saving, giving, LIVING abundantly

Coupon Class

Do you have a group of thirty or more who would like to learn the basics of how to effectively use coupons, and save 50-70% on your weekly grocery budget?  We'd love to come speak to your group!

 Here's a brief list of what's discussed at our coupon classes:

  • Explanation of coupon ethics
  • Discussion on where to find coupons
  • Information on how to coupon at Publix, Kroger, Target, as well as a brief discussion on how to coupon at Walgreens, CVS & Rite Aid
  • Basic summary of how to navigate coupon websites to clearly understand weekly coupon matchups
  • Learn how couponing can allow you to give abundantly to those in need

We typically request a $5 donation per person.  $1.50 of each person's donation goes to benefit a charity, either decided by the group or one that we've determined ahead of time.

The primary goal of our class is to share with beginners how to effectively use coupons, as well as to teach how using coupons to save money can open doors to donate to those in need.

If you're in the North Alabama or Southern Tennessee area, we'd love to come speak with your group.  If you're outside of those areas, please contact me and we'll see if there's a way to get a class scheduled in your city hometown.

To schedule a class, send me an email at contact @ passionate penny (leave out spaces.)

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