – I had to switch mine out because the mPerks coupon will not work on skim milk)
- Total = $17.80, Saved $41.92
They also had all their Easter candy marked down to 50% off, and I'm crossing my fingers it will drop a little further in the next few days. (We don't need any, but at 70% off I might be tempted to buy some more!)Â I was pretty pleased with my little haul, and will definitely start watching those mPerks savings each week from now on.
If you're a regular Meijer shopper I'd love to hear any tips on saving while you shop there ~ I'm a little excited to find one more way to save each week!Â
You can save big on clothes, shoes, other departments as well using mperks. I wait for BOGO on clothes. Routinely receive 40% off active wear, add that to a sale and you can really save. Same goes for shoes, mperks vary from $5 off to 50% off. I normally check my mperks account several times each week since there are short expirations on many of the larger value coupons. Like Kohls, they have several extra savings events for card holders. I save thousands of dollars/year shopping at Meijer.
Great tips Margie – thank you so much for sharing (I haven’t shopped the clothing department there before so that’s so good to know!)
Today I did some shopping of my own. In addition to the great sales you shared for meijer, I also found some additional savings.
I picked up 3 bananas for .55, Checkout 51 & Ibotta both have .25 rebate on these now so I paid .05!
The Faiflife milk is also on Ibotta for .75 even though you pick it up for free, they still give you the rebate.
Hormel no bean chili 15oz can is 1.67 minus .75 mperk making it .92
Cottonelle bath tissue 12 pk is 5.99 with $1.00 mperks and Ibotta -.25 = $4.74
Muller ice cream inspired yougurt is .89 Bogof with mperks making it .44
Hamburger Helper is $1.29 used 50% off mperks = .64 and it counts toward Saving Star rebate
Excedrin 200 ct is $15.69 but Meijer gives you automatic $5.00 off when you spend $15 on this. Used mperks $3.00 off and Saving Star rebate = $6.69
ChiChis tortillas are $1.89 used mperks 50% off and Ibotta.25 = .69
Nature Valley Granola Bars are $2.50 each. Buy 2, use mperks .50 off 2, use Ibotta.50 off 2, use Saving Star .50 off 2 = $1.75 each
Finally, on mperks you can get 10 – 4×6 prints for free when you print to store from mobile device.
Hope this adds to more saving for all!
GREAT tips Barbara – thank you so much for sharing! I love the free photo prints – will have to add those to my list to order. I’m so excited to have a new great store to shop at!
Don’t forget to check out the rewards you have to clip to start earning before you shop. I save a lot earning those too!
Great tip Barbara – thanks for letting me know!
LOVE Meijer! Make sure you clip the rewards from that section of MPerks. If you spend so much over the next month in certain departments you earn a reward off of your next trip. (They work kind of like electronic ExtraBucks but take longer to earn.) Since the stores stopped doubling coupons, I have been really disappointed in Kroger’s “new lower prices” and find ourselves shopping almost exclusively at Meijer except for Mega Sales and gift cards. Also, make sure you check their special two day ad they run some Fridays and Saturdays. Sometimes there are great deals there!