You've purchased the digital home planer and now what? You can find everything you need to know about how to use a digital planner right here!
If you need some additional help, this video walks you through how to import the digital Home Planner files into an iPad app like GoodNotes or Notability.
Here's what you will need to import the Home Planner Digital files:
- Home Planner PDF and Digital Downloads
- Dropbox (free account)
- GoodNotes OR Notability *please note that there might be an additional charge associated with these apps. Unfortunately, we are unable to control the pricing of these 3rd party apps.
Once you've imported your home planner and sticker book files – you can explore all of the different features that GoodNotes has to offer. The most used tools and features are how to import photos, customizing the weekly and daily tasks, writing in appointments and important dates and so much more!
If you have purchased the Home Planner Digital and PDF files, be sure to check out the How to Guide in your downloads as well!
How do I get the stickers to import into Notability?
Hi Caitlin ~ Please email so we can better assist you. Hope this helps! 🙂
I wish I read all the comments before I purchased. I am an apple user and the apps suggested cost additional money because the files are so large. GoodNotes free app only allows files under 5MB to be imported. With the Home Planner file being 9MB you have to subscribe to the app yearly. There is a 7 day trial that I am thinking about doing to uploaded the planner, then cancel the subscription and see if I am able to use the planner.
I agree with other commentors about PPP needing to be completely transparent from the start about the limitations of the digital downloads. It would have been nice to know I would have to purchase a separate app in order to use this planner. (Luckily, because of my penny pinching, I did not pay full price for the product).
Suggestion to PPP staff: maybe you should collaborate with an app developer to create an all in/exclusive platform for your digital planners and such.
I am so sorry for your frustration! Unfortunately, we are unable to control the pricing of 3rd party apps – we try to keep our digital planner prices as low as we possibly can so that everyone can get the chance to use them. With that said, GoodNotes and Notability definitely work the best – however, we have heard from other customers who have used Xodo and Penly, though I am not familiar with the fees associated with those apps. Additionally, you should have also received the printable PDF files with your purchase, which might be another option for you. I hope that helps!
I bought your digital planner when you were having your $1 special and I was soooo excited because there was no other way I could afford it otherwise. I read where you suggested Good Notes & Notability, but it seems I have to buy a subscription to them to be able to use them. There is no way I could have afforded the planner if it hadn’t been on sale, meaning I can’t afford a weekly/monthly app to use it either. Is there ANY other app will work in without having to pay a subscription fee to use my planner?!? I was sooo excited and now I’m just frustrated. Please help.
I am so sorry for your frustration! Unfortunately, we are unable to control the pricing of 3rd party apps – we try to keep our digital planner prices as low as we possibly can so that everyone can get the chance to use them. With that said, GoodNotes and Notability definitely work the best – however, we have heard from other customers who have used Xodo and Penly, though I am not familiar with the fees associated with those apps. Additionally, you should have also received the printable PDF files with your purchase, which might be another option for you. I hope that helps!
Thank goodness its not just me. I am in the same boat as you here. My budget is too tight and the added cost of an app is not… pinching pennies. I am currently look for other free apps or platforms that will allow me to use the planner. I just joined the Facebook page, well asked to join, in hopes another person in our shoes has an answer. To Be Continued……
Downloaded the digital planner. Can’t get the hyperlinks in the tabs to work once it is imported to GoodNotes.
Tried to download Notability…the only version I can find is for iOS…I have the Galaxy Tab S8+ and Notability is not available in the Play Store.
I tried importing it to Penly…Same issue as GoodNotes. Tab links don’t work.
From reviews im seeing online, I’m assuming it’s just not compatible for Android users?
Hi Vanessa, I am so sorry you are having trouble. Please email and they can help you with this!
I am having the same issue. I have Android phone & tablet and just emailed to find out if there is a way for Android users to also use and enjoy the digital version of the planners.
Were you ever able to get your’s to work w/ Android?
I’m trying very hard not to regret this purchase. I wanted to try to go fully digital with my planner this year and liked the format of this physical planned a couple years ago so I bought the digital version this time around. I didn’t realize the struggle it would be if you are not an Apple user.
All the apps suggested are not compatible with Android. Notability is only for Apple users. Goodnotes is only for Apple users. Penly costs additional money to use.
