Update: See how I made homemade chalk paint in our guest bedroom – I loved using Annie Sloane but this was so much less expensive!
How To Paint A Piano
I don't think I've ever (E.V.E.R.) been so excited to see what $100 can do, and am tickled to share this week's Friday Fluff Up project with you! Â
Back when we were first married, my mom gave my husband and me a piano, and we were so excited to have one in our home. (I grew up playing the violin and piano, and can't imagine not having something to plunk on!)
And the piano was just perfect, even though it never looked exactly the way I'd hoped.  When we added built in bookshelves in our office in our last home the piano headed to our guest bedroom, and it was fine because I just never looked at it. (But, I always knew I wanted something different ~ I just wasn't sure how to get there!)
When we moved into our new home in Ohio I fell in love with the floor plan, but we were stuck (again) with no home for this little piano. In a perfect world it would march on down to the basement, however our stairwell isn't very wide, and I'm not quite sure it could make the trip down the steps all in one piece. (I have considered taking it apart to get it down there though? Still a possibility.)
We did have this very unused dining room though, and I kept thinking that just maybe it would work there. (Remember how I furnished our dining room for $150? Yup, everything just moved right with us when we headed North, despite a little wear and tear that's finally been fixed on the table. Yikes!)
After looking (and looking and looking and looking) through painted piano pins on Pinterest, I finally gathered up my courage to paint that little piano and oh. my. word. I am so glad I did.
Literally, last Thursday night I decided to tackle it at 5:30 PM (when I should have been cooking dinner), and painting was done with two coats by 7:30 PM. I added some wax this week in about 30 minutes, and my project is done!
I love it.
 After seeing this “chalk paint” (not chalkboard paint like you might think) at the cutest shop ever in Westerville Ohio (Edwin Loy Home), I decided to try out their Annie Sloan Chalk Paint.
As y'all know, while I'll pinch pennies on just about everything I don't believe in penny pinching on paint (I promise, it's worth it!), and I'm just so pleased with the results. I bought a quart of their paint, a small can of wax to finish it with, a paint brush, and some cheese cloth to rub in the wax in with, and for less than $100 this little piano has a new happy  home.
So, have I lost my mind? (Maybe?) I'm still debating if the piano's going to stay there, but as I sit at my makeshift desk typing here each day I love looking across the hall at my fun fluffed up dining room. I'd love to hear your thoughts and if you have any other suggestions on where else this fun little piece can go!
I'd love for you to join me over on Pinterest (I love that place!) If you have a blog and have done a little fluffing in your home, I’d love to see it, so leave your link in the comments section. Also, if there’s a craft you’ve seen on a website that you’re hoping to make, feel free to share that link as well (I’m always looking for new ideas!)
See previous Friday Fluff Up projects and ideas . . . and Happy Fluffing!