You can download several more Instant Pot & Pressure Cooker Cookbooks right now for free to your Kindle! Check them out…
- The “I Love My Instant Pot” Free Holiday Menu
- Instant Pot Cookbook
- Vegan Instant Pot Cookbook
- Instant Pot Electric Pressure Cooker Cookbook
- Easy Cooking With Your Instant Pot
And don't forget you can grab these Instant Pot Thanksgiving Recipes!
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Thank you so much! I’m so grateful for all the effort you put in to help others. May God continue to bless you!
Make sure you read the Look inside” on each book. Many of these are very poorly written and English is not their primary language. Some recipes for the Instant Pot are more for stovetop pressure cookers and some just make NO sense whatsoever. Disappointing.
It is not free unless you have kindle unlimited
I don;t have kindle unlimited and i got most free.