I made a super quick run to CVS this morning for a few of their deals, and am so excited about my little haul! I got everything pictured above for just $1.99 . . . not bad, right? 😉
I wasn't going to get the Infusium Shampoo because my hubby grabbed only one Red Plum out of the paper yesterday so I missed it (it was there, just in the other Red Plum insert that he left in the paper), but my fellow penny pincher Denise happened to see me in the store and she had two extra coupons. (I was so excited!) So, here's how my scenarios worked out:
Transaction #1
Bought 1 Xtra Detergent $1.99
Bought 2 Stride Gums $1
- Used $1 off Xtra Detergent printing at CVS red kiosk (this should print for everyone)
- Used $12 Stride Gums from 4/7 Red Plum insert
- Paid $1.99 plus tax out of pocket, got $1 ECBs
Transaction #2
Bought 2 Infusium Shampoos 2/$10
- Used (2) $2/1 Infusium Shampoos from 4/7 Red Plum insert (thanks Denise!)
- Used $1 ECB from Transaction #1
- Paid $5 plus tax out of pocket, got $5 ECBs
- Total spent after coupons and ECBs: $1.99. . . woot!
And in case you're thinking about getting the Venus Razors, here's the best deal I found on those:
Buy 1 Venus Razor $7.29
- Use $3/1 Venus from the 4/8 Smart Source insert or $2/1 Venus printable
- Pay $4.29 out of pocket, get $2 ECBs
I Had a great trip this passed sunday 17 laundry all 14 tissues 8 toothpaste 4 gain paper towels 4 shampoos and more my saving this week end was about 250 and spent 2.12
Great job Tracie – thanks so much for sharing! You did fantastic 🙂
I love the infusium shampoo! I did the same thing except not the laundry detergent as allergies require that I use only a specific kind.
I’ve never tried out the Infusium, so I’m excited to get it so cheap and see what we think! (My girls hair needs serious TLC, so many it’ll help….) 🙂
You did great! Any detergent for .99 is worth buying to wash rags, mats, and stuff like that in! I also picked up the shampoo! I really like shopping at CVS.
You can also use laundry soap to clean things outside–vehicles, patio furniture, etc. We also wash down the outside of the house each spring,and laundry soap can safely be mixed w/ bleach, unlike some cleaning products.
Great ideas Charlene – thanks for sharing! 🙂
Your welcome Laurie….
🙂 Denise
Consumer Reports says Xtra doesn’t clean clothes very well. You get what you pay for.
I’m not sure if it will do well or not, but there are some things (old rags and such), that I don’t stress too much over getting super clean, and I always figure I can also donate it to someone who doesn’t have any. But, it might not before you Amy (I understand!)
What are ECB’s
Hi Tanisha! ECBs are coupons that print out at the checkout for you to use on your next purchase. CVS makes it really easy to use them – you can read more over here ~
Hope that helps, let me know if you have any questions!
I don’t have any problems with Extra detergent. Seems to clean just as well as all the other brands to me. With that being said, I do mainly reserve it for washing rugs, the dogs bath towels, curtains, cleaning rags, etc, but only because I have a gigantic stockpile of name brand detergent. But if I ever ran out of name brand detergent, I would have no problem using the Extra for our clothes. 😀
I have used it. Towels, jeans, dish cloths, kids play clothes….worked fine…no complaints!