I was feeling so accomplished when I started back to work, but goodness I'm pretty sure I've just hit a wall! To make me feel just a wee bit better, here's what's off the list . . .
- Attic storage space
PlayroomReagan’s bedroom and closetLaundry roomLinen closetCaroline’s bedroom, closetand small attic storage areaKid’s bathroom- Jackson’s bedroom and closet
- Our bedroom
- Our closet
- Our bathroom
- Office
- Dining Room
- Family Room
- Kitchen
- Guest bedroom & closet
- Garage (most likely my husband will take care of this, but I’m including it here because it definitely needs to be done too.)
I didn't get rid of anything, but did remind myself not to purchase any new detergents or cleaners prior to moving.
And then there was the endless supply of mateless socks. Ugh. I decided to separate them into whites and colors, and will let my kids work on sorting them this evening.
Thanks to everyone's tips, I came across an empty bin next to the laundry room, and decided to add all those trophies there at least for now – that way they're all in one place!
Then I tackled the linen closet which wasn't too bad – I got rid of a few old sheets and blankets (but not much)
And hung to the baby blankets my mother-in-law made for each child the year that they were born.
Then I quickly tackled the bathroom cabinets
Decided my children do not need full reign of our toothpaste stockpile (there must have been 9 open tubes in there!)
And put the rainbow loom that had somehow mysteriously ended up in the bathroom cabinet back in its place.
All better!
I got rid of a ton of hair bows and ribbons – it's so sad but my girls have almost grown out of them, so I just kept our favorites and moved along! I also finished up my ten year old's room and closet, before hitting what may be the biggest of today's jobs.
Inside my daughter's room is a (tiny!) storage area where things have been stored directly from our last move, and I'm determined to get rid of them. See that box of hats up there? It hasn't been opened in 8 years, so all of those are going to a good home away from my home.
What I'm really worried about is what's left though. I've got several boxes to really go through, and while I would love to get rid of them all there are quite a few things that I'm afraid I'm not ready to let go of.
(this would not be one of them.)Â
Just found a plaque from where I got an “outstanding in typing” back in 1993 – clearly out of all the high school and college courses I took, that little award was the only thing that would really help me out in life one day. (Note to self: Make your children learn to type – it will change their future!) 😉
Wish me luck as I head back in – and please let me know if you're tackling any cleaning out today or have any tips for me as I go . . . eek!
Glendy Morrison says
Not doing any cleaning today, but I must say that you are doing a great job. I have gotten some awesome ideas from you to organize my place. I will be working on my kids room either this weekend or next weekend. Thanks for all the ideas….
Edwina Fyle says
It helps me so much throughout the month to keep the clutter at bay especially around those little holidays ever your kids accumulate so much stuff, to keep a box or an old laundry basket permanently parked on my dryer ( which is right by my back door, also conveniently where I park!) To keep all of my Goodwill donations in. Then when the bin is full or the end of the month is here, I go and donate. It’s a win win for everyone because we are cleaning out constantly and we get some much needed tax breaks and the sports are getting some great stuff for a great price! Also with 2 girls ages 3 and 6 months, the clothing closets bursts at the seams. So I keep a giant tote in their closets to toss the (much too quickly!!!) Outgrown clothes as they are tried on and realized they’re outgrown.
Simple little things to help out among the way!!! Good luck!
Laurie says
Great tips Edwina – thanks so much for sharing! Just having two girls is hard for me to manage their clothes (I love that with my son I just swap them out with a friend whenever they grow out of it), so I’m so impressed that you keep up with it so well. Thanks for the encouragement! 🙂
Sheryl Griggs Morgan says
So funny about your old FBLA plaque. I have been spring cleaning today as well and found a bunch of my old stuff too. I am not ready to get rid of those either. I think the things I learned from FBLA have gone with me more than anything else I Have done.