Walgreens has an incredible deal this week on their store brand diapers! Get them for just $3.89 per pack. . . here's how:
Buy (6) Walgreens Diapers $8.79 B1G1 Free
- Pay $26.37 out of pocket, get 3000 Balance Rewards points, making them $3.89 per pack!
If you prefer Huggies diapers, don't forget CVS has a great deal this week on those as well. Â
Thanks, Wild for Wags! Â Find more great deals at Walgreens this week.
Melissa says
I looked in the ad but am still new to the bonus points. How did you know you would get 3000? and do you have a walgreens perscription savings card? you save 10% on the walgreens, nice, and good and delish brands. so i earned $2.64 on all the diapers to use on my next purchase.
Laurie says
You have to have a Walgreens Rewards card to get the points, but in the ad it tells you how many points you’ll get for purchasing certain items (you have to make sure to get exactly the right stuff or you won’t get the points.) When you shop Walgreens you’ll use your rewards card to checkout and the points should show up on your receipt. The diapers were an extra deal that wasn’t ad, but should work for you!
Melissa says
the deal did work for me, but i couldn’t find where it was mentioned in the ad in my area (zip 34974). also. do you have a prescription savings card from walgreens. i heard about them from iheartwags.com
Amy H-F says
I just found Care Bears baby wipes (120ct.) pack at Wallgreens on sale for $1.00! Great stock up price.
Laurie says
Awesome find AMy – thanks so much for sharing! 🙂