I loved the physical version of this planner which is why I opted to use this for the digital version that I wanted to give a shot. However, if you are selling a product and it is clearly not compatible with customers who may be android users, that tidbit should be made blatantly clear before your customers make their purchase.
Otherwise it just feels like you are blatantly taking money for a product that you know is not going to work for an entire group of people that don’t use Apple products, and (judging from the other comments) making a refund difficult to get because “there are apps that our Android customers say work great” but those apps are also only for Apple users.
I want this to work so badly. My husband who works in IT is looking for a workaround to make this work, but so far has just been coming up with nothing, other than taking the downloads and printing them. Which defeats the purpose that I was trying to achieve by going fully digital.
If there is a way to make this simpler, I would love to hear it. Because otherwise it feels like a company that I once thought was pretty awesome and had a great product is actually just a skeevy money thief that has no intention of making this right for the many customers who are obviously struggling to make this work.
When truly, if there was some transparency on your website in the first place, about the plain and simple fact that this product is obviously not designed for Android users, none of us would be in this pickle.
But I guess why should you be transparent about something that will lose you money. Just collect the purchase price from unknowing android users who will excitedly open their emails only to spend the next 45 minutes in frustration trying to figure out why NONE of the listed apps actually works for an android user, feeling more and more dejected when you read to comments only to see those same apps being suggested repeatedly, when other Android customers continue to make it known that those apps aren’t actually available for Android.
Totally bummed out.
We’re so sorry to hear you are having issues getting the digital version to work for you. Please email us at so we can better assist you. 🙂
Just a thought, instead of heaping two truckloads of guilt in one unnecessarily long “comment” why not just send them an email? I was horrified for how the team must feel about being called a ‘skeevy money thief’ before they get a chance to help you. I am not an apple user either, but instead of finding your comment helpful, as I had hoped, I recommend taking a breath before firing off such a passive aggressive attempt at asking for help. Not a sermon. Well, maybe.
Customer Beware!! This planner doesn’t work on Android and Windows tablets and devices, despite what the planner team would have you believe. Apparently, the planner is only tested and optimized for IOS (Apple), so if you do not have an iMac or iPad, save yourself the headache and get yourself another planner. I just purchased this planner and discovered this belatedly and trying to get a refund now.
I’m so sorry you’re having issues using our digital planner on an Android device, Henrie. Our team and multiple customers have used it using Xodo and GoodNotes, with success. Please reach out to so they can help. 🙂
I wish I had seen these comments before I purchased 🙁
The apps listed in the directions are only for Apple users. And the penly app that was suggested in one of the other comments costs additional money.
It would have been nice if there had been some transparency on the website that the digital version is primarily for Apple users and that it isn’t easily compatible for Android users.
We’re so sorry you’re having trouble using the digital version with your Android. Please email us at so we can help out! 🙂
Any tips for Android users? My hyperlinks aren’t working.
Hmm, we have heard from our Android customers that Xodo and Penly also work. If you’re still having problems with it, please reach out to us at Thanks! 🙂
It would be really helpful if each half was on its’ own page. My device is smaller and it’s hard to read the pages.
Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll pass that onto the team. 🙂
I use penly for android and sometimes the pdf hyperlinks tabs used for good notes works but this digital planner doesn’t. Any way yall can eventually look at seeing if this could be configured for android?
Thanks for letting us know! We will keep that in mind going forward!
Will this work on any android apps, such as note shelf?
I am wondering about this too.
Notability and Xodo seem to be the best apps to use for Android users. I hope that helps!
It’s extremely frustrating that you seem to be ignoring all of the Android users when they say Notability and GoodNotes do not work for us.
I am so sorry, we aren’t trying to ignore anyone. We have tested the digital planner on both Apple and Android devices and from our experience, we’ve found that GoodNotes works on Android – but Xodo has more functionality. I hope that helps!
We recommend Notability for Android users. I hope that helps!
When I looked up notability, it said it was only available on iOS. Is there more than one?
So sorry about that! Xodo and Penly are great options for Android users.
so we can download the ppp planner into xodo and penly?
Yes, we’ve heard from our Android customers that Xodo and Penly works great. Feel free to reach out to if you have any issues with it and see if they can help. 🙂