{Update: I used leftover Annie Sloane chalk paint on this so my only cost was the price of the chair. ( I really love that paint!) After seeing how expensive chalk paint is though, I made it myself for just a few dollars – learn how HERE.}
Goodwill Chair Makeover
Oh my.
I have never (ever?) been so in love with a $2.50 purchase.
If you ever (EVER) come across a chair for $2.50, I expect you to buy it. Not cute enough for you? You can send it right on over to me.
I'll even pay the shipping. (Ummm, let me know though first.) 😉
When I saw this chair at Goodwill a few weeks ago for $2.50, I knew I couldn't pass it up. The lines were pretty basic, it was solid (legs were all in good shape), so I snuck it home in my trunk. (My poor husband – he doesn't ever complain about my garbage day finds but I do think he wonders what on earth I'm thinking some days!)
And, since I'd made a few donations at Goodwill that day I had a coupon for 10% off my purchase, making the grand total on the cost of my chair just $2.25. (Seriously, how awesome is that?)
So, I let it sit for a few weeks in my car, finally brought it in and set it in our kitchen, and this morning at 8:15 pulled out my Annie Sloan paint. (Remember the piano I painted a few weeks ago? That meant I didn't even pay extra for more paint. Love. that.) The paint color is Annie Sloan Duck Egg.
Because I didn't think you'd believe me, I even included some pictures of our clock so you could see just how fast this project went. I started just before 8:15, was finished by 9:00, and fluffed it up a bit in time to share these pictures with you.
(I have next to no patience at all, so I couldn't wait to finish!)
All I did to prepare it was sand down the rough spots a bit, then layered two coats of Annie Sloan chalk paint. I still need to add some wax to finish it off, but wanted to let it dry for a day before adding that in.
The chalk paint was a little pricey (read more HERE), but after using dozens of cans to spray paint items at home I think in the long run it may be your best bet. One small can has worked a ton for me, and I still have probably half a can left.
Seriously, never (ever!) underestimate the beauty behind a Goodwill or thrift store find. You may not find something fun like this every time you shop, but every once in awhile you come upon something just perfect!
(Goodness, I keep moving it to different spots and love it everywhere I see it ~ amazing what a little $2.50 happy will do!) 😉
(I also fell in love with this wreath yesterday at TJMaxx – it reminds me of cotton in Alabama when it blew everywhere each fall!)
If you'd like to learn how to make chalk paint to use on your projects at home, check out this super fun find we did with a sleigh bed – you won't believe how it turned out!
Join me over on Pinterest (I love that place!) If you have a blog and have done a little fluffing in your home, I’d love to see it, so leave your link in the comments section. Also, if there’s a craft you’ve seen on a website that you’re hoping to make, feel free to share that link as well (I’m always looking for new ideas!)
See previous Friday Fluff Up projects and ideas . . . and Happy Fluffing!
Your chair turned out adorable and I think the additional wax will look very pretty. I love a great deal.
That’s so sweet ~ thanks a bunch Deborah! 🙂
It is a beauty!!! Ty so much!!
You’re very welcome Lily! 🙂
I am not sure about how to mix plaster pais into paint to make chalk paint.What kind of paint would you start out with? Acrylic paint.matt finish, gloss ???? What would be the best paint to so this to use.
Hi Sandra! Read more here too – https://passionatepennypincher.com/how-to-make-homemade-chalk-paint-my-48-goodwill-sleigh-bed/
but basically – here are the instructions. Hope that helps!
Here’s what we used:
1/3 cup plaster of Paris (found in the paint department – we had some in our paint supplies but it costs around $5)
1/3 cup cool water
1 cup latex paint
paste wax (you can also find this in the paint department – I had some left over from my last chalk paint project so I just used that)
stir sticks
measuring cups (don’t use them again for food – we measured everything out in paper cups to not ruin our measuring cups!)
plastic bucket for mixing
Mix together 1/3 cup cool water and 1/3 cup plaster of Paris in small bucket
Add in 1 cup latex paint and stir completely.
After paint has dried on your project, rub paste wax into wood to finish the project
I love your little wooden chair. I painted one much like that years ago and used it at my sewing desk. I have a slightly worn coffee table just waiting to paint the base. Then sand, stain, and reverse stencil the top. Can’t wait for a warmer day to be made beautiful again. It was a $3 yard sale find. There are so many treasures out there if you just look around.
Did you sand the whole chair first, or just the rough spots? Looks great!
Just the rough spots Christa! 🙂
LOVE them. Was about to give my entire hand me down family set that I can’t seem to get rid out of out guilt..lol! Know I can keep and actually enjoy!! Cheers. Will send pics when creations are created!!
We have that same exact chair, only taller sitting in our garage! Def will have to paint ours and put in our dining room for extra seating
Gorgeous!! How do you get the paint to look so smooth on the spindles? Mine never looks like that! I try not to buy anything with spindles for that reason.
