{If you're just here for the deals (I understand!) scoot on past to the next penny pinched post. But, if you need a little encouragement in your daily work today, maybe this is just for you!}
I do a lot of laundry around here. My guess is that in the last thirteen years since having children, at an average of 4.5 loads of laundry per week, I've done just over 3,000 loads of laundry now that I've claimed the awesome title “mom.”
And most of those days (ummm . . . almost every single one?) I've begrudgingly folded tiny socks, turned shirts inside out, and of course fluffed (and re-fluffed) pants or pretty pink dresses in hopes of never plugging in an iron.
Last spring though, I had one of those lightbulb moments as I folded. It dawned on me that I could use those few minutes to pray for my family members as they're out in the world each day, away from our secure home.
Our laundry room
As I fold their socks, I pray that God will guide their footsteps while they walk through the halls at school.
When hanging up their shirts, I pray that He will help them put on the full armor of God in a world I can't protect them from.
When folding their pants, I pray that God would place them in just the right spot in their classrooms or at work today.
And when putting their clothes away I pray that God would inhabit their room and make it a safe place where they sleep peacefully that night.
It's helped take some of the dailiness out of one of my most mundane tasks, and reminds me just how blessed I am to have crazy abundance in my (sometimes monotonous) everyday daily life. (I have machines that do all the washing and drying for me ~ how on earth can I complain?) And it's given me a way to re-connect not only with my family as they're out and about, but also with a God who loves them even more than I ever could.
This was my children's first week back at school, and I think I'll always have a difficult time watching them go. But this is something tiny I can do, that gives more purpose to the work He's granted me here at home while they're gone. And while my prayers are nothing fancy (at all!), this is a simple way I've been able to pray specifically for each one of them throughout the day.
Have you found ways to pray for your make a “daily” job more meaningful while working at home or in a job outside your home? Â I'd love to hear your tips and suggestions too!
{On a side note, I will not be sharing this post with my hubby who occasionally offers to fold laundry . . . . I wouldn't want to rob him of his opportunity to help!} 😉
Looking for more random ramblings?
- The Value of Homemaking Series: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4
- Praying with your children
- Do our children need it all?
- Blessed and I didn't even know it
- Keeping up when you aren't really keeping up
- Learning to be thankful despite the mess
- Becoming a person who lives generously
- Our Laundry room $100 re-do
Lori, you are a special person! Thank you for sharing your blessings with us! I’ve always loved doing my families laundry. As they got older, they learned to do their own laundry. But, I always love it when they come ask me to do a load of laundry for them when they are too busy! Now, I have a new way of looking at doing laundry!
Wow! This is for me today! I am on my 7th load of laundry and was just thinking how tired I am of doing it. Was up until 1AM this morning then back at it around 6:15 AM. I would’ve never stumbled across your post on my own…I wasn’t looking for encouragement, just coupons So thankful that God used this to encourage me and remind me that He sees me…and how even these seemingly insignificant tasks are important to Him. I am refreshed and look forward to praying for my family as I fold the laundry!
I’m so glad you stumbled on it Brandy – goodness, I needed this reminder today myself! Thank you so much for sharing and blessings as you pray for your sweet family today 🙂
Thank you for this post! I go through times where it is so difficult to finish those mundane tasks, but this is such a way to make it meaningful and something to look forward to. I have also found that spending a couple extra dollars to get some great smelling washer whiffs makes it that much more relaxing and enjoyable! Love my coconut lemongrass scent!!
Bless you For blessing us in so many different ways!
You’re so sweet Donna – thank you so much for your sweet comment!
not what I had expected to read, but so much better!!! Thanks for posting, I love this!!
You’re so welcome Amy! I needed to re-read it this morning myself 🙂
When we reconstructed the bedroom floor we made 2 bedrooms into a large master bedroom and added a laundry room off of it! Now washing and folding is a breeze…no basket hauling just folding and 2 steps to our dressers!!! I wish it was this way 35 years ago when I carried nasty diaper pails down 2 flights of stairs!
I bet that does make it so much easier Ruth – thanks for sharing! 🙂
What a lovely way to get through laundry, to make it meaningful!
Thank you for the wonderful encouragement! I needed it today. 🙂
I don’ t think it’s a tiny thing. It’s a huge and a wonderful thing and I’m going to incorporate it in my laundry and other areas of housework today. Thanks !
Thanks so much for your encouragement Jane! I’ve incorporated it some also as I’ve done other tasks (when I remember ~ which I should!) and it’s helped vacuuming, dusting, and packing lunches to at least feel like they have more purpose. I don’t know why it never occurred to me to do it sooner!
Only 4.5 a week – I do at least 2 a day! I need to figure out how you keep it down – you even have more girls than me! Love this post. Thanks for reminding us to put God in all we do!
I think boys require twice as much laundry Brooke ~ they’re just stinkier! 🙂 I was figuring it based on how much I did with just Jackson (didn’t want to exaggerate ~ ha!), but I’m betting we’re at 5-6 loads per week these days… maybe more (I guess I just don’t want to think about it!!!)
Thanks so much for your sweet encouragement 🙂
(this is just what i am here for!) I love the idea of praying for your family while you fold their laundry. my kids help me fold & put away so i can’t wait to get them all praying for each other! 🙂
i also try to put meaning & purpose behind my household responsibilities remembering homemaking is my ministry & wanting to do it the best i can for God’s glory.
…a friend told me about you a few months ago. i love your great perspective & creativity! i honestly don’t look at many of the “deals.” & tho we are very frugal i don’t coupon much at all -(i am a dedicated aldi girl – after having one in our last town i drove 35 minutes once a month to grocery shop & menu planned by the month! now that we have one here i still like the monthly meal plan & have stuck with it.) anyway… i just want to encourage you to share more like this one! i went back & read some of your other similar posts (& random ramblings??) i have been quite inspired by them too 🙂
You’re so sweet Michelle ~ I appreciate your kind words so much! In the summertime my kids help quite a bit with the laundry, but I never even thought to have them pray for one another as we go, we’ll definitely start incorporating that too. (During the school year, they’re days are jam packed and I’m thrilled to have them help with dishes and bed making, and maybe a little dusting on the weekends!)
I’m so glad you found PPP, and love your encouragement to write more things like this. I love the deals, and don’t consider myself much of a write at all, but every once in awhile it’s nice to share what’s on my heart too. Blessings!
Laurie this is great…about to load my 4th load of the day & needed a reminder like this!
Hang in there Lauren… I think four loads in one day would do any of us in!!! 🙂
Love this!
Thanks Renee! 🙂