Goodness, have you ever just had 72 hours in your life that have thrown you for more than a loop? I'm thrilled that the PPP Facebook page has now been fixed (yay!), but feel like I've spent this morning in a fog just trying to play catch up. (And honestly? I'm not all that organized to keep up with the deals today ~ I promise that's coming!)
To thank you for just being so sweet and supportive tough, I thought I'd offer a fun freebie for you all. 😉
Right now when you you can download A Penny Pincher's Guide to Successfully Saving at the Drug Stores for FREE (yay!) It includes tips on how to save every time you shop, shopping scenarios, transactions and more.
(You can watch a little more about it here . . . )
And while you're at it, when you sign up for free Passionate Penny Pincher daily emails, you'll get this free freezer printable, including a complete list of items that you can freeze, and how to freeze them! While I love hanging out with you all on Facebook each day so very much, I know more than ever that I'm at the mercy of Facebook (yikes), so this is a way to guarantee finding updated deals, every single day from PPP.
(Except Christmas. I take that day off.) 😉
I really have been overwhelmed at your support and encouragement, and feel just so thankful to have so many sweet penny pinchers on my side. Thanks so much for following along, reading, supporting, and encouraging. You all make my job so much fun, and I'm thankful for each one of you!
Thanks so much for this wonderful guide and all the work you do to help us save money!
Tried several times to download Free drug store shopping guide no success please advise I really would like to have this valuable info. Thank you
Send me an email at contact@passionatepenny (leave out spaces), and I’ll send it out to you Marie!
I love your things you put on fb. Would love to see more ways to save time and money
Thank you for the free download, Laurie, and for being a blessing to so many, including me : )
You’re so welcome Crystal – I’m so thankful to be able to do it! 🙂
Thank you, Laurie! I recently found you, and am loving all of your info! Blessings!
Thanks Melanie – so glad you’re here!
The code THANKS worked. But then I received the following error when I clicked the checkout button: “Cart Error: Free Checkout will be available again on January 22, 2015 @ 00:00 MST”
Thanks for all you do, Laurie! And congratulations on getting your Facebook page back : )
Mine says…
Cart Error: Free Checkout will be available again on January 22, 2015 @ 00:00 MST
Aw, I even hate to say it: “Cart Error: Free Checkout will be available again on January 22, 2015 @ 00:00 MST” Sorry about your week!!!
When enter FREE or THANKYOU and then ‘update cart’ and popup box comes up to say the code is expired. When enter PENNYPINCHER, it says invalid code. Hmmmmmmmmm….
coupon still expired
Here’s one more – try THANKS . Goodness hoping that works!!
It still says code has expired!
Says code has expired.