Hi Kim! Honestly, it’s the chalk paint! It’s so forgiving on areas like that and just makes it easy. Hope that helps!
I remember the cotton blowing in the fall in Mississippi. But where I grew up all those cotton fields are gone now, replaced by gas stations and car lots. 🙁
Your chair looks great!
That’s really cute!!! However, I don’t know about the rest of you but our local Goodwill stores have started overpricing everything. That chair would be at least $15 in our store. Has anyone else noticed this? I’m in north Louisiana.
And now all of my kitchen chairs are getting a makeover 🙂 They are mismatched and came with the house, but I think that I can give them new life. Thank you 🙂
I love the chair! It inspired me to paint an old buffet. I was also wondering where did you get that adorable pillow? I just love it!
I found the pillow at TJMaxx Amy – love that you painted your buffet (how fun!) Thanks so much for sharing!
Love the little chair. I actually have a couple in the garage waiting for a little chalk paint lovin! I wanted to ask about the lamp on your console. I love the shade! Do you know where you scooped that up? I’d love to steal that look!
How did you get that color on console table
Been looking for ever. Paint chip colors and type of paint
I actually just bought that one at Hobby Lobby with a coupon – wish I could help with more info! The last time I was there they had more if you’re looking for some though 🙂
Our Benjamin Moore store taught me I can mix in a little plaster of Paris into regular paint and get the same effect. Lots cheaper than Annie Sloan. Love the chair! Looks great!!
Great tip Lix – thanks so much for sharing!
I have six of those wood chairs! They are hand me downs from my parents. They are just tiring in storage waiting for my kids to get an apartment.
What kind of wax?
Thanks so much for your response. We have the hardwood floor, and it needs refinishing. Love the chair and it sparks an interest in refinishing using chalk paint.
I love your floor. Did you do it? Have you shared how it was done – finish, color, etc. Any information would be very much appreciated.
It’s some type of engineered hardwood – when we bought our home new this is what was here. I do love it but don’t know anything about it (sorry I can’t be more helpful Linda – but you may be able to check in with your local flooring store and ask them about engineered hardwood?)
Wow that is great. I have chair I haven't liked for along time. Now I know what to do with them. Thanks
I think I will take the plunge with my antique dining room table. It looks awful, but I hold on to it since it is a family heirloom. Also…. Where did you get the pillow?
I found it at Home Goods (like TJMaxx) Ruth! I would love to see the before and after pictures of your dining table – bet it would be beautiful 🙂
I love the chair! I also happened to notice your wood floors look just like mine! I love my floors.
Thanks so much Theresa – I love those floors too! 🙂
Looks beautiful Laurie! So happy you have enjoyed using the Chalk Paint® By Annie Sloan! I thought I would help answer some of the questions about the paint. I own Edwin Loy Home and we sell the Chalk Paint® By Annie Sloan. Most surfaces require a simple cleaning before you start your project. The paint is highly pigmented so one coat is sometimes all you need! You then apply Annie’s Soft Wax in Clear to seal and protect the surface. The Chalk Paint® Has been used to paint walls, furniture to kitchen cabinets! If anyone has any questions I would be happy to answer them! Thanks again Laurie, I love your painted projects
I bought a table today for $5.00 at a yard sale. The legs are uneven so hubby will have to cut them a bit. I want to paint with Annie Sloan chalk paint. This is a great
What fun Tammie – I would love to see your before and after pictures! 🙂
I LOVE. IT!!!!! Nice work!!!
WOW. Just WOW! (And I'm in Mobile … I LOVE the cotton – and that wreath!)
what kind of wax and how do you apply it! Also New to repurposing Sherry 🙂
waxing protects the piece. Yes you can sit in it.
Thanks JoVann for sharing! 🙂
yes i know i'm lame, but i'm new to repurposing furniture.
Hi Sherry! Goodness, don’t feel bad at all (I wouldn’t know those things either without doing a little research!) 🙂 I went to a store that sells Annie Sloan Chalkpaint here in our area – http://www.edwinloyhome.com/ – and then followed their tips. I don’t think it’s actually chalkboard paint (like I’d seen before) but chalkpaint that you paint without having to prime. You follow it up with a wax (just rub it in) to finish it. It won’t rub off but I think sets the paint (don’t really know why it works but they told me to so I followed their tips!) 🙂
awesome, thanks.
I’m going to research it. I love that idea…Wonder if it would work in a humid environment too? thinking bathroom cabinet…oooohhhhh the ideas are knocking around in my head now.
so you really used chalk paint? awesome. I'm going to have to look into that. I have a bunch of those chairs around a messed up table in my basement that I use for crafting. Would love to make them look a little more inviting. And when you say wax? what does that mean? Can you sit on after it is waxed?
Great job!!
Thanks so much Debra – so pleased with it myself! 🙂
It looks awesome!
Thanks Carmen!