This is such a fun one!! Right now you can snag a FREE subscription to Real Simple, Parents, Women's Day, or one of the other magazines here! I love all of these magazines and I get so many cute ideas looking through them – so getting a subscription to both of them for NO COST is super fun!
Here's how to get both magazines without paying a dime:
- Head over to CertifiKID and click “Claim Your Gift”
- You'll be given a choice of magazines to use your reward points on *Such as Real Simple and Parents and Woman's Day
- Click where it says “Get My Gift” (say no to any other offers)
- You'll receive an email confirmation with 48 hours and your first magazine in 8-16 weeks!
This might be a great gift as well 🙂 Just pick up the current issue with a note that more are on their way!
This offer won't last, so grab it while you can!
Love a bargain? Find more free stuff HERE.
Real Simple isn’t available anymore 🙁
Thanks PPP…..I own a Hair salon and I try to save money anyway I can. So, I love the free magazines!!!!
thanks I was able to get real simple and another magazine with my rewards. Score
Thank you, Passionate Penny Pincher! My magazine is on its way!!
Yayyyy! So glad it worked for you, Bree! 🙂
Thanks!! Was able to fill out survey & get magazine!!
I had to fill out a very lengthy survey about socks???? then I got a $20 reward to purchase magazines? is that what was supposed to happen?
Yes Candie! I just took the survey too 🙂
Score! I love Real Simple!
So glad it worked for you Sharon!