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If you need a laugh today, take a peek at what I scored at Fresh Thyme Market today, including $4.38 in APPLES. (C.R.A.Z.Y.)Â
I spent $20.41 for everything in the video (including that $4.38 in apples!), and saved $21.28. Not too shabby! 🙂
Hello Laurie:
If you live anywhere near an Aldi market, I just bought 3 lbs of red delicious apples for $2.89.
Laurie, plant a Honeycrisp tree! The price for these apples is ridiculous and is spurred only by the “excitement” about them. Yes!, they are good, but good grief. A tree will need a pollinator (it’s not self pollinating), but two dwarf trees (8 – 10 ft tall) don’t take up that much room if you have the least little places to put them. You’ll have a small harvest in just a couple years with more to come! Pollinator types: https://www.orangepippintrees.com/pollinationchecker.aspx?v=1123