My buddy Shannon (who is so sweet to always share deals with us!) made a run to Dollar General Market today and did a little price checking on produce! Here were some prices she noticed . . .
- 10 lb Potatoes – $2.00
- Celery Stalk- $1.00
- 2 lb Sweet Onions (about 4 onions) -$2
- Salad Mix – $1.00
- Green Pepper – 2/$1.00
- Bag of Carrots – $1.00
- 3 lb Red Delicious Apples – $1.85
If you have a Dollar General Market in your area, it might be worth running in to grab some produce cheaply.  And, be sure to look for their quarterly coupon booklet which includes a coupon for a 6 roll package of paper towels for a penny when you spend $10 or more. In case you're wondering (like I was), Shannon thought all the produce looked pretty fresh, which I was so pleased to hear!Â
So, where do you purchase your produce at?
I think the bananas are 2.5 pounds for around $1.29 or around $.50/pound also they often have pineapple for $2.50 but it’s typically a smaller pineapple.
I usually buy my red onions there as they are way cheaper than Publix and Kroger.
I’ve only ever had issues with a 10 pound bag of potatoes that I didn’t use quickly enough. Otherwise I’ve been pleased with the produce.
I am all jacked up on adrenaline after getting my list ready for tomorrow. I know better than to get my list ready or shop late at night but I really wanted to get stuff ready to donate.
I understand Patti! I do the same thing when I see tons of great deals (it’s silly but it’s just so fun!) I hope you have a great Publix run today 🙂
Jen – thanks for the banana prices – I love getting them when they’re on sale at Kroger or Publix for $.39/lb., but it’s been a while since I’ve seen that price. I may need to run by today and stock up.
Opps I actually just went to the print list and had not looked at the list. Sorry I just get too excited about your print list.
That’s okay Patti! If I was REALLY good I’d put it all together . . . but I’m heading to bed 🙂 (You should be too!!!)
Yes I was wondering if there were things in this weeks sale ad that the DGM booklet had in it to use as competitor coupons.
I couldn’t decide where to post this but I love the new website design!!
Thanks Jessica – I’m so excited about it too! 🙂
Are there any matchups to this weeks sale ad? I am going early in the morning. I have lots of donations to make to the local boy scouts (aka my husbands troop) for their food drive. My boys will be so excited!!!
Patti – Matchups for the DG Market Ad? I really don’t follow their deals so I don’t know! (I’d love to have time to watch those too!) But there are matchups that I’ve included in this week’s Publix ad with coupons from the booklet – check out the publix weekly ad to see them here –
There are quite a few of them – Betty Crocker Brownie Mixes, Lysol, Kleenex. . .
Great job on your donations too, Patti!
I have bought there produce before and it has all been very good. I bought 10lbs of potatoes and froze them for mashed potatoes later. =)
So the new coupon booklet is out? I was out of town last week and haven’t had a chance to go by. Looks like I am going there in the morning.
Yup Patti! Shannon brought me one today 🙂