This giveaway has now closed.  Congratulations to Andrealcon… for winning, and thanks to everyone who entered!
Have you been Krogering lately? This is a great week to make a Kroger Trip! Kroger is having a Cart Buster Savings Event through 3/6/12, and there will be fantastic offers available to load to your Kroger card for one day only . . . so make sure to check out which new Kroger offer is available daily! I'm super excited about today's $2.50/1 Tide coupon, and am looking foward to the upcoming deals throughout the week.
Kroger has great offers this week on General Mills, Nestle, Proctor & Gamble, Pepsi & Kraft Products, so you'll definitely want to take a peek at the sale this week. I'm planning to swing by to pick up some Chex Mix & Swiffer Dusters myself!
Would you enjoy a $25 Kroger card to help make your shopping even a little more fun at Kroger? (You know you would!) Take a minute to enter to win this $25 Kroger Gift Card Giveaway! Here's how to enter to win:
- Required Entry:  Leave a comment sharing what you’re planning to purchase this week in Kroger's Cartbuster Sale.
- Additional Entries: Join Passionate Penny Pincher on Facebook and leave a comment to let me know (or leave a comment if you’re already a Facebook fan.)
- Invite a friend to join Passionate Penny Pincher on Facebook and leave a comment to let me know.
- Subscribe to free Passionate Penny Pincher daily emails (or leave a comment if you’re already an email subscriber.)
- Visit the Kroger site and leave a comment sharing which coupons you've loaded to your Kroger card.
fb fan=mary jaco.
I plan on buying frozen vegetables.
The yoplait yogurt is a good deal, with the coupon. That’s what I’ll be buying this week. Thanks!
I plan on buying Townhouse crackers, fiber bars, oh my I need alot of things to many to list. I sure do need the $25 gift card to help me pay for my food.
I just recently started follow you on FB! I already used the Larabar & Tide cartbusters! Hope I win the $25 Kroger card! Thank you!
I’m an email subscriber.
I’m a FB fan (Mari Doug)
I’ll get Tide and Bounty.
email subscribser
like u on fb Julie A Scotts Laws
betty crocker and tropicana
I’m already an email subscriber.
I’m already one of your FB fans.
I’d love to stock up on Cheerios!
I get your email updates.
So far I have loaded the tide and yoplait ecoupons!
I am an email subscriber!
I am already a Facebook follower .
I am looking forward to buy tide!! Happy I also got the ecoupon!!
I have loaded a tide coupon to my card
Joined Passionate Penny Pincher on Facebook
Email subscriber
I am stocking up on tide
I loaded the Tide, Juicy Juice and Yoplait coupons so far!
FB fan
Tide.. I can always use laundry detergent with 3 kids 🙂
I plan on using the coupon for Yoplait…. great deal!
already a FB fan! Love the site
I loaded the Tide cpn the day it was out!
I’m a FB fan
i bought GM cereals yesterday!
Already subscribe to e-mails.
katbirdfl (at) gmail (dot) com
Already a FB fan (Kathryn G.C.)
katbirdfl (at) gmail (dot) com
I plan on purchasing Yoplait Yogurt. Thanks for the giveaway!
katbirdfl (at) gmail (dot) com
i like your page on facebook too
i’ll be getting betty crocker snacks
I Like Passionate Penny Pincher on Facebook as June Lisle.
Chex Mix.
I’m going to stock up on Tide and Cheerios.
I have loaded baby coupons on my Kroger card – Comforts for Baby products, & Pampers!
I follow you on Facebook
I loaded the Tide coupon when it was the Deal of the Day!
I’m getting Charmin and Tide!
I loaded the .75 cents on Ruffles coupon on my card
I subscribe via email
I “LIKE” you on fb (Nicole Larsen)
Tide and Pantene!
Save $1.00 on Johnsonville® Italian Sausage is loaded on my card.
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I am an RSS Subscriber!
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I like you on Facebook — crave to save
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
I plan to buy cheerios! Thanks for the chance to win!
gina.m.maddox (at) gmail (dot) com
i loaded the tide, dawn, green giant frozen veggies, and oreos coupons to my (king soopers) card.
new follower on facebook
bounty and tide
I loaded on 75 cents off Ruffles – which works with the cartbuster special to save me even more. I also loaded on Tide, Charmin and more.
I’m getting Ruffles and Cheerios!
I like you on Facebook (as the name in my email address)
I loaded $1 off Gain
I’ll get some Charmin and Hamburger Helper
email subscriber
I “like” Passionate Penny Pincher on Facebook, FB name Jan Peoples
Hamburger Helper and Betty Crocker baking mixes
I have been following you on facebook for quite awhile!
