If you're here just for the penny pinched posts I completely understand ~  scoot right on past this one.
As someone who blogs for a living, I remind myself frequently to write for my reader, not for myself.Â
So I share deals and recipes and tips and ideas that hopefully help you out.
and I love that.Â
But today I'm writing for me, not for you.
Here goes.
Every so often, God hands me a picture of Him that I can't even stand not to share, so today you're in for it. 🙂 Not even sure I can express what's inside my head, but maybe you'll catch the gist of it.
This Sunday in church this song was played (go listen to it HERE.) I believe it was written by local folks in our church, and goodness, every time I hear it I'm brought to one mess of a mascara-laden momma.
(I don't cry easily, so that's saying something.) 🙂Â
If you listen long enough (be patient through 8:18), you'll hear the promise “well done my child, find rest today.”
And most of the time as I hear those words, I imagine a precious God-fearing-loved one who's struggled physically for quite some time walking through heaven's gates as Christ welcomes them in.
Or I envision someone who volunteers 82 hours a week, who takes meals to the homeless, who serves with an abundant heart and has it all together all the time.
And of course, He welcomes them in too.Â
But for whatever reason, this Sunday my picture changed.
What if it wasn't that person who lives a pillar example of a Christ-led life walking through those gates?
What if it was someone a little more ordinary?
Someone a tiny bit more flawed?Â
Someone who even though a believer doesn't quite exemplify that perfect Christian life that I tend to think Christ would welcome in so graciously?
In my mind's eye, I watch a woman burdened, hardened by way too many difficulties in life who from the outside may not look like a replica of His heart.
But as she walks in, I don't see Him waving her off.
I don't see Him turning her away.
Instead, I know He welcomes her too.Â
My thoughts grew broader.
What if that one is me?
The me who focuses on myself way too much.
The one who worries over my clothes and my house and my husband and my kids and all the petty things every day that have absolutely no eternal value?
What if it's just plain me, walking through heavens gates just the hot mess of a momma that I am?
What if it's me . . . burdened, tired, discouraged, envious, imperfect, slightly chubby, and not a single ounce put together?
But then it occurred to me (like a two-by-four probably more strongly than ever . . .)
that it's not about me.
I can't be good enough.
I can't be cute enough.
I can't be skinny enough, pulled together enough, or even nice enough.
It's about Him.
It's Him who makes me enough. Who fills in the gap. Who covers up my mess.
So as long as I go in humbly ~
as long as we go in humbly,
seeking, trusting, and believing
His promise holds true.
And He will give us rest.
If you've struggled finding rest,
if you today feel burdened, lost, hopeless, or just not enough.
You are not alone.
But His arms hold open wide for the both of us, don't they? Â
So my hope for you today is that you find rest. And peace. And that you will know the truth that you are enough today.Â
“I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Philippians 4:20-21