If you're wondering what items might be needed in a holiday food box, here are a few suggestions! Jeni from St. John's Catholic Church here in our area helps support the St. Vincent De Paul food pantry, and sent me their food box requests. Whether you contribute to St. Vincent De Paul's Food Pantry or Asbury's Food Pantry (both here locally) or any food pantry anywhere else, I thought it might be helpful to have an idea of what to start looking for!
These are just the sale deals I remember off the top of my head, but if you know of other deals please leave a comment so we can all do a little saving and giving! Remember, you can also check the Coupon Database to look for any coupons for specific food box items. And be sure to visit the 30 Day Giving Challenge to see how other folks are giving. Thanks Jeni for the lists!
List 1
1 tube of toothpaste On sale at Kroger
3 cans mixed vegetables On Sale at Kroger
4 cans soup On Sale atKroger and Publix
2 boxes of Jell-O
2 cans chicken On Sale at Publix
2 boxes Macaroni & Cheese On Sale atKroger
2 PLASTIC jars spaghetti sauce On Sale at Publix
2 boxes of cereal On Sale atKroger and Publix
1 package spaghetti On Sale atKroger and Publix
2 PLASTIC jars/cans apple sauce
List 2
1 box baking mix
2 boxes pancake mix
5 lb. bag all purpose flour On Sale atKroger
5 lb. bag sugar On Sale atKroger
1 PLASTIC bottle pancake syrup
1 PLASTIC jar peanut butter
1 bag rice
1 can Stew
1 bottle dish detergent
2 rolls paper towels
List 3
2 boxes cake mix On Sale atKroger
2 cans cake frosting On Sale atKroger
1 package egg noodles
2 boxes pudding mix
2 boxes Hamburger Helper
2 boxes Tuna Helper
1 bag Christmas M&M’s
1 75 sq. ft. aluminum foil
1 200 sq. ft. plastic wrap
1 PLASTIC jar jelly
List 4
2 cans of tuna
1 bag dried beans
2 boxes stuffing mix On Sale atKroger & Target
2 box mashed potatoes On Sale at Kroger, Publix  & Target
2 box scalloped potatoes On Sale at Publix & Target
2 cans yams
3 cans fruit On Sale atKroger
2 cans cranberry sauce On Sale atKroger
2 boxes Chicken Helper
Once the Publix sales ad comes out tomorrow I'm going to work on coupon matchups specifically to fill your holiday food boxes, so be watching for that (and be sure to bug me if I don't get it together!) Remember these are great items to stock up on for your own family over the holiday season, but also to give to those in need! (I love how couponing allows us to give abundantly!)Â
Have you started filling up your holiday food boxes yet? Or do you have another area in which you feel called to donate? Leave a comment and share how you're giving this year!
Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. 2 Corinthians 9:10-11
You’re already off and running! Thanks for joining us for the 30-Day Giving Challenge!!
Every week I take $5 out of my grocery budget, and buy food items for our food pantry at church. It’s become a game for me to see how much I can give for just $5 (including tax). It’s amazing how far $5 will go if you coupon. I’m now trying to taylor my purchase towards the holiday season.
This week’s donation includes….
2 boxes of Mac-n-cheese
1 Cake Mixes & Frosting
4 Boxes of Pasta
2 Cans of Pineapple
6 Cans of Vegetables
2 Boxes of Stuffing
2 Packages of Cornbread
2 Cans of Gravy
For a grand total of $5.03. 🙂
Thanks so much for making giving back to our community so easy!!! 🙂
We have many families in our school that need donations for Thanksgiving so I can’t wait for the match ups. 🙂
Thanks for linking to the 30-Day Giving Challenge. I have been working on matchups this morning as well for items that could be great donations in my area. I love the ideas for what area food pantries need specifically. Thanks!
My daughter’s school is doing a food drive atm. So I am helping her class win a class party! woohoo!