Always love deals on Chex Mix – it’s been awhile since I’ve gotten any!
email subscriber
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
like on fb (michelle b)
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
charmin bathroom tissue and bounty paper towels
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I get email updates.
I like PPP on face book.
Loaded the Tide $2.50 coupon.
I already receive your daily email updates.
I am already a Facebook follower.
We’re running low on Cheerios so it’s about time to restock!
I loaded the Tide $2.50 ecoupon to my Kroger card.
I received email feeds from you already.
I’m excited to stock up on quality laundry detergent, cleaning products and personal care items.
Already an email subscriber. 🙂
Already a FB fan! 🙂
Tide and Cheerios
I will be buying the Tuna from the sale this week.
I am going to load the pepsi coupon today!
I get your daily emails.
I like you on FB
I went last night and got my Tide for $4.99 – $2.50 digital coupon minus $2 daytona savings coupon. Woo Hoo!
Loaded Green giant, tide, tostitos, yoplait, lara bar & kroger brand soup coupons to my card online!
Will buy tide and chex mix on the carbuster sale!
So far I’ve loaded the Tide and Pepsi coupons to my card
I like PPP on facebook (ashley hatten) I’ve been a fan for a while now 🙂
I already bought Tide and Green Giant veggies this week. I will probably go back for some more stuff this weekend! thanks!
Subscribed, like you on FB, and we are running low on biscuits – so that will be on our list!
I am loading up on Ruffles & Tostitos with the great cart sale and Sunday Coupons. I love Passionate Pennypincher.
I subscribed to your e-mails
I visited the Kroger site and downloaded the Cart Buster Tide coupon to my card!
I like you on Facebook
I am excited to stock up on Cheerios this week!
I like Passionate Pennypincher on facebook.
I loaded Tide and Lara Bar coupons to my Kroger card
I’m buying Pepsi products and Charmin this week at Kroger!
drinks and probably tide!
like Passionate Penny Pincher on Facebook (Karin A-g)
Charmin, Hamburger helper
loaded the tide $2.50 coupon 🙂
a fan on Fb 🙂
Cheerios and Charmin 🙂
I loaded the $2.50 off any Tide coupon which was the deal of the day!
I follow you on facebook.
I want to get Charmin this week!
I’m a fan on facebook!
protein bars for my hubby!
I subscribe to the daily emails
I follow Passionate Penny Pincher on FB
Tide detergent
i get your emails
tcogbill at live dot com
yoplait and pampers
tcogbill at live dot com
I like you on FB
Bugles & Sunchips
Already a fb Fan
I will be getting some tide !
I am an email subscriber. Thanks!
I loaded the Lara bar and Tide coupons.
I like you on Facebook.
Save $.75 on Multigrain Cheerios
and Save $0.50 on Simple Truth Naturalâ„¢ or Simple Truth Organicâ„¢ Eggs
I plan to stock up on Tide.
Subscribe to free Passionate Penny Pincher daily emails
FB fan
Jessie c
I’d like to stock up on Cascadian Farm products and Cheerios.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
I am your fan on FB.
Tide and Chex mix, hope I find some, 🙂
I have so many Qs loaded on my Kroger card it takes forever to check out 🙂 I load most available Qs without similar MQs so that I can maximize my savings.
I’m going to get the Larabars. I loaded the eQ yesterday, so they will be a great deal!
I downloaded the tide and huggies slip on diapers coupons! With $3 off i hope to get cheap diapers!
I always stock up on Chicken when it is $1.99 lb and the tide!
I like you on facebook
I follow you on fb!!!
chex mix! Also, I already liked you on FB!
I subscribe to your emails.
I like you on FB with my username Mary Happymommy
Laundry detergent definitely! I already like you on facebook, loaded the tide coupon to my card, and signed up for your emails 🙂
I plan to purchase Yoplait Yogurt.
I just got back from Kroger and got the Tide that was on sale and used my $2.50 off coupon. Also got fruit roll ups, stuff for your yummy slow cooked pot roast.
I’m getting tide, chex mix, colgate, and gum! Plus lots more for my regular shopping!
I subscribe to your emails
I loaded the Tide coupon on my card
I like you on Facebook as Elena Istomina
I will buy Cheerios
I downloaded the Tide coupon.
Like you on Facebook.
i’ll be buying Tide and Pepsi
Definitely the Tide and cheap Chex mix!
Already follow on fb and already get emails 🙂 I’m going to share now 🙂
Chex mix! Hubby says no more detergent… we have over 500oz for a family of 3 lol!
I loaded the tide coupon to my card today! Super excited about that one!
I get your email updates
I follow you on FB
I am getting the chex mix and Tide!