A few years ago, I shared my friend Melody's idea for a “Fruit of the Spirit” jar that we used over the summer to help teach our children a small lesson in the fruits of the Sprit each day. At that time all three of my kids (then ages 11, 8 & 4) worked on learning Galatians 5:22:
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”
Even though my kids have grown quite a bit since then, we still (of course!) have moments where we struggle with discipline. I happened to remember the Fruit Of The Spirit jar again (somewhere it had been stuffed back in a cabinet. . .) so I'm pulling it out again to encourage a little positive behavior in our home.
It (obviously!) is pretty simple to make. I used a mason jar (an empty spaghetti jar would work too), some clearance Easter jelly beans (I really liked the idea of using Runts since they’re shaped in fruit shapes – you can pick those up at the Dollar Tree!) and labeled the jar with the verse.
Our original Fruit of the Spirit jar from 2011. Any mason jar and jelly beans will do!
I try to keep my ears alert for moments when they model the fruit of the spirit. If Jackson does something sweet for one of his sisters, I’ll ask which fruit he’s displaying and he picks a candy from the jar. 🙂 If Caroline manages to show patience when she really just wants to hurry, she’ll choose a treat. And, when Reagan manages to make it down the stairs for school without any griping or complaining, she might get a treat too. I also ask them to share again what the fruits of the spirit are before they get their treat.
I am simply amazed at how much more effective positive motivators work in our home, compared to all my efforts at hollering, griping, and whining-to-the-point-of-exhaustion to encourage my children. Yesterday my daughter was so pleased with herself when she earned a fruit of the Spirit for helping make my bed without being asked. . . because that one definitely exemplified some goodness on her part, and made me much kinder to boot!
If you've been looking for a way to positively encourage your kids as well as teach them the values of the Fruits of the Spirit, take a peek at how we set up our Fruit of the Spirit Jar to work in our home. I'd love to hear what other tips you have on teaching biblical principals as well as encouraging good behavior in your kiddos, as summer is just a few weeks away and I have a feeling I'm going to have to be on top of this one again this year!
I love this! I sure wish I had something like this when our sons were little.
I did however print this for the grandchildren!!
Such a “sweet” idea!!
thank you!
You’re so welcome Lynn!! 🙂
What a wonderful God wink! Just yesterday, I decided to have a Fruits of the Spirit challenge. My girls, 6&8, have been bickering lately. I want to encourage them to focus on their relationship, not the stuff they bicker about! I am going to incorporate this with my approach. I am also going to print fruit cards with a trait listed on them. I’ll have them either “draw from the fruit bowl”, or put one under the breakfast plate (I will choose which I think they need extra practice with) and once their fruit is revealed, that is the trait to be especially intentional about for that day We’ll change fruits the next day or so, and do it again. But I like your idea of the positive reinforcement with something visual and edible! Haha.
Love-Love-Love this idea. Should the printable state Galatians 5:22-23? Thank you for sharing all your awesome money-saving tips with us. Be blessed.
Thank you for sharing! I’m going to make one for my 7 year old granddaughter who was saved recently!
You’re so very welcome Nancy! And what wonderful news about your granddaughter ~ praise the Lord! 🙂 So exciting!
I like it so much I want to forward yr email to my boss at kids r kids . I help 2 and 3 yr olds but we have many pre school age children as well. Us teachers struggle daily reminding these children the fruits of the spirit without actually referring it to that title
Laurie: What a lovely idea. I think we all can use some positive motivators now and then, its not just for children…. : )
Thanks Linda! I really do love it – and definitely need them myself as well . . . 🙂